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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. but akari old buddy old pal, mate, sunshine of my life *ahem* you couldnt give us a lil tiny bit info on the masked sith guy could you mate? :D im not arse licking for nothing am i? :D :D
  2. There's no new mini-games this time around. We stuck with the original three and improved on them as much as we could. There were some ideas tossed around early on about some other options, but they got cut eventually. -Akari <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bah.....shame, but probably inevitable
  3. How is this different from KOTOR? Swoop was kinda disappointing in KOTOR, but it doesn't sound like its being improved that much <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2 words, upgradable swoops! how cool will that be :D
  4. 29 posts = newb who knows s*it! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who thinks he is the sh1t but is in fact full of Sh1t! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *nods in agreement*
  5. Good one! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> listen can we move onto something else cos its pretty obvious neither one of us is going to change the other ones mind <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He might, you just need to use ur jedi mind trick. He is definitly weak-minded. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D :D [Force persuade] STFU!!
  6. Good one! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> listen can we move onto something else cos its pretty obvious neither one of us is going to change the other ones mind
  7. Do whatever you want, it's just a sheer sign of stupidity. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it sure is, on your part <_<
  8. come on you didnt guess? "but there is one blah blah blah, if he joins us those who accompany blah blah blah" you get what im saying??
  9. They are not hot, just spam. Sorry! JediMafia's thread of spam <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D :D need we say more?
  10. What??? Did I say at all I have a problem with the game? I love some of the new ideas they're implementing, but unless they're executed properly they don't mean jack. Again, I haven't decided one way or the other, neither should you or anybody else until we actually play it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ill decide whichever way i want, and i have decided, its building on the last game, good enough for me
  11. it feels like your the odd man out? you are the odd man out, is that the only way you can get recognised by talking s*it?
  12. Why wouldn't this game be awesome? Because Bioware is no longer making it and it's earliest due date for a game I've ever seen. That's not to say I think it's going to be a bad game, I think at worst it'll still be fun. But I'm certainly not going to make a judgement on it. But yes, people that complain just to complain suck. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> true bioware are not making it but obsidian are working very close with them, licenced the engine etc etc.
  13. 1. it is a rant 2. you do always complain 3. you are biased 4. and if you arent a fanboy you are here a hell of a lot
  14. You're no better, you're already claiming it's an "awesome" game without playing it. People who make up their minds before playing a game are dumb, end of story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and btw we are hoping its amazing whats the harm in hope, for f*cks sake lighten up :angry:
  15. take no notice of him hes a foolish boy whos only aim is to critisise everything about this game
  16. He's a Hades_One wanna-ain'ta-gonnabe Slap him down Sun_Tzu! :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D you tell him
  17. :D :D leave him alone, hes just a little excited about having an apprentice, thats all
  18. stories change and grow, new ideas spring up and affect things, and no i dont think his "credibility" has been damaged in the slightest by saying something earlier that is bound to change in time anyway
  19. yes thats already been confirmed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where when how <{POST_SNAPBACK}> check the bit about becoming a sith lord/maurader/assassin, and theres the trailer, they want you to join them, and i will! :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> there is a trailer where they want u to join them???????????/ can i have a link and where is Akari <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/ check where it says trailer, thats it
  20. they both just looked like the pc to me, but as always i could be very wrong
  21. yes thats already been confirmed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where when how <{POST_SNAPBACK}> check the bit about becoming a sith lord/maurader/assassin, and theres the trailer, they want you to join them, and i will! :D
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