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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. He will be seen. He has a "role" that is not know yet, and you cant realy have a role in a couple cameos <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just because he has a role dosnt mean he WILL be seen, we could just learn of his fate
  2. Near the beginning of the game a character, Kreia if im not mistaken asks/answers questions for you
  3. Had to be Mission, now that moment when Zaalbaar kicks the living s*** out of his best friend is true DS material :ph34r:
  4. I need your robes! your boots! and your speeder bike! B)
  5. But battle meditation could be used to inspire the sith to fight better to so how come its only LS?
  6. You forgot the option for "Atton Rand" silly I know but it should have been there
  7. And dont forget force clairvoyance! that would give you supreme dexterity, if you could see an enemies moves before hes even thought of doing them, I assume thats universal
  8. Afraid not, but with all them new force powers and a few people whineing about LS powers being a little gay, Im sure something will have been done <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Battle Medditation. I think it is Universal <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, Bastilla used it both LS and DS in the first game if you remember
  9. Afraid not, but with all them new force powers and a few people whineing about LS powers being a little gay, Im sure something will have been done
  10. erm Im sure you could find one with a search engine, but I really dont think this is the place. If your stuck why not PM someone instead of spamming the boards
  11. Ive only ever played one MMORPG and that was everquest and I found it rather s%$* for the money I payed for it! The graphics were crap, the people were very very ignorant, like ignoring my entire existence in the game when I came across someone and said something as nasty, off the wall and horrible as "hello" :angry: OK not all the people in that game would have been like that but needless to stay I didnt stay around long enough to find out <_< My point is MMORPG's are all well and good for people who like them, but dont morph my fav game of all time into something it isnt!! Fine if a KotOR MMORPG is brought out, I just wont buy it, but dont twist the already superb game franchise we already have now that is KotOR into something it isnt and alienate the fans who have put it where it is today!
  12. <_< someone always takes things to far, a small ceremony in the back garden would suffice!! Some people get soooo obsessed with games
  13. Not me since it was that quick and easy as changing your boxer shorts, you are thinking in our reality terms, in the SW universe it wouldnt involve surgery at all more than likely
  14. anticlimactic!!!! I'd be emotionally scarred! The time I spent with that guy he's like an old friend to me now If he did die id hold a little ceremony for him in my back garden.........much like my budgie percy
  15. I know we are short on convo choices at the mo but sheesh IS THIS THE BEST WE CAN COME UP WITH PEOPLE <_<
  16. Why would you use the containers? Agreed they were a pointless addition to the game, which could have turned out great if properly executed. But I mean you could carry everything around with you without any hindrance to your character so why use the containers at all and waste 5 minutes of your life
  17. Maybe they havn't been straight forward with the number because maybe the PC has the potential of becoming a sith lord in their own right, I mean not just in the prestige class but as an actual sith lord rivaling the others, now that would be sweet :ph34r: or is it just wishful thinking on my part
  18. There are more than 10 NPC's with the potential of joining your party at any one time, who knows the actual total! There are probably lots of factors aswell as alignment that affect their decision to join you or not. Maybe we will be able to have an almost completely different party of 10 the first couple of times we play through
  19. None cos im a naughty little evil DS person :ph34r: But if i had to pick one id say Vrook because he sounded like a gangster (irritating though)
  20. This guy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could be, could be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it isnt <_< dont u know anythin <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or maybe its this guy
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