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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Plodding along in Gray Matter, right now am helping Styles be emo over his dead wife.
  2. Well kept place, not a fan of the stools though.
  3. Heh, don't count on that. Companies get hacked and don't really ramp up their security. It's still something be aware of, I assume the vehicles have some manual override anyway.
  4. It can be, though, but it depends. Being armed to go for a walk at night is sensible if you are in Rio or San Fernando (definitely the case in the latter), but if the average citizen risks death by going out (enough so that being armed is not paranoid but pragmatic) then there is something wrong with that society. If you're armed as the nearest cops are 45 minutes hard driving away, well, that isn't as 'damning' to society as a whole.
  5. Shame they don't have chainswords yet. That would be an awesome personal defense weapon, at least against mugging.
  6. Nope, Tribes is the best game ever. At work, not many people are. Surprised really, as my office is populated with some work obsessed people. Should be a nice quiet day, well if the remaining coworkers shut the hell up.
  7. Hmm. But interesting to watch the usual crowd butt heads over this.
  8. The SWAT series got better with each game, though 3 and 4 weren't all that different. The first one was an FMV game, second was an isometric tactics game (never did play that beyond the demo). Only really recall sequels being the same as or mostly worse (post RVS and Ghost Recon).
  9. Wonder why Greeks really like this guy.
  10. Like who ? Hm, the name these people chose as their anti-GG group (what is with the infantile names for everything in this whole deal anyway ?) is interesting, I had thought all the huff over Benghazi wasn't totally off base.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vpFr7et6Pk
  12. Kerbal Space Program, rather fun if a bit confusing at first.
  13. Wouldn't hurt to have the same kind of approach to gun licenses if there isn't already for the kind of carry and weapon. Tonnes of people pass driving tests yet clearly can not do so, so who knows
  14. Currently, do you have go through training to get a gun licence in the US ?
  15. True, but they all must bow to him. In 40k waaaay more than 30k.
  16. Playing some CS:GO. I miss the racists on voice chat, it is that bad
  17. I think you're confusing becoming very angry and crying. Childish reaction in any case. But I suppose they are useful bodies. Also, from your description, the Emperor is indeed that - when it comes to not tolerating competition in any form. Great Crusade, Unification, disposal of two of his sons. Also did centralize everything with the nightmare bureaucracy. So, really Putin could very well be the Big E. Not quite at the 'melts your eyeballs with his psychic glory' stage though.
  18. Well for the last part, I don't see why it's ok for people to crusade to get people like Eich fired or dispose of Sterling or otherwise hound people that fund people they don't like but not ok for GG people to try to get Kuchera or whomever the sack. Lobbying and all, it's a legitimate tactic and a cudgel consumers wield (only one we have I suppose). But, indeed, be afraid for GG are like the SA/SS (people actually argue this, heh), soon they will come for $different_party and...uh...flame them or something. Still waiting on word of this 'terrible' human cost GG has inflicted, seem pretty annoying more than anything else. Kluwe and Quinn have decided to get stuck in with GG , in the former's case I am not sure who he is but he's more or less waded into this so he has to catch as well as dish. So I still see this as entertaining flame wars waged in the echo chambers of Twitter - it's not against a change in industry, really, as it's beating up low-talent nobodies (Wu ? Quinn ? Frank ? Alexander ?) rather than anyone of significance in the industry. Though I suppose "journalists" jerking it over the Art of some indie game might give significance.
  19. Happens when you fight with trolls, big deal. Kluwe is a Hard Man though so I doubt he cares much. Odd how people care about Quinn still (well other than freaks like Chu) but she seems like a punching bag with good returns. Odd though how posting anything is taken as a serious plan. People BSing isn't outside realm of possibility. So who exactly are you accusing of things here?
  20. They might. Some soldiers tend to be real oorah morons about symbols.
  21. Shame they don't post their rates online so you can compare
  22. Never did get the point of New Year's Eve stuff. Not sure what to do tonight, need to clean the dryer and bathroom so maybe that
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