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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. But what if you join the sith, will they not make an appearance at all?
  2. Well it was rather easy with only 3, with 10 you would be able to complete the game with your feet
  3. We do go to Coruscant <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHEN? Coruscant is almost destroyed according to all the articals I read. And then it gets re-built for the time of the council and then we dont hear about until after Vader <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I just made a search and it seems to be just rumour at the moment, nothing confirmed yet that I can find, I knew I'd heard something about it though
  4. Now, that`s useles... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and I semi quote, If it's useless, then why did you use it by quoting it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To point out how utterly pointless a post like that is, and not just being useless in itself its compelled 3 more people to spam up the boards with: 1) mentioning how useless it is 2) asking why ^ quoted it if its so useless 3) explaining why ^^ quoted it when it needs no explaination because its blatantly obvious how useless it is, because anyone can see it brought nothing whatsoever to the conversation <_< I'll shut up now
  5. Not a bad idea but if we the PC did have a vision wouldnt it just be what did happen and not two possibilities?
  6. Imperial march!! It was in the first game and i hope it in the second, ive also got it on mp3, top tune, you think sith, you think of imperial march
  7. At the offical SW site they have a picture of what I assume is a dragon-bird (tho it clearly looks different than the demo one) Look here <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmmm I see what you mean, but I mean the valley of the dark lords was different in jedi academy and KotOR, so why not put their own spin on the bird thing, unless we are going in the complete wrong direction here
  8. Me <_< No jokes about the gay hair in one pic that was a while ago now
  9. ahhh I never thought about that cool if it is :ph34r:
  10. Fallout 1 is quite good at the beginning, but gets ever greater after you have to venture to southern areas. Fallout 2 sucks at the beginning, but gets a lot better after the first few town you visit. Fallout Tactics...you might as well ignore it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats what ive tried, fallout 2....at the beginning *sigh* guess ill give it another shot
  11. We will pander as much as you like if you slip us a little tit-bit on the sly like guv
  12. Well, I guess that confirms it. (beat me to the punch ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have very nimble fingers :D
  13. Force storm is just the 3rd upgrade of force lightening, its on the first game
  14. There is, indeed, such a menace. One far more powerful and destructive than the Sith. Fortunately for your character, they don't show up for another 4025 years. The ship Canderous frees is a Yuuzhan Vong scout. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As quite a new SW fan, id like to know, who are these Yuuzhan Vong??
  15. Remember though that this IS an old topic so use the search feature and you will find all the opinions you could want
  16. True, but then there would be less game to impliment the cool things Really though good point at least we wouldnt get to the really cool stuff until the game was ended *cough..KotOR..cough*
  17. They probably have, and they probably did but all im saying is if they have they probably wont reveal it yet if that makes sense :D
  18. true, im not getting at you, its just you said about old news so i told you
  19. Not wanting to get into an argument over today's military, a couple of things... Revan was a Jedi to start out with, and a Jedi really has a) no equivalent in our world what with the super Force powers, and is a mixture of military/police/arbitrator, and B) super Force powers that are gender neutral. And when Revan was instrumental in a war before falling to the Dark Side, it was as a tactician on board a starship, not as a front line trooper. Again, gender neutral and only an issue if people choose to make it so. I'd like to think along with all the advanced technology in the Star Wars universe there is also a more advanced society, at least in the Republics both Old and New. An advanced society that bases all individuals on their own merit and not whole brushstrokes based on gender. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay lets not get into this whole male/female thing again, its been done a million times before and no good has ever come out of it! Revan could be either male or female! that aint gonna change, Revan is in the eye of the beholder! get it sheesh
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