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Everything posted by Sarjahurmaaja.

  1. These screenshots were supposed to be really old, right? I really hope so, because, frankly, they look like ass.
  2. I blame Ender.
  3. "No! That's not true! That's impossible!"
  4. You'll let me choose your avatar because we don't like each other. And because my avatar suggestion would be , and not a one that says "Ender is a poop-monster".
  5. "The point of a football game (on the computer or otherwise) is to get a ball from one field to the other. Oh, what fun that is." The point of a roleplaying game is to be the FedEx man.
  6. Jambo, you totally blew it.
  7. "Even if they were lazy, it made the HUD look Better!" Sure, it might look better but it sure doesn't work as well. It's practically impossible to keep track of your party's HP in K1 without pausing the game, for example.
  8. "OE should have made different icons and maps for each resolution, not just use 800x600 ones for all resolutions." They did. That's what you fail to understand. Bio didn't, they were lazy.
  9. Hey, Jambo, you can't blame Nikko for you being a closet homosexual yourself.
  10. Music samples from Mark Griskey. I prefer him.
  11. Yeah. We requested that.
  12. If I were a mod at WoT, I'd wait for pixies to post. Then I'd delete the rest of WoT. But since I won't be a mod, you will miss all the glory of that. Suck to be you and not me, huh?
  13. "That's pretty insulting." Mildly so, at best.
  14. See, my off-topicness in not made for continuity. Instead, it dies really soon. Unlike yours. "I've already explained why I made my original post." And, as Battlewookie confirmed, you misses his point back then. "You've just spewed insults." Show me where.
  15. "People obviously don't understand what censorship is, so let me clarify." The way I see it, if we keep using it like we are consistently enough, time will eventually prove us right. Or, rather, cut the semantics and join the fray.
  16. I'd say Battlewookie's remark is about the people who believe this **** Jack Thompson & Co spew. "All my later posts have been about why European game developers have yet to rival US and Japanese." Which, I presume has much to do with the retardedness of your censorship, or ESRB? "It's not misplaced nationalism. People bash the US all the time. I choose to defend it, just like you seem to be defending all of Europe." It's misplaced. It doesn't belong in here, in this thread.
  17. "I started this because people were bashing the US." Bashing the retarded censorship. If this isn't a case of misplaced nationalism at its finest, I don't know what is. I mean, seriously? People are saying the censorship is ridiculous. You come in here saying "OH BUT WE GOT LOTS OF GOOD STUFF, REALLY". Yeah, okay, how the hell does that have anything to do with your retarded censorship?
  18. "It's better then when Norway and finland go at it, they try to yoddle eachother to death." You know, that's not actually at all funny and really just uninformed, considering that I don't either Norway nor Finland has a tradition of yoddling, and Finland still being on the map, despite the 10-to-1 odds Soviets had back when we fought them in WW2.
  19. "Blizzard North was located in Northern California." Really? Right, now I'm wondering why I was thinking it had something to do with Ireland. "Madden sells huge. It doesn't matter that it doesn't sell huge internationally. It makes a ton of money." Probably so do the tons of Korean MMOs we never hear about it. Do they count? Please, refer back to Lord Tingeling's post and read it over and over 'till you understand that your argument was, in fact, totally retarded. edit: Also, could someone explain me why Mr. Shot started this dickwaving contest?
  20. Outside North America? I doubt it. --- Now, you want European developers, you say? Try Blizzard North (you know, Diablo), Rockstar North (GTA3), Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne), Digital Illusion (Battlefield) and Io Interactive (Hitman, Freedom Fighters) for starters.
  21. "Madden" Heh. Yeah. No, really.
  22. He totally missed the point, didn't he?
  23. Quite a few of the DCs depends on your level, by the way.
  24. "With all due respect, IGN and Gamespot don't seem to know that. Unless I missed something." That's what I said. "Then this became the old thread because you guys carried the arguement into this one." Nonsense. We ran the same argument on two threads simultaneously.
  25. "Did anyone else see the MGS4 video? If that thing isn't pre-rendered, then wow..." It wasn't really all that impressive. Link to the MGS4 trailer.
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