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Everything posted by Verde

  1. Trickster went from worst Rogue to best. People initially thought Wizards were weak. Fun times.
  2. Yeah I put Nomads on Pallegina so she can run around and do her thing.
  3. Since when you have to do a game only the way it was done before?You don't but your majorly simplifying it. If 99% of games do something a certain way with slight variations, then there is prob a reason why. We are talking about staples in a genre. And again, for the third or fourth time, it's not JUST because it was done this way before, and continues to be done this way - it makes sense the way it was done before. Might as spell damage and healing % doesn't make much sense. I could scrounge and find a multitude of reviewers that agree with me, from reading about it previously, but I'm on my phone and I won't.
  4. Unfortunately PoE is becoming less of a story RPG. The exception is the most recent DLC but clearly the focus this time around was VO (how odd) and combat, not the actual writing. If it was the focus, we would have dialogue such as "I.hate.boats." lmao.
  5. Omg that video was hilarious esp the killing punches. Thx for sharing.
  6. Calm down there bud. I'm not assigning my own meaning. I literally just told you that no other RPG I can think of does it this way. In addition, Might is generally associated with physical power. Have you ever heard someone say "intellectual might" or something similar? Mighty intellect? Mighty healing? No. No, because it's not a thing. And lol @true meaning because one RPG series uses it. You actually did the very thing you accused me of, but in a more comical manner, using the very word in your definition of it. And if you want to get specific, the definition of Might is bodily strength. Not spiritual, or arcane, or mental. Bodily. So you are wrong there as well.
  7. Ah, thanks. Too bad. I always thought it was weird that Might affected Wizards and Fighters alike.There is inner strength as well as physical. Wizard tap into the inner and mental strength. It makes perfect sense, might deals with the power of the ability so a wizard's fireball and fighters sword swing do more damage with might.I wouldn't say it makes perfect sense. I would say it makes zero sense from both an RPG standpoint and an intuitive standpt. No RPG I can think of has mixed physical and arcane power into one attribute. Might is 99% of the time associated with physical strength. Plus how exactly does Might affect healing? It's Stockholm Syndrome - we've grown to accept it because we must, but it's a terribly unintuitive system. Off the top of my head this is how it should be - Mig - phys dmg, fort Con - HP, fort, deflection Dex - reflex, action speed, deflection Per - acc, AoE size, reflex Int - spell dmg and duration, will Res - healing, -hostile effects, +beneficial effects/ability duration, will The fact that Int is this super import attribute for any class with duration abilities is also stupid.
  8. To he fair, PoE1 was super clunky with it completely random difficulty spikes and screen-filled battles. I wouldn't so easily forget how unplayable that game was at times. User friendly it was not.
  9. Half the fun is calling out the Gods for the frauds they are hehe
  10. As others said, Secret Horrors is too good to give up. Essentially locks down casters among other abilities. And it's cast time is really quick.
  11. Considering you can't fight the final boss and modals are now messed up, I'd prefer to focus on fixing bugs. Plus there is still dialogue wonkiness. If you do quests in different order then intenteded the dialogue is facepalm worthy.
  12. Sigh...and yet we may not be able to fight the final boss still.
  13. Yeah it's why I stopped playing for the time being.
  14. I don't mind the guidance but he is a very nitty, critical character. I think he is well developed, mind you.
  15. Topic title. I know you can make a lot of evil decisions but all the companions are for the most part goody-two-shoes.
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