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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Unless Mike Gallo and Lucasarts (the one's responsible for RELEASING THE GAME) do a 180 in the next month (which is when the US version is expected), don't get your hopes up and don't listen (read) any other sources' opinions. Stores are given release dates, but they're just tentative dates that hold no actual bearing on when the game will actually be released. It's almost like a placeholder for marketing purposes so that the store's head office can begin planning for the release of the game. But just because a store has a date listed, doesn't mean that's when it will be released. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spoil sport
  2. Thats all the fun of evil If you aint got that, whats evil about it? I want to destroy some lives, and then for them to see and realise just what I've done, just before I end it for them. Hmmmm
  3. I liked fable for the full day <_< I played on it, the voices were rather humourous, but I can't see how none brits would get the in joke. But who knows maybe they did. KotOR kept me entertained for a good couple of months, running around as dark lord of the sith Final fantasy is to orientalfied (is that a word? ) for me so I guess KotOR 2 gets the vote even though I haven't played it, because lets face it, it would need some real incompetence from the devs to make this game bad, and I just can't see that happening.
  4. Or check this.........spoiler alert!.........Atton IS the 'queen' of Onderon...ahem, so to speak
  5. More like lame stuff indeed, if its true. If they are going to have cameos have them, but I'd rather they didnt put them in at all if all we're getting is stupid force ghosts. And come to think of it half the crew weren't even force sensitive. <_<
  6. Gotta be 'knights of our lives' ......did you see what I did there?
  7. Hooray!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats what my friends call me <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Im called captain obnoxious
  8. Speak for yourself dude!..... :cool: Oh and cheers darth taylor, you can become my apprentice if you like.
  9. Hmmm, but wearing white? Untraditional for a sith, but maybe thats her insidious alter ego....and maybe thats the twist!
  10. I dont want it at all, I just come here because of the sparkling conversation.
  11. Potential, so she is restricted to LS players I assume?
  12. I got the impression it was a mandalorian, I dont think its candy, I mean why hide his face? Unless its to do with a twist (oops thats right we arent getting any)
  13. Well the suns gonna super nova sometime ............. :D And pretty much doubtless unless we all learn to get along. Unless its a natural disaster.
  14. Wow I got a question answered :cool: Im famous!
  15. Hmmm thats debateble " ON TOPIC: Anakin had a choice, the temptation was there, but if the individual doesnt have the strength of mind or morals to resist they are history, it is also up to the master to spot what is happening (blatently obvious) so in a way obi wan failed to.
  16. Aha how did you guess? Me and he have had quite the heated disscussion in the past " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't argue with fanatics..... Just pound your head on a wall, it's quicker and the end result will be the same... ... you'll get a headache. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Such truth you speak, but it appeals to your ego to back down straight away so you are compelled to argue to no end
  17. Aha how did you guess? Me and he have had quite the heated disscussion in the past "
  18. I see your point but a little advice, never diss the EU, thats when you get the true hardcore maniacs defending it with their very honour flame wars galor to some people ToTJ is like the bible, trust me I've been there and you don't wanna go!
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