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Everything posted by Sarjahurmaaja.

  1. "Allow me to shed some light on the matter for you: The Stealth feat is just that: a feat. As such it is subject to possible detection." You seem to have misunderstood me. I only mentioned the feat, because it is an in-game represantion of Kreia's ability to hide herself, and as such shows that the Jedi Master scenes (or, rather, the lack of such) were not an "oversight". Of course, being what it is, an in-game mechanic, it was also suspectible to game balance. "I, and several other players of this game with me, do not necessarily find her invisibility to kick-ass Jedi Masters implausible because of the setting in which the story is told, but rather because of the general notion of story credibility it conveys." Pardon me, but while I've seen you say it is bad writing to do so several times, I've yet to see you explain why it is bad writing. So, enlighten me. "Verily, do lead by example." No, I'm the one who shows how deep the whole you're digging is going to be.
  2. "By that logic you'd have to physically activate that feat for those particular scenes." Oh, really? I seem to be unable to formulate this train of logic in my mind, so please do explain how exactly you arrived at that conclusion. "It is completely beyond me how people can stick to Obsidian so tenaciously on this issue, but I guess some people buy things easier." Sounds like it's not the only thing that's beyond you. That is to say, let's not try to make clever allusions, even if very subtle, about the abilities of those we discuss with, hmm?
  3. "She could somehow avoid being detected by the Jedi Masters, but nowhere else." In what situations you think Kreia should've avoided detection if she could've? Combat notwithstanding, I can't think of even one. And, hey, Kreia even had a feat (I think) that allowed her to go to Stealth mode even without one of those, uh, stealth thingies. "I meant Fantasy as in sort of Fantasy
  4. "I agree, but it goes beyond that too. Programmers are not good directors. You look at some of the in engine scenes in KOTOR and Jade Empire and they are , well, wooden for want of a better word." Very true. Then again, that is not true for, say, Metal Gear Solids. So, that might just be a flaw with KOTOR and Jade Empire.
  5. Gentlemen, while I could use several big words to summarize my feelings about this thread, I think I'll go with "What a load of horse****."
  6. "So we can put a Super Plasma Death Robot in a Fantasy setting and say 'Hey, it works 'cause it's all made up anyway'?" Aren't there like tons of those in Star Wars? So, yeah, I guess you can.
  7. "Anyone that's looked at the Final Fantasy 7 tech demo for the PS3, Oblivion, Gears of War, or MGS4 can see that next gen graphics have evolved to a state that FMV is no longer required, or more so, it no longer serves a purpose." Maybe if you're blind.
  8. " The SW setting has shown that the force can mask someone's presence to avoid detection, but not make them outright invisible." While I'm no expert on your precious SW setting, I do believe that it hasn't made statements against or for the latter. "Obsidian made it up, in other words." Captain Obvious to the rescue! Oh em gee, I just realized: BioWare MADE UP Starforge! Rakatans! OH NOES, MY MIND IS OVERFLOODINAAAAARGHHH! Since when has making things up been a bad thing?
  9. Battlewookie is joking, right?
  10. "That so? Well, it may come as a shock to you, but my main point was that so far the biggest civilian casualties have come from the insurgents themselves, not our 'precise' bombs." See, that is missing the point. No one in this thread claimed it was the other way around, nor does that cartoon, either.
  11. "Guess so." That's gold. Walker, Texas Ranger
  12. "Let's back up a bit. I'm curious Sarj, why do I fail the thread in your eyes?" For no other reason than addressing the cartoon about the imprecision of precision bombs by informing the relevant people of some heinous terrorist action. Missing the point much? I, however, forgive you. You must've been confused by that other thread.
  13. His second name is Walker?
  14. Heh, heh. "Would"? Hilarious.
  15. "There's such anger in this thread..." Maybe in the reader. And in the fellow below.
  16. "You have a different opinion than Mothman, so be it but he hasn't 'failed the thread" any more than you have." A different opinion? Mothman doesn't fail because of his opinions.
  17. "Maybe I do know why...and just don't care" We're going the pretend route? Marvelous.
  18. "You fail politics..." Do I need to explain why you fail the thread? It's not fun at all. Please pretend.
  19. "Tell me, does anyone here recall the bomb detonated purposely in a crowd of children earlier this year? And it was done by no other than.... THE INSURGENTS!!! OMG!!!!! THE SAME PEOPLE WHO CLAIM THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR IRAQ'S FREEDOME!!!!" You fail the thread. edit: Also, that picture there? Way too heavy handed to be funny at all.
  20. It's an owl.
  21. "Try refreshing a few more times. You'll get to see the undead, but instead of '10 7 05' it says '.999_ = 1' Any thought on what that might mean?" Apparently, some morons at battle.net forums do not believe that .999_ = 1, and threads where it is discussed are created quite frequently there.
  22. "I love how people who say 'Ps:T is teh best gamez0rz evah!!' complain about the combat in every other game.. You really shouldn't." And why not? It is not as if you can't think PS:T is the best game ever and recognize that the combat in it sucked a whole lot at the same time, is it?
  23. Except not this! Woo!
  24. Maybe if you like ass. Ugly, white, hairy ass.
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