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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. superb idea B) ps, how long that take you to write, i mean it took me like days to read!
  2. it doesn't really clash with the timeline <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it does. This guy is alive 44 years before Sion is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sion wasnt born at the time of TSL he must obviouly have had a history before it! whether it is the history im thinking of remains to be seen
  3. Good point but you say that turning him down would make the DS easier, how is that possible? if you join sion then surely the DS becomes easier as you will have sion and his followers AND the republic on your side, i mean why would the republic need to know you had sided with sion? remember old palpy? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't say it would make the DS easier, I said it would make the DS harder if his idea was implemented, unless there's a typo in my post I didn't catch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats what i mean, wouldnt joining sion make it easier instead of harder
  4. Good point but you say that turning him down would make the DS easier, how is that possible? if you join sion then surely the DS becomes easier as you will have sion and his followers AND the republic on your side, i mean why would the republic need to know you had sided with sion? remember old palpy?
  5. To be honest it dosnt really clash with the timeline, i mean 44 years before KotOR, therefore 49 before TSL, as i have said before sion looks like no spring chicken, so who knows how old he is! So unless sion is a brand new character made up by obsidian (maybe) then this is the only person i can find who fits the bill. If anyone else knows different, let me know please
  6. I kinda liked that part of the game, a little variety would be nice but i hope u arent suggesting we get rid of that all together in games, just because its "getting old" :angry:
  7. well assuming the king is sion, one wonders what part he will have to play in the Onderon section of the game
  8. True, but im probably wrong, and this probably isnt true, but even if it is, LA insist on leaving us without info for so long we are bound to come to conclusions ourselves, whether they are wrong or right, it gives us something different to discuss. At least if LA gave us a steady stream of small titbits, it would keep us occupied for long enough not to make our own minds up
  9. Knocking on the sith base door, then running away :D
  10. Ballpark, those events happend 40 years before KOTOR1, as far as TheForce.net shows <{POST_SNAPBACK}> approx 44 years before KotOR but i mean sion dosnt exactly look like a spring chicken
  11. The durasteel exoskeleton also troubled me, as we have all seen sion, he dosnt have one, but when he went to "pursue Dark Side studies" he may have become strong enough in the dark side of the force aka sith lord to, as obsidian have said, hold himself together without the exoskeleton and use sheer force of will and dark side enery, but im only guessing
  12. im still looking at the moment, i just spotted that and it got my mind working
  13. Two years into his training, King Ommin becomes too ill to continue mentoring Novar. Luckily (and to Novar
  14. At least its given us something new to talk about......okay maybe only how old the screenshot is, but
  15. 3 cheers for akari, the only dev who is really vocal with us, the fans...... hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray
  16. I think its already been stated that customisable hilts are out, but we are being treated to fancier default hilts, as far as i can make out from the pictures woohoo no more black tubes
  17. hmmm you may think it "simple" but ask yourself this.... If it were that "simple" why hasnt it been done? now i dont claim to have any programming knowledge but IMO doing things like that is far more complicated than we may think.......simple
  18. hmm interesting i wouldnt mind a prequel myself, but how far can the story go on about revan? i mean he was my fav character in KotOR but isnt it time we had something fresh, thats of course assuming he has a large part to play in TSL *admires his modesty *
  19. Maybe its just a side effect from her *assumes* extreme lightside allignment, as is IMO the jedi chick in the trailer, her eyes are glowing white
  20. Not really, nor do I really want to know about your mercenary fetishes........ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> listen pal if i have mercenery fetishes im gonna have to rid myself of them for TSL! i mean anything sexual about merceneries dissappeared when i heard about mira's WRIST mounted ROCKET LAUNCHER!!! :D :D
  21. I dont know if anyone else noticed this but i thought all the alien language was repeated groans altered with a machine but when i was on tattooine swoop track talking to Motta( i think thats what it was called) the hutt, every time its name was in conversation, it actually said it, obviously in the hutt dialect, but it actually sounded like "motta the hutt" and that got me wondering about all the other alien voices, but i mean all of them couldnt be authentic could they, i mean what would be the point?
  22. I don't think it'd be sexist to believe that Revan was whatever gender the player happens to be. I don't think in those terms. I think in terms of the character and what would make the game more believable or fun for me. For one thing, because I think the Bastila/Revan romance has more appeal and seemed more...developed than the Revan/Carth, and thus for the "Better" romance to work, Revan was male. It's all about what fits the story better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know that and i know that but you know as well as me you always get the odd one or two who say something and set threads like these on fire
  23. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D :D i take it u dissagree then? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Look, what you're into is your business.......... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D :D :D you didnt think he was the slightest bit cool??
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