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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. True, so very sadly true! But even if I was a terrorist I wouldn't bring children into it, that screams to me animal, so in turn deserving of slaughter like an animal, which in turn fuels the hatred, and so the cycle continues, where does it end.....simply put, it doesn't
  2. In the Korriban Sith academy, Yuthura is the twi-lek who initiates you, I never did though I always sided with Uthar because Ialways play DS :ph34r:
  3. If my child/family was killed by an organized group(like the USA in raids to control oil in the region). I had little to no education, I had no time to develop mentally and socially, and I had literally NOTHING. I would probably vow to kill my enemies in any way I could.. True that the pertaining event is a horrible and dispicable act. But it's not like they have no reason to want retribution. Which is the crappy part Now either sides plea for vengence holds some bearing no matter how perverted the act <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No matter what happened IMHO there is NO amount of reason in the world for killing innocent children!!! And you can fire as many reasons as you like at me but the fact remains whatever grieviance they may have, what they did was disgraceful and nothing anyone could say would convince me otherwise :angry: But alas, it will get worse! And feel free to mark my words on that
  4. I think Beslan in Russia is worthy of a mention also, 9/11 is bad but child killers! sickening, animals wouldnt do that
  5. We aint gonna get it! we need to all get over it, and bombard LA with complaints! Plus a petition or two.....where do I sign
  6. The topic is "Your opinoin on what happened 3 years ago" so... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very well, go right ahead
  7. I think this thread should remain a rememberance of the dead, be that american or iraqi, not a slanging match! Make another thread to debate it, or if I remember there is one
  8. I agree. That's why I don't beleive in anything or anyone but myself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I couldn't agree more my friend, remember that the only person you can rely on to not let you down is you remember that, and terrorists could take everything from you.....but your dignity and principles.....even if they have none, they can never take yours p.s I know Im from england and therefore a long way from what you all went through, but I still feel shocked and saddened for you all
  9. And they say religiousness is good! heh think of how many wars have been started over it.....how many lives lost.....then think again *shakes head* what a waste! *sigh* I guess its just in our nature
  10. In England there was a storm earlier this year because Coca-Cola was selling bottled tap water at a enormous price, WTF is that about I can get tap water for free <_< Of course they left that information out of the packaging!
  11. Or maybe: LS Revan: in hiding DS Revan: regretted what he did and went into self imposed exile, much like Ulic Qel Droma DS Revan: 1 of the sith lords DS Revan: Got forced out of the loop by the new sith lords and is somewhere plotting revenge, and maybe needs you Just an idea
  12. You missunderstand, Im not blaming the Americans, not at all, lucky b*****d's of course it isnt your fault, its LA thats to blame IF anyone Im just ranting, getting it off my chest
  13. Still as shocking as 3 years ago....and the worst thing is things can only get worse before they get better, wars are one thing but this is something else! In a war you have clearly defined opponents, now they could be living next door to you who to attack? who knows?
  14. Or maybe a force ability over blaster bolts that can telekinetically affect them to not hit you as much: Level 1: Adding to defence Level 2: Adding more to defence Level 3: Turn some bolts against the attacker Just a thought
  15. might be to do with translation. U'd have to translate it into every other language, as a lot of Europeans don't speak English as a first language. It would be even more unfair to release the English version in France, or just give it to the British (and Irish) market. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As unfair as giving it to the USA and not the rest of the english speaking world you mean <_< I would be less concerned if I didnt speak english and they needed time to translate.....the game is already in english so give to all or none! But alas it is a business so get it to the biggest christmas audience if possible *cough..USA..cough*
  16. I would just like to know why the European Xbox owners are getting the game in febuary aswell as the PC owners, but US Xbox owners are getting it 2 months earlier!? WTF is that all about? Are the European market not as important as the US market? Or is it some technicallity I'm not aware of? Please someone enlighten me because I would love to know, but I can't help thinking its the former <_<
  17. 1) Will we have radically different endings based on your allignment choice? DS and LS endings in KotOR were all well and good but they were pretty much just pre-defined paths which ultimately ended up much the same, is this going to be addressed? 2) Will we have more conversation choices, to get the point we want across? I liked the convo choices in the first game but I thought they were a little linear, as in I couldn't express what I was feeling to the NPC's or party member as sometimes there simply wasn't the convo choices, is this something that has been addressed?
  18. But C-3PO was programmed for etiquette, not destruction! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True but what I meant was these robot doods stick together, like a double act or something .........or are you trying to tell me something
  19. Malaks style is one handed, like we see on the leviathan
  20. Change the recored already! It aint going to happen on this game, your opinion has been noted, let it go
  21. Pepsi, tastes better IMO, Ive been drinking coke for so long, Im bored with it now
  22. I used to have a red ford escort, but alas I cant afford one now...damn credit cards
  23. They would've been pulling Bastila chunks out of the floorboards of Revan's flagship for months afterwards. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D
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