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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. And I thought it was fitting for a DARk lord of the siTH, to be named Darth in the game, I would've been a little dissappointed if it wasn't! Can't speak for everyone though. And as I've been led to believe in EU Darth Bane was his actual name, and I always thought it was an abrieviation of dark lord of the sith, which I still believe it was intended as, no matter what this 'EU' says.
  2. OK have it your way pal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You said it not me!
  3. I did like Bastilla but we don't really know much about the other two to pass judgement at this time......So I'll say Bastilla.
  4. But if every game/novel/comic stuck rigidlly to one timeline, that would make it all the more linear! Thats the beauty of the star wars universe, there is more being discovered about it with every story, its always evolving, how do you know there wasn't any sith named Darth before Bane? Simply put you don't, Bane might just be the first known sith to use it.
  5. ..with inaccurate and false information which you're passing off as fact. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It aint so much the info, but the damn attitude with everyone that pisses me off!
  6. Good stuff man! The proportions seem a little off on the chick, but a little work on the hips and funbags and its first class.
  7. How about we go lvl 50 and chinese burn the sith into submission? Or how about lvl 100 and whip a wet towel up and whack the sith? Come on 25/30 is about all we need, then it gets silly.
  8. Its not real! Any of it, its all made up....NO! REALLY ITS ALL FICTION!....And its high time people separated fact from it. And Mr. Ab Sal, Mr. I'm the biggest, best, most intelligent, decisive star wars fan in the galaxy, take note! sheesh <_<
  9. You know my "vrook theory" is just another gag made for fun and if you are so unintelligent that you can't see this then I can understand why you are able to invent stupid theories based on some full of EU bugs canadian game. Educate yourself in star wars sonny (begin with those 100 novels then 200 comic books etc) and then you will maybe be a match for me. For now you're just another agressive amateur who should be set straight by the real star wars experts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is the planet 'NurAbSals's Ego' in the EU? Really though dude you need to chill and get off peoples cases, just because their opinion clashes with yours. You sound like a very arrogant little man, and if thats the way you want to put yourself across, so be it, but kindly do it elsewhere. <_<
  10. It looked to me that the leviathan was exactly the same as all the other sith ships that were churned out by the star forge! But aren't they supposed to be, and I quote, 'of an alien design we've never seen before'? blooper maybe?
  11. Hey Nur Ab Sal why don't we make a new religion up based on TOTJ? One where everything else is **** if they don't go along with what we think is right? What you say? <_< Different people have different views, different likes and dislikes. Not everyone is totally obsessed with comics as you are! ITS A GAME ITS A COMIC NON OF ITS REAL ANYWAY!! Damn man get a grip! Is it me or are some people rather unhealthily obsessed with star wars?
  12. But at the end of the day, they are 4000 years apart and they are also on the same side Wouldn't a better arguement be who would win Revan or Luke?
  13. I loved on JA when you went DS and little fairy Kyle blamed himself what a pleb! But on JA the DS was exactley the same as LS except you killed different people i.e. your academy buddies tsk tsk, at least make it a little dark instead of just choosing sides <_< Oh and atleast make the PC look a little darker if nothing else! KotOR did it.
  14. Wouldn't that have to be run by and approved by LA? Don't worry I'm not getting at your theory, but wouldn't it be a lot of trouble? In contrast wouldn't using established species be alot easier? But then we really don't know what levels of detail obsidian are going into in this game, but something is telling me to doubt it.
  15. Well as one of those so called 'half-wits' (with half the amount of 'wits' more than you I may add!) I've played KotOR to death and any difference in the game is welcome with me! Granted I wouldn't cheat my first 10 or so play through's, after that it gets a little tedious to say the least, so a little change does no harm, so kindly reserve judgement until you know the facts. <_< There, I'm done with my little rant. *whew*
  16. Oh and does the HK model droid you get in TSL's, be that HK-47 or whatever, have the assassination funtion available to the player? Are sith tattoo's available? Is there a set 'dark side/ light side' limit, like the first game, or can we continue to go to the very depths of good and evil?
  17. Exactley Hades, thats the point I was trying to get across earlier in this post, they are the puppeteers! They have always been there watching progress, biding their time, ALLOWING Revan and Malak to take the title respectivly, waiting for their opportunity to strike, without haste, and IMHO, TSL's is it!
  18. I think they already said that wasn't the pet, hopefully it wasn't anyway, I'm looking for something a little more 'cool' than a little round droid, but who knows, we are slaves to the devs whims
  19. Will being male/female have a big impact on the NPC's from the first game who will appear in TSL's? I noticed you could kill certain party members only if you were a certain gender in the first game, so will we maybe get different 'old' NPC's dependant on gender aswell as allignment?
  20. Palpatine definitly had high blood pressure! Damn look at those varocose veins, either that or he struggled out a turd the size of a death star! :D
  21. Vader was cool because of his voice to me, James Earl Jones played the part to perfection! Revan on the other hand had no such coolness in regard to voice acting, and I still loved him! maybe because I got to actually be him, make his choices/control him, I don't know but he had an ubercoolness about him that I cannot place. In regard to who would win, probably Vader because he was stronger in the force BUT sometimes that doesn't count, we all know what happened to poor Andor Vex! :D
  22. Damn they own me! And for alot more than 50!
  23. KOTOR copied movies in more obvious ways (sith fighters *sigh*) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well what would you suggest? Please don't say comics because it would be exactly the same, and not everyones fans of those. So what better thing to go along the lines with than the movies?
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