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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. *bashes Hades_One's face in with a metal sheet* Justified bashing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. Okay then, lets discuss something else shall we? We aren't getting anywhere with this, and I can fast see it becoming a slanging match. We'll just agree to disagree! Agreed?
  3. They are in. I seem to remember a topic on it just the other day.
  4. I see, so what does this mean: ?? I don't want to 'absorb' that 'fact' because simply I don't agree, sheesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is fact cause Revan is just weak amateur if you had any knowledge about other sith lords you could make comparison like me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well it sounded to me strangely like a "I know, you don't" "I'm right, your wrong" kind of answer to me.
  5. I see, so what does this mean: ?? I don't want to 'absorb' that 'fact' because simply I don't agree, sheesh.
  6. I don't really care if I'm not as much of a fan as the next guy, I'm not living in the SW universe, and to be quite frank, I'm a passing fan of star wars at best i.e. I like KotOR and the movies. Now just because I'm not a total SW geek who knows more about the SW universe than my own, doesn't make me any 'less' of a fan. So I have my favourites and dislikes. Revan isn't one of them. So don't try and force it into peoples heads that they shouldn't like him either, simply because you don't and you fire a few EU facts around. We all have our opinions, that is mine
  7. Still gonna get locked so get it all off your chest while you can.
  8. There aren't any mods around to close it, but I fully expect our friend Adria to close, if not delete this thread as soon as she sees it.
  9. Thats YOUR opinion, and its been noted. Please don't try and force your opinion on everybody else! I personally dissagree <_< Thats why I said alledgedly. Didn't know that, I'm going off the movies and what is set in stone by Lucas himself.
  10. HMMM, he think he's lassie now P.S. 1000th bit of spam I've posted, yeah to me!
  11. Anakin destroyed the sith then died so it can't be him, he is alledgedly the last sith lord....And he's dead, so how can he lead them to glory now?
  12. It is actually important (Revan and Bastila), since it shows how vunerable that padawans are to emotions such as love. I mean these midicolorians (sorry if spelt wrong) most likely do pick people at random, but a family line can also hav an affect. This is seen with the Skywalker family. If Revan and Bastila were to start a family, there children would be very powerful jedi aswell. I am guessing that the coucil in the KOTOR era were perhaps a lot more flexible than in the movie era, and would allow jedi to start families on occasion if they were either mature enough, or already way to far down love road to turn back (ala male Revan and Bastila). Just my idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It isn't real you know it's all made up......No really
  13. I believe you are thinking of Vandar, Vrook is the old grey haired man. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The thought of the MSL actually being Vandar on stilts is... a bit stretched, if you'll pardon me... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know but that guy thought Vrook was the yoda looking dude, so I just pointed out that it was Vandar he was thinking of
  14. I believe you are thinking of Vandar, Vrook is the old grey haired man.
  15. Isn't that basically the same as stealth? Displacement though B) hmmmm.
  16. The same + Jedi Academy and The Sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'The old Republic' was my favourite...out of all the new stuff anyway.
  17. Agreement coming from someone who plays DS in KotOR 1 99.9% of the time, I couldn't really gey away with LS, I always ended up bullying cash from someone And LS was a little gay IMO, like little jedi fairies
  18. Heh azure I,m not even gonna quote that , but good post
  19. Is the *FORCE opinion on everyone else* power in the EU?
  20. It hasn't, but then again all the clues point to it Hmmm all the clues pointed to a december release aswell *Doesn't hold breathe*
  21. Maybe he isn't, but if he was stuck in the middle of one, he would quickly change his tune I would imagine :ph34r: And to be honest he was one of a select few who survived last game whether LS, or DS, so I imagine there is a good chance he will make an appearance :ph34r:
  22. Well I'm not particularly that concerned about the release date, its just this guy that got me going, whining about other people whining! Now WTF's that about? He makes a topic whining about the whiners and ends up whining himself, then he's upset when the whiners whine back at him! Erm if that made sense <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you still never got the point. It seems some people did, but you didnt. You should quit while you're ahe...wait, you're not. So carry on if you like. You never did get the point of this, so it's useless to continue trying to explain. Carry on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The
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