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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hopefully they explain that
  2. I hate Christmas shopping, wish the family would just tell me what they want so I can get this over with, myself. But nope, always doing the "oh nothing" routine. Fah.
  3. Skeptical of any reform forced on the cops will be very successful, if anyone finds enough guts to do it, but a nice dream. Cops don't really have any respect or fondness for 'civilians' anyway, regardless if they are being hostile, so not sure why you want people to not see them as thugs or what have you. Assuming the police are bad based on the ever present "bad apples" does lead to the entire force being seen as bad once they cover for each other and so on - those that cling together, swing together, and all.
  4. Sleeping at my desk at work, will try to avoid snoring
  5. Would you support a child-rape simulator? A holocaust simulator? What do you mean by 'support' here? Give money to them ? Or be okay with them being sold ?
  6. Media most likely, always some cop show on where cops roughing people up is lauded and always justified (not as funny as in Tropa De Elite where everyone they torture actually knows something, heh). In Canada, it's the same, you get people who show up weeping when these people die, is all very strange. Cops themselves seem to buy into this nonsense that they are not civilians (my example of this was the G20 here, watching them try to do a military style drill while some Canadian soldiers watched on amused ). As for that case, that guy made things a bit harder than it is - though then again this events are all being narrated by the cops. Have to wonder if the legal battle is winnable at all though, perception of police immunity and generally being like the Mafia is pretty strong.
  7. Police deaths in Canada average maybe 5-6 over the last couple of years. Last one was a speeder, heh.
  8. Yeah found that site but was not sure how true it is. At least here deaths in duty includes stuff when they decide to be an hero and drive with no belt on and so on, so does take some closer looking. But ok, cops have a dangerous job by nature as they have hazards, I suppose whether or not lots of them get put in the ground isn't all that relevant. A lot of them seem to let that go to their head when it comes to dealing with people, doesn't seem de-escalation is a tool they have. As for the hyperbole, fair enough but it seems quite common around that people will shrug when some guy resisting cops gets abused as he deserved it - cop here was spat on so he punched a handcuffed guy several times, was punished harshly with a $50 fine though. I blame all these damn cop shows for making cops abusing people acceptable
  9. Well not really hyperbole. But was watching some NYPD guy saying something similar - though he had more of weird "resist and you get what you deserve" tone. But it is the case that you should treat the cops like any dangerous person especially if you are a certain sort. As for cop deaths, I will search more later but only found 100 deaths total so far this year - some from accidents. Not too sure how dangerous it is as I have not checked for ones wounded.
  10. Kind of sad that resisting arrest can be a capital offence at least in acceptable results by police. Does seem to be the reality, heh.
  11. Hmm I see one escaped the pogrom... Trailer was boring, but who knows the movie might be enjoyable. Or at the very least be something to pass a lazy afternoon.
  12. Weren't they all over GG for pressing sponsors of people ?
  13. Well the call in that case was that she was acting belligerent, as I spoke to the guy who called for them. He was rather amused at 12 officers showing up, 2 of which did work while the 10 stood around trying to look badass or something. In my experience cops tend to follow some manual of over-projection of force here. Understandable, but it's so common that it's meaningless to the actual situation present. The comments there are from police, well supposed ones, on reaction to the verdict. The really amusing ones are the ones that use "brother" and are either worrying about police being hunted or doing the usual "the public hates us!" routine.
  14. I wouldn't really use the turnout of officers as any example, I've seen 5-6 cars of cops turn out to an old lady making noise in her home. For some amusement, scan the comments here - http://www.policeone.com/Crowd-Control/articles/7921845-Lawyer-No-indictment-in-NYPD-in-custody-death/
  15. Well, he will lose his job, Volo. That's pain enough. Or something. Also I assume he's really upset about it too, so that is on him as well.
  16. How is it not ? Scope of a ban doesn't stop it from being one.
  17. *yawn* Her line delivery is great.
  18. Is all rather silly, all the various violence and murder in the game isn't that big a deal (there's a torture scene that is not optional, after all) but the apparent glamorization of violence against women (I am still unsure how this is exactly a thing, to be honest) is. Did try discussing this with some SJW esque folk, was rather amused that they were revolted by the video of the guy doing the usual hooker routine in GTA5 and killing her. Shame the campaigners didn't just not play the game, why inconvenience people who like shopping at Target and GTA over it ?
  19. Wonder how well a "Well sure he died from me grabbing his neck, but I didn't mean it" will hold up for someone not wearing a badge. Must be glorious to be a cop I still stand by my stance of volunteering NYPD officers to go fight ISIS.
  20. New sale. Age of Wonders is free while "supplies" last.
  21. Hey, motivated me to confirm my dentist appointment, that's empowering.
  22. Pretty poor, but then again this entire thread is going to be worthless trash.
  23. The hell kind of opening to a thread is this ?
  24. His fall to the dark side should have lasted longer than 20 minutes too.
  25. Weird to pull GTA 5 for that, game seems to have a violence on everyone approach rather than being about brutalizing women. I guess the scene where one woman gets killed by a jet engine was the trigger?
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