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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/14/politics/republicans-block-senate-bill-abortion-travel-states/index.html I like the Republican quoted caring about the "right to live".
  2. Trump. Ivana Trump that is.
  3. One of the more creative and amusing explanations was that the cops have been affected by all the BLM protests so that they felt they'd be slammed for using force. Probably more likely that than US cops knowing or remembering Beslan, though.
  4. I think they did, at 25 mins in they have one. Seem pretty lackadaisical with it, but the whole time they seem to be chilling. Even without it, they had a fair amount of guys present at that time. They had training in this situation, two months prior. Guess that stuck. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/
  5. Beats me, just disappointed not seeing more people using the Red Alert soundtracks. Kids these days..
  6. Serbia planning to attack while the EU's weapons are in Ukraine, I see.
  7. Well, that budget has to go somewhere. And wouldn't you want to look like a bad ass ? Maybe the cops there had been overmanaged to the point they lost all initiative, heh.
  8. Definitely will be tonnes of arms smuggling. I did laugh at someone on Telegram saying Ukrainians were trying to sell a HIMARS.
  9. https://www.ft.com/content/141a9e85-19ed-47d4-be48-bb9febc76c98 Article on the financial front, less sexy than videos of missile strikes to crappy techno but still.
  10. Isn't that essentially the training they receive ? Be aggressive and engage the shooter ? The video as well, you can guess why the audio is so bad.
  11. Mass Effect LE is free on Prime Gaming for Prime Day, along with Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Academy, Republic Commando
  12. Very unlikely. Sanctions aren't going away anytime soon - I think the condition from the West is pre-2014 borders ? So that's out, Russia's ability to reinforce and conduct military operations is probably set back by a decade or so now after all of this. Trying hybrid warfare and getting friendly politicians in NATO might work, will be very unfertile soil for quite some time to come, at least in most of Europe. I doubt Russian tanks sweeping in through Vilnius or something is going to yield no response from NATO members, definitely can count on the US to go blow stuff up with a clear moral reason - and a practical one as what point is NATO other than to defend it's members. Then again, if suddenly you see this guy in the Kremlin, we must be afraid.
  13. https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/12/23204950/bmw-subscriptions-microtransactions-heated-seats-feature
  14. Well, given the performance against people being donated NATO weaponry, doubt that's going to happen against actual NATO members.
  15. Is pretty much the same as it is now. First time I've actually made a move myself rather than the entire company folding or layoffs, so is an awkward feeling. Ah well, as Hammerskoljd said "Life yields only to the conqueror. Never accept what can be gained by giving in.". Then again, he also said "Time goes by, reputation increases, ability declines." . Will be working with AWS, which is a plus. I've told them that I don't know it in the interviews, either it doesn't matter a huge deal or it does matter and they just didn't hear me
  16. Well, got the offer A bit perplexed as I really thought I bombed the interviews or at least didn't come across as all that competent. The 30% pay raise is very hard to turn down, even worrying about the job sucking in other ways.
  17. So I wonder what the general reaction will be - laugh at their needing help from Iran or want to invade Iran. Well or both.
  18. https://www.newsweek.com/us-vet-fighting-ukrainian-forces-its-1916-type-artillery-war-1722367 Started reading a quote of this, then realized it was Newsweek. So this guy probably doesn't actually exist, maybe 70% chance. Is a fun article if you keep it being total BS in your mind "There is no training for this. I've seen guys that were Tier I, SF guys, GSG 9, SAS guys, but that artillery will just eat you up and spit you out," Elvis said. "It does not give a f**k about training. If you're at the wrong place at the wrong time when that round comes in, you've got about three, four seconds to impact. You're done. "If you hear the whistle and it gets louder and louder, everything will start shaking like a f***ing freight train," he said. "The longer the whistle, the closer it is to you. If it's a short whistle, you've got no problem. But if it sounds like it's just coming right at your face, you're in the kill zone. There's no sense in running. "But the good thing is, you're dead before you know it," Elvis said. "The guys that I've seen take direct hits, we have nothing to identify them by. We find like, maybe a pinky finger. We found one dude's genitals splattered up against the wall. It's gruesome, but that's the reality of it. We got to the point where none of us really wore helmets, because if something like that hits the building you're in, you just hope that it kills you quick"
  19. I'm surprised they have equipment for 1 million. Well or have trained them to be useful in combat.
  20. Yes, I played a bit in EA then left it so as to not get burnt out on the game and it's nothing really new. I didn't even encounter of the AI nodes they warn you about in the tooltip. The story is on the nose, yep, I guess one thing they should have done was play up Hal and LYNX being bigger and bigger **** to you, rather than just you seeing him bully Kaito, Dee Dee and Lou. I didn't really find the unskippable VO to be so onerous, but am in a minority looking around
  21. Finished storyline of Hardspace, was fun enough, although a bit rushed the mission where you stiff the company by blowing stuff up was great fun. Reactor detonation did a lot less than I had hoped for. Fun game, needs more variety in the ships but even doing the same ship you've done over and over is enjoyable in a relaxing way as you go through the motions. Sort of amused people were grousing about the story or game being woke. I guess a lot of people see Communism when a union is mentioned
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