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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. hmm i hope it isnt ammo either, thats the reason i hate guns in games, approaching an enemy trying to fire...then getting caught with your pants down and getting blown to s*it........okay that sounded a little gay
  2. i think the customisable hilts thing is being left out, but i remember seeing a pic of a jedi holding a saber and they look alot cooler than last times metal rod
  3. hmm lets see, darkside first, then darkside, then darkside again, then i think ill try playing darkside...just for a change
  4. *Very* interesting. You might just have unraveled the identity of those guys with the shoulder robes on the screenshots. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmm im not really clued up on sw history but it seems very plausable
  5. its been said that the game will be slightly longer, and maybe the amount of xp needed to level up will be lower
  6. "ahh yes feed the anger within you, call upon the power of the dark side" thats what my apprentice is going to hear a mighty lot of and if they dont they can drop and gimmie 20
  7. and these questions you are asked at the beginning of the game, can you tell us how that is going to be implimented? is it before you actually start the game that they appear or does a npc ask?
  8. And if they had made Force powers much stronger, or made enemies less immune to them, people would complain how easy it was to just go around Force Lightning the enemies or whatever. As it is, people already complain how easy the game is. Now you're complaining that those "weaklings" shouldn't be immune from Force powers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D good point
  9. Not that I'm sitting in the Devs chair, but I think it was that lightsabers now have 6 upgrade cavities in all. Of these six, 3 crystals cavities and then 3 other cavities for components to the lightsaber. Sounds cool doesn't it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yep sure does B)
  10. This is the key to life. STFU! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D im still looking for the lock!
  11. never mind <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You never had a mind? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ive always had a mind, ive just rarely been mindful of it
  12. hmm fcuk me i cant even remember! i think you just threw 1 like the other sabers but i may be wrong
  13. there are better animations the more skilled you get at something as far as i can make out of whats been said in the past *crosses fingers, for the revan scorpion style :D * <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know that there are new animations, I have seen them in the trailer. But I still see old ones. I was hoping that they would at least replace those. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> maybe they will/already have but there is bound to be all the old ones as well as the new ones
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