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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. If there is to be intervention the first rule needs to be is "do no harm." The US has failed to apply this rule over and over again since WW2 since the forming of Israel, and not just the Middle East but in other countries as well.
  2. Of course it has a little impact, but I don't see much benefit. Just tell me, how is doubling the US national debt in 8 years beneficial to me?
  3. Oh, I am sure they can, but I still say that we should have never interfered with that process. I firmly believe that our interference made things worse, not better, for the people in those countries.
  4. Who do you think placed Saddam in power. The US interfered in that country back then, placed him into power which gave him the ability to kill anyone he wished. Yes, we are responsible for that. Also there was no insurgents prior to the invasion, nor Al Qaeda terrorists doing suicide bombings. They showed up after the US invaded. If we never interfered with the goings on of the Middle East after World War 2, I am betting that three-quarters of the problems in that region would not have even occurred.
  5. There are nearly 100,000 Iraqis dead. The number of American soldiers do not even approach a tenth of that value. Every single Iraqi death can be attributed either directly or indirectly to American interference in that country.
  6. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but since you do tend to be one of sarcasm I'll just assume you are.
  7. We don't target civilians, but we don't go out of our way not to see them get hurt or killed if the ones we are targeting just happens to be in the middle of them.
  8. If we do not treat our enemies with the same respect and civil liberties we profess to cherish then how can we claim to be better than they?
  9. By the looks of it, calling HoI3 a CRPG is like calling Starcraft or maybe even X-Com a CRPG. You can, but I could call a lump of coal a diamond and be just as accurate.
  10. Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, and many Central and South American countries are good examples of US interference that has turned very poorly if not made the lives of the people living there far worse than before.
  11. For the most part, yes. Everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions and take responsibility for the consequences for their actions. Take this economic bailout with the mortgage crisis and the Big Three automakers in the US. Those who ran those businesses into the dirt and those who took loans they could not afford to pay deserve to face the consequences of their actions. Why should I, a person who has been mostly responsible with his money, who goes to work and pays his bills, should have his tax money wasted on these people? Where the frak is my bailout? Iraq was no threat. Iraq was under control and held in check by the UN. We should not have invaded and every life loss is a waste. All the invasion of Iraq did for the US was double our national debt, weakened our economy, and pissed off a lot of other countries. Oh yeah, 3000+ American lives were worth that.
  12. This game sounds like a turn base strategy game, not a CRPG. Where is the information on the skill system for individual characters? What is the dialogue system like? Does it use pre-made characters or do we get to make our own?
  13. Aristes, all the deaths in Iraq was pointless. Iraq was no threat to the US. Saddam had no ability to harm a US citizen on US soil. Saddam and the IRaqi war machine was contained and had no teeth. Each and every death, US solider or otherwise, was a pointless and useless sacrifice. Every single one of them.
  14. Yeah? FEEL THIS! (brings out a baseball bat) *BASH BASH BASH!*
  15. With how much time and effort you put in the site I hope the game and the site is a success for you. personally I don't see the point of yet another worthless MMO. I mean, don't we have enough of them already? Oh well, I hope it works out for you.
  16. Really? When I was in the military I just wanted my paycheck and not get killed. There is a little saying that applies to a soldier and sacrifice. The point of war is not to die for your country, but make the other guy die for his.
  17. Bugs is one of the reason why I am a console gamer now. Less bugs to contend with.
  18. It seems some people have been fighting back against the bigots who voted for Prop 8. There is a website that is listing businesses that supported Prop 8 and advocating people to boycott them. Good on them. I hope it works for them. Boycott the bigots! http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/13/...e=mostpop_story
  19. So, if there was a Prop 8 styled amendment that targeted African Americans or some other minority that got approved by a state you would approve of it Guard Dog?
  20. If they released a XBox 360 version of NWN2 and its expansions I would get it.
  21. A Democracy is all well and good, but there needs to be a balance. Tyranny of the majority is still a tyranny.
  22. It is bigotry, pure and simple. The majority should not have the right to dictate what civil rights and liberties a minority has.
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