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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. I always use Sirius, check the sig I only used the Darth bit on here because it seemed apt, and...I think they go quite well.
  2. I did but I couldn't get him to use a lightsaber. He could use force powers though. I don't even know how I did it, I was FLU'ing and he got all force sensitive on me.
  3. I actually memorized the point at which the ebon hawk got shot at every single time, damn man variety is the spice of life, I hope I don't see that sort of thing in TSL's.
  4. I think the probabillity is there will be a master/apprentice relationship in TSL's, whether we are the master or apprentice remains to be seen, but the sheer fact that very few people (on here at least) would not apprieciate it in the game sorta speaks for itself.
  5. My thoughts exactly. Mine are a distinguishing feature of me, and as such, are extremely personal.
  6. Muhahahahahahaha My kinda guy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Muhahahahahahaha Thank you
  7. I assume it will be in the questions in the game asking about him/her. You pick Revans gender from KotOR, so I guess you will pick his/her allignment, a little silly if you don't.
  8. I'm going to play DS every single time I play, I can never be bothered to **** foot around little fools just to get a LS point. Oh and I'm evil. :ph34r:
  9. Maybe he was sent by Revan to recruit you if you go DS/LS*, or kill you if you go DS/LS* *Dependent on which allignment you select Revan as.
  10. To pose for that painting 'the last supper' wasn't it? :D
  11. I hope not.... that would close the door for KotOR 4 !! :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But in the films there were two trilogies.
  12. Its probably something to do with the game engine, with it not being intended in any way, shape or form to be used for multiplayer. Obsidian probably have strict rules from both LA and Bioware as to what they can do with it. But then again what do I know, maybe you are right.
  13. Yup... Yup... Check... That's spooky <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spooky? In what way? You like them? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In that I read the list, looked at my CD collection and thought "yup, that one's there, that one's there, that's in that album, etc..." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah I see we have similar tastes then..... In KFC do you like a zinger or a fillet? :D
  14. Well I'm not an expert on obsidian, and I've never played another game that they have made, but from what I have heard they are a world away from Bioware in the evil depiction stakes.....So I have VERY high hopes for this game.....And I have a feeling they will deliver.....Don't you let me down obsidian! I like to play evil :ph34r: and I actually want to feel evil this time.
  15. Yup... Yup... Check... That's spooky <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spooky? In what way? You like them?
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