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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Thats very very true but whats the point of playing a game about the jedi as a non jedi thats what I cant get my head around Im not trying to get at your opinion
  2. Well I personally think its rather silly playing a game named Knights of the Old Republic, if you play a common non force user! And I myself wouldnt play as a non force user even if I had the choice, I believe that there are a hell of a lot of games out there that offer you this, as does real life, so I was just curious to what every one else thought
  3. Except that no other class than a Jedi class would work in the scope of the KOTOR storyline......sorry Hades. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not to mention that in KotOR 1, how exactly are you meant to be a former/reinstated dark lord of the sith, when you cant even control the force?! Would be a little bit silly really wouldnt it p.s. I wanted to be a ballerina in KotOR, but I couldnt! Why? Because it isnt 'ballerina's of the old republic' thats why! sheesh if you want to play a non-force user why not wait for republic commando or battlefront, but alas they arent RPG's so Im thinking no matter what this game was like Hades wouldnt be happy anyway
  4. I had it! it wasnt so bad in fact I had my teens without it aswell! It was only KotOR that got me into it at all :ph34r:
  5. To be honest, I wouldn't be opposed to them. But I don't think your ideas would work in a game such as KOTOR, which is more story driven than something like FO. The thing is, even though much of what transpired happened regardless of what path you took, I still felt like I was "roleplaying" because it felt like I was the centerpiece of a movie. I didn't expect every decision I made to change things. I wasn't upset that Malak was slapped around aboard the Leviathan but was able to run away. I guess my idea of what roleplaying is differs from much of you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not me though mate, I feel exactly the same!
  6. Does anyone have a picture of the old one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> mIRA.bmp
  7. Killing is not the path of the Light side. But a question - what abot the EXP? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Id forfeit the EXP, just for the sheer ubercoolness of little fools sh**ing their pants at the meer sight of you :D :ph34r:
  8. Really? Are you sure? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was hoping you could answer that <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some would say that I just did. *Jedi hand wave* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha they only work on the weak minded....... what was this about again?
  9. She is?? I know here eyes are white in her screenies, but I just assumed that was a side effect of extreme LS allignment
  10. [FORCE PERSUADE] Light side is s***, dark side is the best, then you can get Darth Maul esq. tattoo's
  11. try to do what? even if the force did exist it would take years of training to achieve, and besides.......your midichlorian level is 0% sorry :D
  12. Where do I sign up? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i second that <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But the force dosnt really exist so why learn something that isnt there hmm or is it
  13. He was cool as f***, he just didnt care about anybody at all so he gets my vote for coolness :ph34r:
  14. As a fan from KotOR and thats it: Didnt know that thanks for clearing that up just remembered from jedi academy But this is a KotOR: TSL's website, I'm not bothered about all the other s***!
  15. Name: Darth Sirius Fan: Yes Anymore questions?
  16. Does ANYONE know? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does ANYONE care?
  17. awww I feel guilty now its not that bad of a thread, really it isnt
  18. You dont like king kong? then I choose him! But seriously though, how long exactley do you think this thread is going to last?
  19. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and as im overly critical of myself im biased thats why I need the internet to reassure me im ugly
  20. Now that is true :D I live there and so many people stated jedi as their religion it was enough to be recognised as an official religion .....I kid you not
  21. Its all made up anyway....you didnt think it was all true did you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not all of it! The planets, powers and some people (Quel Droma, Exar Kun, Ragnos and more) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no really its all made up! none of it is really real, its just fantasy sorry to shatter your illusions
  22. I like the, now that would be extremely sweet :ph34r:
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