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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. yeah but you will be waiting three years for the new game An large say $30 expansion could be out in 6 months
  2. I said the review was unbiased because he appears to be writing the review without appearing to be worried about upsetting the gaming studio. All reviewers these day just give anything a 8, 9 or a 10. They do this becaue they dont want to bite the hand that feeds them. And im sick of everyone crapping on about this person mking comments about people’s sexuality. Seriously get over it. This is a free world People can do whatever they want including writing whatever they want and having freedom of speech. If you dont like it that he made a comment about people being gay dont attack his review to further your agenda..
  3. Lol That is the cruelest bug i have ever head 120 hours of gameplay and im finaly at the final boss fight and drumroll.......... he doesnt show up! Hahaha
  4. Yeah i no that i was joking around to try and lighten the mood
  5. Obsidian has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to racial, ethnic, gender, religious, disablement, and/or sexually discriminating remarks So which one am i then disabled? Or where you talking about the gay remarks? lol sorry couldnt help myself
  6. IF you are gay or have a close friend who is gay i meant no offense
  7. And the funny thing is that are people are actaully talking about a companion from bg2 in this thread 15 years after the game was released :Minsc Thats a pretty frickin awesome accomplishment for the writers of bg2. Thanks for bringing Minsc up to further reinforce my point.
  8. Excactly And this reviewer guy has clearly shown that he likes and enjoys the game and thinks its awesome. No need to attack the guy because he is just being honest with the games sore points. But making the raging homos comment wont help him. People who are sympathetic to that kind of stuff will attack his review and do there best to discredit him so they can further there pro- gay agenda. You can already see evidence of that on this thread. Hopefully obsidain are watching this and take note. They have allready clarified they are going to change the way ship combat works so thankfully they are listening to critisism
  9. For the third game, we’re still talking about that and seeing what make sense right now. Is this confirmation that POE3 has been confirmed!!! Hope so!!!
  10. Yes it was an awesom review and was spot on. So good to see none biased and honest reviews get wriitten from critics. And yes that comment is so spot on! Dont even bother trying master the spells and abilities because when you hit level 13 on potd the game becomes so easy it’s impossible to die anyway!!! Best review ever!
  11. Omg this is basicaly my review in a tea cup 100% my thought excactly. “ deadfire is a game of fun exploration and horrible writing” “When you learn to ignore the stupid ship combat and just use the boat to remove fog of war” “Skype calls from the gods” “ stupid bickering from gods” “Game is more fun when you learn to ignore the gods crap” Great review. I hope onsidian are reading this they need to sack there writing team for POE3
  12. Going devoted on a peirce only weapon and playing potd? Um......yeah not to sure about that one. Its the most resisted weapon type. Each for there own but i wouldnt do it. Warhamers are good for devoted Warhammer prof gives +2 pen plus u get crush and pierce
  13. When your walking around neketaka with companions in your party they talk to each other. This is a direct bg2 kind of attempt to add companion flavour to your playthrough. Every time they talk you can tell that whoever wrote the banter was attempting for them to sound funny. Well there not. It’s pretty bad writing imo. What are other people’s thoughts on the banter?
  14. I think you've missed Barbarian, Ascendant Cipher, Priest, Druid and Chanter from your list of classes that majorly benefit from staying pure. Like some have wrote before, the major benefit for staying pure is not only access to final ability tiers, but also much earlier access to strong PL VI-VII abilities. Blood Thirst at level 13 rather then 19. Amplified Wave and Disintegration at level 11 rather then 16. And so on... The only 3 classes I would always multiclass are Fighter, Rogue and Paladin. So actually for MOST classes there are solid trade-offs to this decision. Wizzies are good for multiclass because all there self buffs are really fast cast And yes it is a myth that multiclass is more powerful then single class. I think they both are very close in terms of power.
  15. I dont no , The beast of winter was far bigger then i thought it would be. I would even go (nearly) as far as calling it huge. It had a huge amount of new maps in it with some pretty cool artwork. I was very surprised and happy with the beast of winters size. I think it is bigger then white march 1 but i enjoyed white march 1 more. The story in white march is probably my favourite part of both games. Bring on the alpine dragons and durgan steel!!
  16. If ur playing on potd the enemies have high AR so you need high pen. Ninguaths death ray was my favourite spell. Its level 3 and does raw damage so no need for high pen
  17. I definitely dont think they have devoted any resources to a pillars 3 yet. I would say they are still waiting to see if deadfire sells well enough before they commit to anything. What i am curious about is if they have made a decision on any future expansions for deadfire. I think it is quite possible because these 3 dlcs are really just a continuation of the main game. They could still reach a point where they want to do a “expansion” I must admit though i was very surprised at how big the beast of winter was. It was easily bigger then the white march part 1.
  18. If you look at there timeline poster for upcoming patches and dlc it says “ more to come” in the bottom right hand corner. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105116-update-54-new-challenges-approach/?do=findComment&comment=2090951 Obviously there will be more patches next year but what about a big expansion getting released?
  19. PLease do not waste your precious time on ydwin We need POTD balancing fixed first as top prioirty
  20. I would add alot of the unique legendary sets of plate to the top tier of this list. There are so many ways of getting around the slow revocery like armored grace and the armor speed pet, two weapon style, frenzy
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