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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. It is old news but nobody has come up with a universally accepted theory, as far as I know its just anyones guess
  2. There was not hand-to-hand in the true sense, but if you didn't equip a character with a weapon they would punch or kick the enemy. It just didn't do much damage. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats what I mean, it did damage like hitting the enemy with a feather, in TSL it seems like an option
  3. Thats what it seemed like to me aswell, maybe we get something like this as a pet :ph34r:
  4. hmmmmmm maybe, but it was a very very small part of the first game sooooo probably not BUT who knows
  5. Well I guess that remains to be seen when the game comes out because I seriously doubt we are going to be informed about that.....at least yet anyway
  6. I agree it would be a nice touch but i would hold your breathe
  7. All well and good my friend, but I wasnt talking to you! I was talking about our friend charles vrike! In future, pls read posts properly. Thank You!
  8. Nope wouldnt work IMO, I mean it would be to easy for the rash or hasty to kill all the party members and end the whole game to soon
  9. and you have a strange obsession with sig text size
  10. Where the hell do you live?? under a stone <_< you have never heard of deus ex?
  11. huh? Zaalbaar? there wasnt a hand to hand option in KotOR, but there is in TSL
  12. Not quite what you said but if you could torture NPC's ala Malak and Bastilla with force lightening to the DS! now that would be sweet :ph34r:
  13. Not powerful enough to defeat Malak on the Leviathan? Hell I was kicking his ass and thought I was gonna kill Malak right then and there until stupid Bastilla rushes in and stops it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yup, that whole bastilla sacrificing herself was just to introduce us to malak in person but keep the story going because just remember if we had *and i know everyone could have* killed him there that would have been the end of the game in many ways
  14. Its also been said that certain potential party members will not join you if you are of an allignment conflicting theirs, and in turn if you decide to change allignment to something they dont agree with, they can leave :ph34r: and then I come to the fact that there will be party members who will follow you no matter what path you choose depending on how high the regard they hold you in, which to me seems very interesting, and very apprentice esq
  15. There is a hand to hand option yes
  16. pfft Revans the top boy!! They couldnt kill him even if they wanted to! Malak tried that a good few times and look where that got him :ph34r:
  17. It has been talked about many times, just use the search option I dont think its been confirmed but the chances are likely judging the reactions of the devs. There was something about some type of pet going around that aids you in battle and the such but I havnt got much info on that, because not much has been released. But it does seem that we are going to have some sort of being to train, be that pet or apprentice, im personally hopeing for both
  18. Been talked to death im afraid, its out and the reason is codeing or something or other, cant remember, but try and use the search feature next time to see if the topic is old news, like this one p.s welcome to the boards
  19. I just bought fallout 1, 2 and tactics today, thanks in no small part to the praise people on this forum heap upon it. But I must admit I'm not really impressed with the little bit I've played, does it get better? Roll on fable that should last me anyway until TSL is released
  20. Im sure I heard it was Kreia somewhere that questions you, but I may be wrong but it is her who reconnects you back to the force isnt it? so I assume shes the first jedi you meet
  21. *sigh* Female fans play female PC's, male fans play male PC's in most cases. That isn't going to change! I'd be upset if Revan was officially female, you'd be upset if Revan was officially male. So for gods sake we need to choose our own Revan again, I think a movie is unlikely so I agree with you we want NO official Revan, it would upset and alienate to many fans p.s welcome to the boards
  22. :D :D so you got yourself an apprentice sun :D :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup, i recruited him from the LA KotOR forum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D sweet <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should to there too and get urself 1. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmmm I may just do that :ph34r:
  23. :D :D so you got yourself an apprentice sun :D :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup, i recruited him from the LA KotOR forum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D sweet
  24. :D :D so you got yourself an apprentice sun :D :D
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