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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. yep that it is, bordom does funny things to people when nobodys posting
  2. hmm i see what you mean, but i dont think i would like that, i mean when im a sith red is the colour for me
  3. I'm just wondering when did we see this style? I can't remember when we watched Revan fight. Or are you referring to something else? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think its referring to the vision of bastilla confronting revan, when he flicks his saber round and looks oohh sooo cool
  4. hmm maybe but dont the sith only use red and purple? i may be wrong of course
  5. dont shoot the messenger but the devs have already said its not gonna be online. there will be downloadable content but online play forget it....shame
  6. [Force persuade] i dont know what your talking about *stuffs cash in his wallet*
  7. [Force persuade] You say take all of your money *okay* :D
  8. *holds hand up in shame* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> pervert
  9. and T3 is winning! which robophiles voted him! :D
  10. :D :D :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Force persuade] You will keep laughing! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Force persuade] You will stop force persuading me! my mind is to strong!
  11. yeah i mean i wouldnt take my shirt off if i had a beer belly! never mind rotting flesh hanging off me!
  12. padawans can be took on as a sith lords apprentice, masters even i think
  13. ahhh! sion our father! i just hope dermatitis is'nt hereditory
  14. any of these: revan (ds) bastilla (ds) carth (to kick his arse) canderous hk-47 and i would be happy
  15. bah i never thought of that, oh well it was just a thought
  16. maybe you can become an apprentice of one of the sith lords, and later on you are able to challenge them, hence getting the sith prestige class, lord, assassin etc, just an idea to throw around
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