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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Even if we did I'd want a different head model, she just looked like every other female Twi-Lek NPC in the entire game.
  2. Well sorry but they just posted it on here, and I've never seen this article before! Yes I've heard about them, but have we got anything else to discuss? NO. P.S. I was in bed then I didn't see it at all sorry P.S.S. Yes I know I put I was at work aswell, until I realised it was like 3.15am my time so I guess I was in bed
  3. It isn't new I knew about it for weeks if not months.
  4. But alas look at the new news thread I posted, its just the effects on atton from the PC's battle meditation force power
  5. This has been posted in the news on this site, about the force powers, what do we all think? I'm excited B)
  6. Maybe Atton is the third sith lord, masqueradeing as your friend and ally, I mean can you imagine anyone seeing that coming?!
  7. Never assume anything on looks alone! I mean Senator Palpatine in ep. 1 and 2 looks like a jolly old grandad figure and we all know how he turned out
  8. Maybe it one of those DS clouds we heard about in the E3 demo.
  9. You will excuse me if i die of anticipation *Homer Simpson style drooling noises* AAAAAAAAAAAA 800 force powers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Erm that was a little jest I had there. Check my post again
  10. Cpt. Needsa bad girl!! sorry couldn't resist <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you see that wrist mounted rocket launcher sirius? :ph34r: Couldn't resist! cheers, Needa. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if she was doing something naughty with her 'wrist' and it went off?
  11. I heard there was 800 force powers B) ........
  12. The Zabrak? If so someone has already mentioned him. Cool though
  13. Thats all well and good but just don't mention *cough..saberwhips..cough* Nothing there but trouble.
  14. When I first clicked into here I thought it was about hurricane Ivan
  15. I almost said something really nasty to one of my family members before, to see what happened then I could 'reload' Funny how treacherous your thoughts can be, it was like when you dream though, no matter how idiotic the dream is, it all makes perfect sense at the time. No probs with my name though yet, but there is time
  16. It does happen quite a bit to me on this site, but I thought it was just me. Guess not.
  17. Your avatar just comes up as a broken link. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Doesn't to me.
  18. Spam! Like me I do like to think some of my replies are worth reading though B) erm, are they?
  19. what part of "Search" don't you understand? And custom hilts aren't in, sorry
  20. Special tool and ingriedients, it isn't cookery But seriously there are like three more upgrade slots on the lightsabers now, not for crystals but some other stuff, focus and another two I can't remember off the top of my head.
  21. Not something I place high on my agenda, got them fine, haven't got them fine.
  22. It's a place holder man, that is an old trailer.
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