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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. I guess you still don't grasp that just because Bioware BORROWED items from the d20 ruleset, doesn't mean they have to follow it 100%. When I play hockey with my friends, we don't use all the actual NHL rules. We don't have off-sides. We don't have penalties. We don't have line changes. We don't play 3, 20-minute periods. Does that mean that we're not actually playing hockey? No. It means we're just not adhering to EVERY rule that professional hockey has in place. I also disagree that it would fit the current storyline to have a non-Jedi as the PC, mainly because the story happens to be about Jedi-Sith. If the story weren't so Sith-as-enemy oriented, then I'd agree with you. Heck, I've said numerous times that I'd enjoy playing a game and storyline as a non-Jedi. I think that'd be a fun game. But it just doesn't fit the KOTOR theme. That's not to say it doesn't fit a Star Wars game theme, just THIS specific Star Wars theme. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the fact its named KNIGHTS of the Old Republic fair enough if it was Non-Force Users of the Old Republic but.....well it isnt is it
  2. Cheers Nartwak I didnt know what they were either
  3. Are the true sith the massassi? I always assumed so but im not sure and if so was Maul one?
  4. And I thought it had also been revealed in another thread about Yoda's species, that GL would never reveal it, so this must be bullsh1t too <_< this guy is like jackanory tell us a frickin story
  5. :D :D :D according to that list, chewbacca could have been considered for jedi training
  6. Nerdy?? The old movies are the best ones..... and I really don't see how they are nerdy, not everyone dresses up like a star wars character and visits a star wars convention. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hold my hands up I thought (without knowing much about it) star wars was a rather nerdy think to be into, I mean all the geeks I knew loved it. But then one day a chance encounter with the last title on the game store shelf (I actually didnt want to buy it but it was a boring weekend and there was nothing else in I wanted sooo) and I was instantly captivated by the concept of the whole star wars universe, I ate up every bit of star wars I could find, and the rest as they say is history Never judge a book by its cover or in this case a film
  7. I would not believe anything on that site if i were you. Its virtually all horse sh1t! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Phew! I thought it might be when it said in the powerful jedi list Luke was more powerful than Yoda, that aint true right?
  8. I was checking out some sites on the net when I came across this list. I was expecting Revan to be higher up it myself, and Malak's even on it!! Is this just a fools attempt to look like he knows something, or is this all true??
  9. hmm, I see what you mean, little freakish, hope its just an odd camera angle
  10. :D :D no probs, thats what we all want, cold hard facts
  11. a 'Darth-something' being paid to kill people sounds quite improbable. I think Sion's farthest association with being an assassin can be that he's the master of some very powerful assassin-apprentices. I can't say that I find the conjecture as to every major Sith Lord being the head of a Sith prestige class appealing at all. First of all it's a very simple association; and assuming that the Sith Lords won't be acting collectively, having fighting armies of different areas of Sith expertise adds a very banal theme into the story. Why would 'Lords' gang up to fight the guild of Marauders who in turn don't like the Assassins-Association? If a 'reason' for that isn't provided in the story, then it will be off-putting --and what could be the reason? Besides, a Sith 'Lord' would be expected to have diverse powers under his command; going only with assasins or Marauders is like entering war with only one type of soldier: Armies of Horsemen only fighting against armies of only Archers --rather boring and odd. A Sith faction consisting only of 'Lords' is absurd to begin with. I believe many Sith that have become powerful in distinct prestige classes will be found serving under each Lord. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At last the voice of sensibleness to put us back on the right track
  12. s*it yeah I have heard of that but I could'nt get it on
  13. Nope havent encountered it yet.........erm what is it?
  14. Yes on TSL but Im talking about the original KotOR, and if they were developed side by side then why I wonder did they leave the PC release so late? Especially when TSL (which are being developed side by side) Xbox and PC release is the same time?
  15. But it was a console game to begin with, as far as I can see the discision to put it out on PC came later. And I would still feel I was missing out, no matter how small the DLC was, as indeed I did with the first game
  16. I have the broadband connection, I just dont play any online games, therefore I neither want nor need XBox live........except for the DLC for TSL.......and as I've already shelled out for the game, I feel I am getting short changed by having to pay for my game, then my broadband and then XBox live which I would never again use. Where as PC users cut out the middle man (live) completely, and still pay the same price for the game, AND dont need broadband at all to get the DLC! Now I may be alone here but if it doesnt come out on a seperate disc or something like that i would be rather upset unless someone would slip me a live pin on the sly :ph34r: then ignore ^ that
  17. I also noticed that Bastilla's mother wore jedi robes and she wasnt even a jedi <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bastilas mom looked like Belya (spelling?) a.k.a. Juhanis Dantooine girlfriend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who in turn looked like the wraid plate beggar
  18. I also noticed that Bastilla's mother wore jedi robes and she wasnt even a jedi
  19. Taris - Dantooine: Light Battle Armour Dantooine: Jedi Robe, Jedi Knight Robe (credit goes to Nemo for that ) Tattooine, Mannaan, Kashyyk, Korriban and Unknown World: Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Dark Jedi Masters Robe Star Forge: Dark Jedi Masters Robe, Darth Revans Robes
  20. Which, in the case of your KOTOR disc, would be their first born child. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> or naked photos of their girlfriend B) But on topic I had the XBox version and I didnt notice any bugs at all
  21. Agreed but if we did witness the slaughter I seriously doubt it would have got the PG rating it did, and as film making = money making, it would want to appeal to the widest possible audience, without seeming to childish hence the PG rating. But I agree in an ideal world, we should have seen the slaughter
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