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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Erm you seem to have lost me, what is your suggestion? That is just what you disliked about it isnt it? Come up with an idea better than the ones you have mentioned and maybe we can talk
  2. Thanks! What about a fanboy? Wait that sounded a little gay I mean fanman!
  3. But the enemies stop chasing you after a while dont they? Wouldn't that just be boring trying to lure them when you could probably knock s*** out of them yourself
  4. Force confusion was to get enemies of the same side to fight each other. I mean when enemies on different sides meet, they fight. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh I see what you mean now :D
  5. I wasn't a fan of star wars until KotOR came out, star wars is a bit of a geeks past time where I live and I still get ribbed from my oh so 'nice' work collegues for actually getting into it (and then stupidly telling them ) But I didn't actually even buy KotOR until a couple of months after its initial release, because it was star wars and I wasn't interested. But one weekend I was shopping for a new game and it was pretty deserted of games I fancied, so I picked up KotOR as I had a couple of RPG's and I didn't mind them. When I played it though I was totally blown away! And I could hardly contain myself when I found out about the sequel, though inevitable, I thought it was soon, and just had to get my filthy little hands on a copy, and that in case your wondering is why I'm here
  6. Not all of us have your patience my good man I want it now or ill stamp my feet ......... *stamps feet*
  7. You did get the reply the other day about storm being just the third tier lightning power in the first game didnt you?
  8. You and me both pal Nice bits of info there Adria give yourself a pat on the back
  9. Dantooine, to see whats carnage has been wreaked :ph34r: and to find out if that damn bombardment has blown open any other lightsaber caves with some sweet ubercrystals in
  10. But its still just speculation as gandalf said! nothing confirmed yet
  11. I agree, there should be at least some sort of feat if nothing else to to be able to master twin and double bladed lightsabers, but alas it was pick up and fight in the first game, so maybe they can impliment being Revan as the cause of being excellent in all the forms of personal combat as an excuse to making them harder this time
  12. Hades is a Chris Avellone groupie <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, my heart only goes to Feargus. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can see Feargus right this moment getting on the phone with attorney to write up that restraining order. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D but he dosnt like TSL's so he will probablly be looking for him :D
  13. There is no such thing as light and dark side, just the context in which you use the power you are given. Think of it like this in laymens terms, right now it is quite easy to remain good and justified, but if you were supremely powerful, and nobody could dissagree with you, how much harder would it be? That is the dark side, having the power, and giving in to using it for yourself and your own personal gain :ph34r:
  14. Hitler could have been making KotOR 2 and I would have been his 'fan'.......only if he made TSL though im not nazi or nuffin :D
  15. From what Ive heard Mission is 14 yo, and Bastilla is nearer 25 yo, and I have heard that a couple of times, dont ask me to link, because I cant remember, I just assumed anyway, of course I may be wrong, but it seems very likely
  16. Dont know about what stats they change, but the robes are now flowing woohoo, who cares about anything like that! and there are hoods, so that makes it even more insignificant IMO woohoo
  17. I agree 'a game' but I just cant see it being feasable in 'this game'
  18. Yes it was, but how could you not play a force user in the first game when you were a former dark lord of the sith, so I dont understand, was it the story you would want different? because thats what you would have to change in the first game to be a non force user, whether its the same in TSL's remains to be seen
  19. "I hate you old man" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D yeah that was refreshingly abrupt for KotOR anyway
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