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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Lets put it this way: The sith were already there, in the background, puppeteers if you like, but IMO they have been there through Revans and eventually Malaks rule, granted maybe Revan and Malak didn't even know it! never mind us, but I think they were there, guiding events, biding their time, and by the time TSL's is set, it may have come!
  2. True, it would add that much more of a personal feeling to the game, and to me, a good PC is the beginnings of an excellent game. If I play a game and the PC looks crap, no matter how good the environment looks, it sort of lowers the whole level of the game, but then again its how the PC moves also. But it would be alot better, and a good start.
  3. ME! I'd conquer the galaxy then have a nice cup of tea. :D huh? I don't even like tea.
  4. DS all the time, because I'm an evil little b*****d :ph34r: LS is boring, we have to suffer fools, all for the sake of avoiding a DS point <_< A little like this site but without the DS point (cough..tang..cough) but sadly the fool remains <_< DS is cooler by far, who wants to save the galaxy when you can dominate it? Need I say more. :ph34r:
  5. Means nothing, just look on the first game: Female Revan in the cut scenes, no boobs! And look at Malak man boobs! :D Really he had a strangely large chest for a dude
  6. I doubt there would be air resistance as the blade is made of 'light', it would just be like swinging a torch around, you feel no resistance against the beam. And if my memory serves me I was reading somewhere, the fact that the blade is weightless is what actually makes the lightsaber so dangerous for a non-force user to wield. Maybe there is a counter weight or something incorporated into the hilt to maybe give some sense of blade mass.
  7. It is for some people! I think you PC'ers need to get down off your high horses, us international Xbox users are in exactly the same s**t! Sometimes I think you people seem to forget that. <_<
  8. Personally I agree 100% with angshuman. And what sort of advice is get it on PC? Some people haven't got PC's powerful enough to handle a game such as KotOR i.e. me, and I'm assuming the person who wrote this thread. Not to mention the fact that I bought it on Xbox already and I don't see why I should need to buy it on any other platform simply because it is an inferior version, put quite simply it shouldn't be! And I truly hope (along with angshuman) that this matter has been dealt with.
  9. I would imagine so, I would be suprised if it wasn't seeing as though the first games soundtrack was.
  10. Does anyone else think your BM may factor somewhat in the Onderon section of the game, I mean we know there are two warring factions, and you can either join sides or play each side against each other. Soooo maybe (assuming we have battle meditation at that point) we could use it to sway the tide of battle to our whim, whether light or dark side? Just a thought.
  11. A homosexual darksider, "join me in the backside!! Erm...I mean join me in the darkside!"
  12. Love without passion is empty, this maybe so, but for a true jedi, with the strength of mind to follow it through, that is a sacrifice which must be made. Such is the price for the gift of the force. Sith on the other hand offer it all, and that is probablly what seduces the jedi to their fall. But no if jedi had the strength of mind, the Sith would have ruled the galaxy uncontested for millenia, which they didn't.
  13. Me too! I'm back to playing oohh ssoo played to death KotOR again, I can just about lip-sync every flamin line in the game now! :D
  14. No. 3 - 9, be gone! Put No. 10 where No. 1 is, 1 where 2 is and 3 where 4 is, and that would be round about my list.
  15. I doubt it, the SW databank 'preset' KotOR,in as much, it assumed it ended LS, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
  16. Find the details here, it gives info on all the glitches in the game.
  17. Nice to know someone *cough..feargus..cough* doesn't think himself soooo important, as to assume he may ignore the little man, i.e, individual gamers! Good on you feargus, let it be known that you have EARNED my respect, thanks again
  18. Very nice. This was really missing from the original KOTOR. Now, I hope there will be a bonus track or two for us patient PC-gamers? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or us very patient, international Xbox-gamers
  19. Go to the beginning of this thread! Or if your too lazy, we are talking about the KotOR in game music, find it here!
  20. Which is why ranting over the release date should stop because it's not constructive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats just it nobody is anymore that I can see!! All I can see is this guy who likes to see his own posts, and what he is talking about is ALOT less constructive than the "ranting over the release dates" :angry: P.s. Hades is an acception
  21. Um....it has been since page one <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because my friends THATS WHAT THIS STUPID THREAD WAS ABOUT!! WTF? Who does this guY think he is!? Fair enough there may be a few people who comment on every thread about the release date, but for f***s sake, the amount is only matched by this guy whineing about it! Do us all a favour, if you don't have anything constructive to say, STFU!!! <_<
  22. He's right, they arn't in but they have added more slots. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Woohoo, we need something more to lightsabers! P.S. Hows the move going sun?
  23. Single-bladed lightsaber, that needed to be said.
  24. Hmm... Perhaps I am one of the "grumpy" then... but do you have any idea how excruciatingly painful it was to listen to the lovetalk dialogue in Episode 2? Do I need to mention Jar Jar from Episode 1? Ordinarily, I would be inclined to be charitable toward an artist's work, but Lucas had over 20 years to write those scripts. I don't think it would have been unreasonable on the audience's part to expect some better stuff. Dooku and Palpy might be great villains... I'm not sure because they had rather few spoken lines. Not much time was spent on their character development in the film. Again, much of the focus was on the love story and dialogue that was so bad that the actors seemed embarrassed to be speaking it. The first trilogy was by no means perfect. The actors in it even then made fun of Lucas' clumsy script. Harrison Ford is supposed to have said, "You can write this stuff, George, but you can't say it. The difference is that the original story focused upon a compelling good vs. evil conflict without getting bogged down in details. Lucas can create tons of stuff with CGI that he couldn't do back in 1977, but has it made a better story? I think one could argue that by concentrating so much upon CGI, the story has rather fallen by the wayside. Just my opinion, take it as you will. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very well put dude
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