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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Iridorians good warriors? As a single mercenary maybe, but as an army? nope. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats because they sound like f%&*%g psycho's, if they were more organised they would put foot to the whole galaxies ass!! :ph34r:
  2. Well from what I saw there was a good 2 or 3 chinese/japanese looking PC heads in the game. But if you mean for the NPC's then the thing I would want more would be more varied ones! But I will agree with you that the game was lacking in Pakistani/Indian looking faces, but i wouldnt make any kind of slight let alone big deal out of it, because I wouldnt class it as anywhere near important to me in fact it never crossed my mind until you brought it up
  3. Seconded <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vigorously thirded I mean why not just choose a face while you are chooseing your new PC's face, it could be done very subtly, like simply an extension of choosing your own face B) Now ive said this before and ill say it again, I wouldnt like it if a face was chosen for me, it would ruin the whole illusion, so if the above ^ couldnt be implemented the masked Revan would have to do....grudgingly :angry:
  4. How do our armies of todays and histories reality tell each other apart? They would use alot of other things beside sight to establish whether they are allies or enemies! Accents, records, uniforms and a whole lot of other things would be used because im assuming they would be highly organised
  5. No probs But card games like this it used to be hooked on when I was a kid, and I can remember on more than one occasion when I came to brawling in the playground simply because one kid had a good card the other didnt it was football cards though not star wars
  6. :angry: What I ment was that they probaly wouldn't implement another card game to TSL. I mean, a mini game like that would take to much time out of the developement of the game; I know theyv'e already finished the game, but that's another reason why this doesn't make sense. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> erm...it was aimed at the author of the thread not you
  7. Never seen them before in my life, and to be honest I wouldnt really want to see them, but each to their own I suppose
  8. Ah I didnt know that because shaardan liked me, as I advised him to kill those idiots when I first arrived :ph34r: He was still a prat though and I always had him take the wrong sword to Uthar rather than kill him myself. I always imagined Revan giving him a little smile just as he found out it was the wrong one and got fried
  9. Empire Strikes Back- the fight inside cloud city, where Luke got his hand cut off. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah s*%& you mean I was wrong oh well never mind I think I was about 12 the last time I saw the old trilogy
  10. Another one I thought was quite good was on Manaan, when you are talking to those two sith fools and she tells you where the swoop track is followed by a sly comment to her companion, SITH WOMAN: "I hate the rabble these swoop races attract" REVAN: "I dont think I asked your opinion, Sith!" Not really evil but quite a good come back IMO
  11. It's for dramatics. And it's not so much ignorant of health & safety; it's just that you generally don't have two (or more) lightsaber-wielding duelists near them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Luke fighting Darth Vader in ESB was on the death star wasnt it? And I cant really see health and safety a top priority for 2 sith lords
  12. And: "Never speak to me worm! Never" or something along those lines, to the sandcrawler mechanic on Tattooine B) :ph34r:
  13. I hated it when you were trying to defuse a bomb and some stupid f*%$ from your party would run straight through it, setting it off :angry: Another thing that I disliked was when you didnt want to fight someone at that precise moment, so I would take control of the character that had started fighting, run them away and dissengage combat mode, only for the characters I didnt have contol over to do the exact same thing! Thus the cycle would continue :angry:
  14. I have also heard this but it could be just hearsay, It needs to be a damn lot better than the first game at any rate :ph34r:
  15. Thats all well and good.....but we are talking about sw
  16. It's just speculation-fever; no one's giving stark logical reasoning, we're just coming up with possibilities. Though an exact answer to your question is I believe that knowing how much Kotor was indebted to the Original Trilogy, speculation-makers are looking for more parallelisms -and what better theme than the Vader-Luke relationship to muse upon? Especially since it has been mentioned that the game will have a tESB-like feel to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly, I mean with so little to go on the obvious choice to speculate on is parallelisms. But don't take my word for it, listen to Master Dorak "Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it, or so they say" maybe they didnt listen to him p.s. oops this is the history isnt it Knights of the OLD Republic :D
  17. I thought they may be connected by the fact that on the KotOR site, the pic of the MSG and the WHC, flashed from one to the other, and their faces are incredibly similar in shape and details. Take a look for yourself, whether the devs have hidden a secret clue there or I am just reading to much into it remains to be seen
  18. no maul was a zabrak and i dont think the massassi were the original sith species but they might have been part sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cool cheers for the info <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Sith were the original sith species. Dark Jedi that where expelled from the republic settled on there home world (Korriban) and over time the two became 1. That info was on the first game during the loading screens. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I saw all the in game stuff about the sith, but from what I read after that on the net, I came to the conclusion that they were the massassi........granted it was the wrong conclusion but....never mind
  19. And ur the fool that points it out. So who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool that follows him? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  20. no maul was a zabrak and i dont think the massassi were the original sith species but they might have been part sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cool cheers for the info
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