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Everything posted by jlee

  1. Hi Crispy81, I'll have our developers look into this SFX issue. In the meantime, could you please provide us with your save file? Thanks!
  2. Hi pendr4gon, Could you please provide us with your save file before this issue occurs so that we may investigate this issue more thoroughly? Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Thanks!
  3. Hi Mightbedylan, Could you please provide us with a save file so that we may investigate your issue more thoroughly? In the meantime, could you specify whether you are stuck in the level-up process or if you are able to select a Barbarian and a Cipher ability successfully to complete the process? Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Thanks!
  4. Hi AndreaColombo, I'll have our developers look into this sheathing issue right away. Thanks for posting!
  5. Hi Boeroer, That is indeed correct and intended. Some of our cheats are meant to stay on until you've toggled them off.
  6. Hi AndrewD, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing performance issues during normal gameplay and loading screens. I suggest doing the following: 1. Make sure that your graphics and OS drivers are up to date 2. Play in Windowed mode at a lower resolution 3. Play Pillars of Eternity II without other ongoing resource intensive programs running Additionally, the link to your save files was a bit too indirect for us to consider it safe, so if you'd like to provide us with your save files, please provide them via a Dropbox link instead. Thanks!
  7. Hi thundercleese, I'll have our developers investigate the Frostfall mace's Dispersed Suffering effect. In the meantime, could you please provide us with your save file so that we may test this using your character build? Thanks!
  8. Hi aaronghowell, I've added your issue about untargetable Brine Imps in the Arena Sub-leve to our database for further investigation. Thanks for posting!
  9. Hi Theosupus, Thanks for the update. We've looked into it and are unable to get it to occur on our end either. That being said, we'd like you to provide your save file with the issue occurring so that we may try to reproduce this. Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Thanks!
  10. Hi thelee, I've have our developers look into this unruly Flame Blight right away. Thanks for posting!
  11. Hi suelan1006, We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with your save file and a screenshot of the issue you are encountering. Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II In the meantime, I suggest verifying the integrity of your game files to ensure that you did not download incomplete assets. Thanks!
  12. Hi Yaku73, I'll have our developers look into this. In the meantime, could you please provide us with your save file? Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Thanks!
  13. Hi thundercleese, I've added your issue to our database for further investigation. In the meantime, could you please provide us with your save file with the issue occurring so that we may analyze this behavior? Thanks!
  14. Hi Hassat Hunter, Thanks for posting these issues about the interior scene of the Floating Hangman. I'll have our developers look into this right away. In the meantime, could you provide us with your save file so that we may look into this issue with your ship loadout? Thanks!
  15. Hi Hassat Hunter, I'll have our developers look into the missing references to crew members during the Ukaizo Fleet battle SI. Thank you for posting!
  16. Hi Hassat Hunter, I'll have our developers investigate this issue right away. Thanks for posting and providing your save file!
  17. Hi Theosupus, I've added your issue to our database and will try to get this fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for posting!
  18. Hi Hassat Hunter, I'll have our developers look into this NPC's animations. Thanks for posting!
  19. Hi ArretVice, We are aware of this retraining issue and are currently working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.
  20. Hi Quasxen, We are aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.
  21. Hi holscher, I'll have our developers look into this issue. Thanks for posting and providing your save file!
  22. Hi Hassat Hunter, I've added your issue about a Hidden Object possibly not highlighting properly in the Temple of Decline. Thanks for posting!
  23. Hi Chessbrain, We are aware of the issue with Take All while stealing and are currently working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.
  24. Hi Matched, That certainly seems like a troubling issue. Thank you for providing your save file. When you encounter the issue again, however, can you please also provide us with your output log file and your DxDiag file so that we may investigate your issue more thoroughly? Output log: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data Thanks!
  25. Hi Hassat Hunter, I've added your Rymrgand VO issue to our database as well as the white background issue. Can you please also provide a save file or screenshots of the pirate conversation lines you mentioned so that we may investigate VO for those as well? Thanks!
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