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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sure, but your punch at people and that your opposition are awash with 'privelege' was based on a different basis. Of course, that works well for all these, ahem, enlightened people who are concerned with "social justice" (as long as they can do it via keyboard). Which the part of my quote you truncated does look at. Is a reasonable question. In this though, it is rather laughable - everyone here has a nice internet connection, lives in a nice and safe place (especially the usual guilt ridden white guys, heh). But I guess the old joke about Oppression Olympics is somewhat accurate.
  2. Well in this case, sure doesn't look like Boko Haram will be put to the sword without Western hands.
  3. Played WoW PvP mainly this weekend, forgot how much I missed the whining and abuse in chat. Almost makes one understand mass murder.
  4. What if it is just a worry ? One can multitask, after all. Heh, is true for people complaining about 'representation' in games as well, I suppose. Though I guess when one seems to be on jihad, confusion can be forgiven.
  5. Uh, what in Mass Effect 1 ever gave that feeling. I like ME but still, heh. As an aside, who is this guy, anyway ?
  6. ...Yeah, I'm not sure it's an especially strong argument in favor of how Witcher's done things. Don't get me wrong, I love that game, but... damn. Works with the targets anyway, whores or some really loose women (rather funny in Act 4). Wasn't as much of a chore in DA. But nothing really wrong with that, it is how things can work in real life sort of - gifts raise opinion of you, etc. As for the C&C messages, it is a bit eye-roll inducing but I suppose some players need that. It's not too intrusive and is worth a laugh sometimes - Dreamfall Chapters had that.
  7. So, no one dead yet from this 'human tragedy' ? Guardian looses shots, etc. - http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jan/11/twine-program-democratised-gaming-world Non-tech people making technical things, only greatness can ensue.
  8. Can't fault Chad and Niger for pulling back. I wonder if the people dying are not government supporters or something. Based on the way Nigeria doesn't seem to really want to crush this.
  9. Yeah, and bullets are shaped in a phallic way because of reasons other than aerodynamics.
  10. They were also bred to be annoying little ****s in the presence of strange people they've yet to meet. So ? That reaction is called for in the presence of potential enemies.
  11. Well, both have done bad things. Just one is done as part of the games States play. Big deal.
  12. Dachshunds were bred to be hunters that would go into badger dens, canine tunnel rats. Mine, however, are still planning on how to break into the fridge
  13. It does create enclaves of other cultures I find, which is wrong to me in the degrees I see it here (like gathering with like is just how we are). Street signs in Chinese or Korean or whatever with the English secondary.
  14. Samusenko was Ukrainian I believe. But she was pretty in that photo, I found. Weird story though, was in the army at age 12, died age 23. Also was the officer that an American linked up with. Only one to fight on the US and Soviet sides in the war, for three months or so.
  15. Finished off Gray Matter. That last stage was most annoying due to loading screens, but was a fun puzzle overall. The game sure accelerates towards the end, did realize what was going on pretty early but still felt pretty rushed. Was rather disappointed with the direction the ending took, would have preferred something other than the all-to-common jump at the end by the antagonist. But, was decent enough fun, liked Sam and Styles as protagonists. Now on to..*checks GOG backlog*....hm.
  16. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/09/boko-haram-deadliest-massacre-baga-nigeria Well now, this just incenses me.
  17. Get a dachshund.
  18. Always weird things after terrorist attacks - http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2015/Jan-09/283552-takfiri-groups-offended-prophet-mohammad-more-than-the-cartoons-mocking-him.ashx
  19. Never been, drunks are scum.
  20. Well, that sucks. I guess France24 was initially correct
  21. Wonder how the woman at the supermarket managed to escape with all those cops there.
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