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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Why would Volo comment on that ? Going to be an entire week of maudlin coverage of these cops' death and their funeral in NY at least, glad I don't have to put up with that.
  2. Well, some loon in NY shot his girlfriend then blew away two cops in their car. Killed himself though.
  3. Weird things that people feel compelled to share online
  4. Still no bodies on the floor from this? So much for the terrible human cost of GamerGate, hah.
  5. Yep. Real problem is the theater chains balking at showing it and cutting the demand. Rather funny to hear this movie mentioned as some sort of creative achievement in the news here, people invoking Chamberlain and all. Still think we should send Rogan and Franco to NK as a peace offering
  6. Elite. Still learning the ropes but it sounds like it will scratch the space sim itch
  7. Nothing is ever rude when dealing with those people.
  8. And here I was always reading things on how no one could decipher Putin. Now oby needs to post that photo of him as the Big E (in some ways, I guess he fits!)
  9. That seems like some "kitchen sink" type strategy there, hah.
  10. They should just settle this all with a boxing match
  11. Ah you're one of those. Well, the idea that this some one posing as NK for some amusement (false-flag is just when the flag is fake, no?) isn't all that kooky as you seem to want to make it out to be. It could be NK as well, who knows really what their technological capability is for something like this - the attack was pretty crude apparently, nothing Stuxnet-esque or people they've hired to do it (still them in the end though). Have been attacks here, well okay some webpages defaced, by people claiming to be ISIS or some other terrorist group as well when it's come out it's just youths being edgy.
  12. Why is suspecting false flag attacks weird ? It's fairly easy to do with online attacks and is lulz-y. NK should have just sent people to take care of Rogan, no big loss there.
  13. Hm, I think we have the same as the US in terms of laws. Only a matter if you are working there and harass a coworker. Though with recent events it may become a criminal offense Bah, UPS guy delivered my package to the wrong house. Glad my neighbour was decent and didn't jack my package, else that would have been a hell of a headache.
  14. But how much for the sexual harassment lawyers, that's what I want to know.
  15. Burning last vacation days of the year. Is rather fun to have a half day, something nice about leaving vastly earlier than everyone else
  16. GTA V PC specs coming out next week or sooner. Should be interesting to see
  17. All it was missing was small digitally distributed chapters for purchase to help flesh out the main plot.
  18. Reminded me of something like Dreamfall, but not as good. Will win GOTY for inducing "feelings" and "experiences".
  19. I thought that quote was from Voltaire himself. Well, learned something new today. I agree with TrueNeutral in that I really don't see what the fuss is about, Hatred looks rather boring - can only massacre civilians or kill them as they scream for mercy for so long until it becomes old hat. So do other games though. It's as if people wringing their hands over this never played shooters or something to be "disgusted" by violence against NPCs in games. Heh, like reading articles on hookers in GTA V being victimized and how one man feels remorse and guilt over killing NPCs in FP view in GTA.
  20. Must be some impressive vote brigades marching on the Greenlight page
  21. Uh huh "hurt" is exaggerated and you have people crowing on or calling for the ruination of Russia's economy (I suppose a nuclear armed state having severe troubles is cool, heh). if Russia wanted the eastern half of Ukraine, I'm surprised they just didn't go take it and not be subtle about it, well assuming they are in the Ukraine to the degree the West says. If they do pull out, I wonder how that will go forward, the civil war might not end neat and tidy so NATO involvement right on Russia's border ? Not too sure Russia went too far with Ukraine, Georgia doesn't matter, Ukraine does matter to the West for some reason and serves their purpose.
  22. Ah, well armchair soldiering aside, this is all part of stopping another domino effect.
  23. Go with some trailer music, Two Steps From Hell is ok but some of their stuff is pretty generic epic-y. Really does depend on what you are playing. For anything with heavy action, and a bit unexciting to play game OSTs while playing : and the like. Unreal really has amazing music.
  24. Well, and hope they don't do something insane like invade the Ukraine and see what NATO does. Hm, also, Ukraine's going to be pretty messed up even if Russia does leave Crimea and ceases whatever support the rebels will have, no ?
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