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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nice space heater.
  2. Nah, just libertarian. Well...maybe same thing. In weaponry news - UAF got, I assume, HARMs. Or maybe some Standards they found in a warehouse somewhere..
  3. I thought it was proof of Satan's influence on Earth.
  4. Well, playing more Andromeda feels like I am playing The Division or something. The bug where loading a save where you're in the Nomad was fun to experience - waited 3-4 mins, could have sworn the game was hardlocked until I accidentally hit ` and opened the console. Got all the party members I could, so far they seem ok in terms of what I'd expect from ME. Guess it was worth $10 off of this so far.
  5. Yep, saw that. Not convinced it's supporting Russian narratives or whatever though, is a relatively tame offense compared to the stuff we see like torture and executions. Definitely not going to change anyone's mind in Western countries all that much. Her demand that the report "should at least investigate the two sides and take into account the position of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine." is somewhat funny when I recall various discussions in this war, though.
  6. The reactions to Amnesty International's report is something I don't get, AI always gets dismissed when they say anything negative about the Blue Team though, so isn't a total shock. But was expecting something more from AI to warrant that, the report seemed tame and I'm not seeing this supposed "false equivalence" being drawn here. At least the Telegraph's take on it is funny - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/08/06/amnesty-now-utterly-morally-bankrupt/
  7. Finished ME3. Was rather amusing to see how Garrus and Vega with Typhoons just dismantled everything during that boss fight. Did the God Empress Shepard with the creepy monologue over the slideshow. Edit : Have started Andromeda, combat seems like it might be more interesting with movement, the Frostbite engine is aptly named, everything looks cold, heh, damn dead eyed characters. My Ryder seems to have trouble making eye contact when speaking to people. Just out of the prologue, arrived at the Citadel
  8. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/winamp-releases-new-version-after-four-years-in-development/ It seems the llama won this round though
  9. Hearing missiles landed in Japanese waters had me worried for a bit, but turns out it's in the EEZ off Okinawa.
  10. Also that oil rig in the Black Sea is still burning, no ?
  11. Was curious, grabbed it for $10. That and I've never paid for any ME game so figure tossing EA/Bioware $10 is fair I am sure the game will be "ok" in my book, we'll see.
  12. Almost to the end of ME3. Giving Garrus the Typhoon proves to work out quite well, well the rare moments he realizes he actually has LOS with the target rather than mag dumping a wall or indestructible box. I guess after this will be Andromeda, better start that download.
  13. Also need bayonet and possibly some sort of night vision optic on it as well.
  14. ....this isn't what people do all the time ? My neighbours are interesting folk, in a good way. They've flown a flag I never knew existed - the Grand Union Flag - on July 3rd, switching to the US we know on July 4. Lately they've been flying the Four Provinces of Ireland flag, I assume this is rugby related, but maybe they are secretly IRA
  15. Welcome to North America. Blessed be the slave that learns to love the lash.
  16. Well means you can take as much time off as you want, as long as you get it approved suitably in advance, and don't take too much as they'll hold that against you when you go over an amount your manager or someone above deems appropriate for workers to take off Recruiter telling me that was a selling point made me laugh.
  17. New company I am moving to has "unlimited PTO", which is a neat way of them avoiding having to pay out vacation days when you leave. Will still try to take 3 weeks a year, heh.
  18. TCP handshake involves 3 packet exchanges, SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK. I forget exactly what goes on there as I am trying to recall stuff I learned in 2005 Reminds me of a professor who said his lessons were UDP - he didn't care if you got it. Lovely University, really. Wikipedia to the rescue.
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