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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. aha hes admitted it! he is my apprentice lalalala lalalala *sings* :D
  2. Well, technically, we aren't releasing it in the continental United States. Rather, we're releasing it to a test audience in Zimbabwe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> brilliant! how can they complain when they dont have tv's, genious
  3. are you sure you should be telling us all this, i mean shouldnt we be waiting till the game come out tomorrow
  4. is it out dec or feb? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Neither. We're releasing it tommorow. We like to surprise people. Note: it isn't actually done, per se. We just got bored working on it and decided to release it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wow brilliant, in the shops tomorrow then
  5. can u imagine an end to time? time goes on no matter what happens B)
  6. What are you talking about? its bigger than Russia! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmm bigger than russia, i aint never heard of them tho
  7. aha but if infinity never ends, where is the next infinity going to begin? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As soon as the first one ends! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah but it dosnt does it B)
  8. *ahem* take no notice of ^ hes a pathalogical liar i was thinking of trading him in for a new apprentice anyway :D
  9. ah i see what you mean now, forget my last post then yeah interesting idea, keep em coming
  10. saying that as dark lord of the sith, and you as my apprentice, we are above the law :D
  11. aha but if infinity never ends, where is the next infinity going to begin?
  12. aha very clever but i think your missing on point.......*i am your father, join me prod* :D Actually i traveled back in time and had se.... intercourse with your grandmother. And i am your grandfather too. Oh my god! Im my own grand-grandfather! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> one word 'sick' :D that cant be legal! isnt there some galactic law against that
  13. erm.........NOOOOOOOOOO <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm, looks like a stalemate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> infinity no, haha beat that, and there is no such thing as infinity+1 so dont even try that
  14. aha very clever but i think your missing on point....... *i am your father, join me prod* :D
  15. i heard it was all nicks with prodigal in the middle of their names :D
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