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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That's why GG won't win, ridiculously easy for Sarkeesian when utilizing outside media. She should be grateful for this, I tell you
  2. If only people could multitask.
  3. Okay, like what though ? If the cop wasn't actually killed, then kind of weird to add in one faked cop death to heighten outrages after 11 others are already dead. I suppose one could say it is all faked to inflame hatred of Muslims or perhaps frame ISIS (because they need more crimes on their bill), but the currently accepted interpretation is simple enough to be true. The constant tone of a man who has seen the light is pretty grating though, especially as proving that is next to impossible. Ah well. It is a curious phenomenon in that offending some groups is okay and others not. Ideally, they all should be okay to do (everyone should HTFU, to borrow an EVE-ism).
  4. It does seem that way when the application of respect is inconsistent. Add that to a violent act inflicted upon people that didn't, and the needle sinks in a bit deeper. So going back to the suggested faked video of the cop getting shot, what is the ultimate end then of doing that and how does the affect any other details of the attack ? Or is that all there is to it ?
  5. Is a dumb joke, think Yatzhee meant it as a slight in any case as complexity in games is bad to him or something. Much ado about nothing, but that seems to the meat and potatoes of games journalism these days
  6. No longer current, naturally, but eh.
  7. Depends, will we be paying him $300 an hour to consult us on this ?
  8. Ah not bad, I need (well "need") a new laptop, current one as a wonky power jack and a dead battery. Only really use it to pass time when I am downstairs, so it is hard for me to justify to myself blowing a grand on a toy I won't use much (my PC though, I am ok with blowing 2.5 grand on ) My mom cracked me up today, still laughing a bit over it. Were talking about books for some reason and then she stops and says that she used to read a lot, names authors then said she stopped when she had my sister and I. Then concludes with "You two ruined my life"
  9. 2.5 million stretch goal - Scrap the game and make a linear first person shooter with massive setpieces and an overabundance of QTEs instead. Nah. Action FPS-RPG with TWO branches.
  10. Not really, but on the forums specifically typing nasty words isn't that much harm. It serves as a "I am racist" sticker on someone though, and that's helpful to learn. Only real harm that could cause would be someone like Bruce being offended, perhaps. But anyway, is a moot point, as you are no fan of the Codex as you've brought up several times already. Haven't seen much moderation on Codex. But then again never seen it here, despite people stamping feet about oby for example
  11. Get a desktop, you filthy casual. What specs ?
  12. Indifferent, no. But years of playing games online have taught me a righteous crusade on people typing mean things is a waste of time and is the intention 80% of the time. Mark the person as being of suspect contribution to things after a point and then move on. I suppose it may slide back down in background noise in a post. Hardly akin to ignoring someone being beaten or suffering any real harm. I was expecting a lot worse than I saw when I registered there, it's not an amazing forum but nowhere is and reading some posts and analysis of games (I read other than RPG forum, mainly) is sometimes interesting. Also they have some funny emoticons. I like the Inclooooo-sive one best.
  13. I haven't really seen much homophobia other than liberal use of ****, in my time there. Lots of racist stuff in GD though, but such people seem pariahs outside of it, heh. Not that big a deal to me, if people want to advertise their bigotry, by all means they should go ahead.
  14. Luckily no one does that here, so is just the nice base layer of ice to march on sometimes. Is pretty manageable once you just keep your eyes on the feet, some people still haven't caught on to that. Today was a fun day, urgent issue raise by a client whose report was jumbled and then they go silent as we try to find the root cause. We help those who help themselves. Well, we would, if I had my way.
  15. The Adventure forum is slightly less hostile than I had expected, and that forum is pretty level headed, at least.
  16. Makes you realize mental health isn't getting the attention it deserves.
  17. Pft, meaningless.
  18. Why is negativity such a bad thing in a forum, anyway ?
  19. You really haven't met a proper SJW then. It's an apt term for them, mostly types that fit into the "just found God" zealot stereotype.
  20. Is this where we dump their corpses ?
  21. http://www.thejournal.ie/dieudonne-arrest-1880765-Jan2015/?utm_source=shortlink Surprised they arrested him after questioning him, I'd have thought that alone would be the intimidating, but minor corrective move.
  22. Diablo 3 patch went live, so mucked about with that. Got 2 pieces of Marauders in seasons, so up to 4/6. Will be 5/6 when they merge season with normal, so that's pretty good. Turrets shooting chakrams is great
  23. I wish I kept that magazine. I still laugh at the memory of the big photo of the group, and Carmack is sitting just a little bit apart from everyone else on the couch I can't actually think of any game designers on their level these days, but that's probably just due to lessened enthusiasm more than designers today being monkeys.
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