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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Cool story. But I imagine office workers at rest may be pretty damn startled by repeated rifle fire in a closed space, and that shock leaves them rather vulnerable (not everyone is ready to rock n' roll every moment of the day, after all). Is a silly thing to bring up anyway at a time like this, regardless.
  2. Eh, have to balance that against some dude having a bad day and deciding to start a gunfight in the office. Also, debatable how effective people would be against an assault with automatic rifles in a closed space - shock of the attack, rightfully being very afraid, etc. Don't know details but they may never have had a chance to react much depending on the office layout and speed of which they entered.
  3. Poor France. Get hammered by a force that drove the British off and rolled over Europe and now everyone mocks them for it.
  4. http://thewitcher.com/news/view/927 Minimum System Requirements Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940 Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870 RAM 6GB OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) DirectX 11 HDD Space 40 GB Recommended System Requirements Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 AMD GPU Radeon R9 290 RAM 8GB OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) DirectX 11 HDD Space 40 GB
  5. This weather makes me regret I don't have a pair of windproof pants. Getting warmer tomorrow though, will be a high of -8C rather than -15C.
  6. Oh so they were aiming for less collateral damage. Uh, I guess that's nice of them. Video of them has them execute one of the cops before fleeing, too.
  7. If they had Predators overhead, those guys would never have made it. Well, here's hoping they find the people responsible and make them hug a pig.
  8. Going to be fun to be a Muslim in France for the next couple of days, heh
  9. Oops. Didn't link well
  10. Hm I had thought the US didn't want to get sucked into this - the tapes released a while ago - rather than being the evil agitators. I like that last question, usually Americans swinging that, hah
  11. Did it have a type A-1 personality? Bullseye.
  12. Had it become self aware ?
  13. Plenty of reasons why people don't. Some don't care about the sport, some don't care about sport and the yokels getting exuberant over it - if you don't care about the subject material, why would you bother cheering or supporting any side ?
  14. I normally skim the 'games' subreddit for game news, then read on from there. Other than that just things you pick up over forums like this one.
  15. Nope, I don't.
  16. Whats the reason again you don't support your country? No reason to. And watching sports fans here whine and excuse defeat is always good fun. Hell it is even fun to watch Arsenal fans do it, some fools crying over defeats and so on.
  17. Disappointed with Canada winning today. But will still troll coworkers with them almost blowing a 5-1 lead.
  18. Might kick in as well, they have stuff to show before begging.
  19. Good thing Harbinger didn't see the Normandy there, that'd have been embarassing. The refusal ending was a nice touch, though, perhaps a bit trolly.
  20. Well, here's hoping she does a better job than in Lucy. Though in that case I suppose given crap to work with...
  21. You don't judge people ? Well that's funny.
  22. He's okay with strippers though, that has to be somewhat demeaning. Don't think porn stars have it that easy either, several have left the industry and commented as such. But really though, doesn't have much to do with gaming. Here's some hand wringing from Polygon - https://archive.today/G2Emq Who knew a woman could produce a misogynistic horror like Moebius
  23. Coworker's dad died last week, about the only guy left here I am friends with too. Will be a bit awkward to deal with, but hopefully a bunch of us will get a card if our useless office manager doesn't beat us to it first. Gotten bitterly cold too, nixes my plans to go out and enjoy the sunlight, reading (sitting idle in -10 C weather with wind is a poor idea).
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