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Everything posted by jlee

  1. Hi AttonRand, Thanks for posting your issue about Dismissal not functioning properly against Splintered Reef Fampyrs. I've added your issue to our database for further investigation. Thanks again!
  2. Hi seeelph, Does this issue still occur on our latest beta patch build v2.0.0.0017? If it does, we'll need your save file and output log file. Beta Patch: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98360-beta-branch-access-steam-gog-galaxy/ Output log: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you can email us at support@obsidian.net with your files attached. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thanks!
  3. Hi Kyleel, In order for us to investigate your issue further, we'll need you to provide us with your output log generated after your computer crash occurs. Also, could you let us know if there is a place in the game where you consistently experience this crash? And could you try reproducing this crash on our latest beta patch build v2.0.0.0017? Beta Patch: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98360-beta-branch-access-steam-gog-galaxy/ Output log: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data In the meantime, I suggest lowering your graphics resolution and playing in Windowed mode which can be set in the in-game Graphics menu. Thanks!
  4. Alas, I am but a mere mortal. Had I eyes to see all, I would have acted upon this post-haste. But in all seriousness, thank you. Due to these bumps that I've been noticing more and more of on other threads, I've upped my Perception and will do my utmost to make successful hits in response to the community's posts. P.S. No, I will not be physically hitting people's posts. Have a great day! :D
  5. Hi AndreaColombo, I'll send your feedback about the recovery time of Concelhaut's Draining Touch along to our developers for consideration. Thanks for posting!
  6. Hi FlavouredFinger, Can you please provide us with either your decryption key or a public link to your save file? Alternatively, you can email us at support@obsidian.net with your save file attached. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username for us to be able to identify you easily.
  7. Hi Visenya, Thanks for posting your issue and providing your save file. I'll have our developers investigate this issue right away. Thanks again!
  8. Hi Hassat Hunter, Thanks for providing your save file in your post. I'll have our developers look into our loot generation. Thanks again!
  9. Hi Corenn, Can you please provide us with your save file so that we may investigate your issue more thoroughly? Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Thanks!
  10. Hi thelee, Thanks for posting and providing the necessary files. I'll send these along to our developers to investigate. Thanks!
  11. Hi thelee, Thanks for posting about Magran's Might. I'll have our developers investigate the intended functionality here.
  12. Hi lameover, When you say: "After spiritshift weapon modal disabled." Do you mean that those modals are disabled permanently? Or that they are just toggled off after returning to human form? If it's just toggled off, I'll send your feedback along to our developers to consider. Thanks!
  13. Hi Verde, We'll need you to send us your save file in order for us to investigate the issue you are reporting. Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II
  14. Hi v-for-vandal, I've added your issue for further investigation. Thank you so much for providing the necessary files! @Manveru123 Don't worry, I can assure you that no one gets crushed by this crush issue
  15. Hi Achilles, I'll be using your provided save file in this post to investigate the issue further. Thanks for all the bumps.
  16. Hi Hassat Hunter, That's intriguing. I'll have our developers look into this. Thanks!
  17. Hi Katarack21, Could you elaborate on what "Internal page error" you are encountering? Also, the files that we generally request are the following: DxDiag file Output log: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data Save File: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II
  18. Hi Hassat Hunter, We are aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix. Thanks for posting!
  19. Hi Hassat Hunter, Thanks for providing your save file along with your issue report about Huana and RDC reputation exploits. I've added your issue to our database for further investigation. Thanks!
  20. Hi Nomadicstorm, Thank you very much for writing up a carefully detailed report and providing the necessary files to help us in our investigation. I'll have our developers start looking into the party management issues you've encountered and try to get a fix for this as soon as possible.
  21. Hello ~Wanderer~ You should be able to Empower abilities whether or not they've been added to your ability bar via console command. However, do note that there are some abilities that cannot be Empowered at all. Regarding your question about being able to sort the abilities in the quick cast menu, the answer is no, there is no such functionality available for that.
  22. Hi lameover, Thanks for submitting all the necessary files. I'll have our development team look into these. If you could, we'd also like you to tell us where in the game you experienced these crashes and what you were doing before the crashes occurred. This information would help us to pinpoint either a known problem case or detect a possible issue pattern. Thanks again!
  23. Hi Thalkran, I've added your issue to our database for further investigation. Can you please send us your save file with the issue occurring as well as a save file from before the issue was occurring if possible? Thanks!
  24. Hi Hassat Hunter, I've added your issue about the incorrect crew member being referenced in the SI to our database. In the meantime, could you provide us with your save file before that SI event has triggered or while your crew member Worthless Idiot is injured? Thanks!
  25. Hi Hassat Hunter, I'll have our developers look into Slaver reputation gains/losses when killing slavers in Crookspur besides the dungeons. Thanks for posting!
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