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Everything posted by Sarjahurmaaja.

  1. Seventeen millennia.
  2. See? It's much better this way. Like the other two would've been.
  3. You know, Pixies, those last two posts really disappointed me.
  4. "Whether that was properly implemented is irrelevant, since it was just a matter of whether ANYTHING different happens depending on how you play. If roshan's original comment was accurate, then regardless of whether you were good or evil, the guards would react to you the same way." I do think it is quite obvious that Roshan meant meaningful consequences. And, if you assume that he did, it is quite relevant whether or not the consequences were properly implemented.
  5. "I'm not sure I even understand the point you're trying to make." The point is the guards attacking you in Baldur's Gate was less of a consequence of your actions in the game world, and more of a game mechanic intended to punish you for evil actions. If the punishment would've been administered in the form of anvils from the sky or electric shocks, you wouldn't say there were consequences for the game world for different actions, would you?
  6. The gnomes told me so.
  7. "But my main point was he complained that games didn't give consequences for the game world for different actions, when that wasn't the case. If you were evil, the consequences were different than if you were good." If an anvil fell on one of your party member's head and killed them every time you committed an evil action in Baldur's Gate, we wouldn't be arguing this. The consequences of bad deeds weren't far removed from that in the game.
  8. "All FPS games play the same to me. Played one and you have played them all." All FPS games play the same to the inept.
  9. "I find it a little ironic that his post complains about games not allowing you to choose various ways to play the game and has no affect on the game world, then makes the above statement when a game does offer something different if you make one of those choices." Well, Baldur's Gate practically punished the player for doing evil deeds, instead of presenting believable consequences for them.
  10. I do it all the time.
  11. Overrated: Underrated Underrated: Overrated
  12. Hold your breath. I dare you!
  13. I am. You are?
  14. "Sarjahurmaaja means 'masscharmer'" Serialcharmer. Massamurhaaja just didn't have enough sexy in it. "I demand to know." I told you.
  15. "Seriously, why do you have dot at the end of your nick?" So you'd ask. "And make no cheap touch
  16. "Manipulation: 1 - Not that I know of." We like to keep it that way.
  17. Is what read there before the edit.
  18. "So, if you want one written about you, you write one about someone else first." NONSENSE! BLASHPEMY! DISINFORMATION! MISINFORMATION! POPPY****! HOOLABALOO! I rate... Darkside: Zippo! Nada! Zilch! I EXPECT THE SAME BRUTAL HONESTY IN RETURN. IF IT'S NOT ALL FAVORABLE 10s, YOU FAIL TO DELIVER! Thank you.
  19. I would hate you if you weren't nothing but a simulation. Which you clearly are. Clearly.You simulation dog I hate you.
  20. Impossible!
  21. I still haven't been reviewed. And I've posted on that other thread. And sort of begged. Thread fails to deliver!
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