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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. they have already said there will be more ingame banter i think, unless that was akari hopeing so i dont remember
  2. I must say I agree 100% with everything you said. I've been saying this from the very start back in May. I see TSL more of a glorified expansion pack rather then a true sequel. Ever since I beated KOTOR for the first time this is how I pictured KOTOR 2: -- Space Battle. Yeah KOTOR had space battle to an extent, but you really aren't flying the ship, just moving the turrent whiles Sith Fighters fly by you saying shoot me, shoot me. It really wasn't true dog fighting. You know, like what you have in the Jedi StarFighter/Rogue Squadron games. -- The ablity to put hoods up and down. But not just stoping there, but the ablity to take off/put on your Jedi Cloak....like in the movies. Example, at the end of TPM when Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon encountered Darth Maul. They slowly walked up to him, and pulled off their cloaks and ignited their sabers....the duel begins. I thought that you'll also be able to do something like that in TSL as well. -- Vehicles. In KOTOR you had somewhat of vehicles but not true vehicles. I'm talking about things like land speeders and such. Like you'll see them in KOTOR like the speeders the Mandalorian Warriors had in the Shadowlands and things like that, but you couldn't ride them. I thought that in KOTOR 2 you'll be able to. -- Better graphics. When I say better graphics I don't mean enhanced graphics. There is a difference. Enhanced graphics is what we are getting in TSL. Better graphics would be like Jade Empire. See the difference. I always imagined KOTOR 2 to have Jade Empire type graphics. (Assuming that Bioware would again make KOTOR 2) -- Bigger worlds. I must say that the KOTOR worlds were limited, take Tatooine as an example. Tatooine being one of the most famous SW planets we get 4 mediocore areas of the world. Landmass wise I would say that more land is covered in PS1 Final Fantasy games then in KOTOR which is a Xbox title and we know the Xbox is capable of storeing much memory. I must say that I was dissapointed with what we got landmass wise with KOTOR and I thought that KOTOR 2 would be better....but by what the devs are saying it isn't. -- Longer game. Bioware lied to us when they said that if we take time to do everything in the game like side missions and talk with everyone, you can finish the game in 60-80 hours. BIG LIE! I did EVERYTHING possible in KOTOR and talked to EVERYONE that can be talked to and just barely got 40 hours in. So I thought that KOTOR 2 would be longer. Guess what? It isn't. Devs are saying that the timespand of TSL is going to be the same as KOTOR, about 40-50 hours doing everything. Which means about 20-30 hours doing the minimal. Thats sad for a RPG. I know FPS games to where I can get 20-30 hours in. Again, FF games and other RPGs back on the PS1 were longer then 40-50 hours. I logged in 80-100 hours with FFX. But 40-50, Obsidian is this just a joke or are you really serious? -- With KOTOR 2 I believed that your character would have a voice but you'll have to option to turn it off. So in conversations when you pick what you say....then your player says it. -- Real-time combat much like Jade Empire. Read up on JE and you'll know what I'm talking about. Again, this is all assuming that Bioware was the dev, not Obsidian. There is many many many many more things I can add but I just dont have the time. The things I said above are things that actually make up the layout of a sequel and are too broad and dynamic for a expansion pack. I mean think of it, TSL is more of an expansion pack cause the new things we are getting are things that the typical RPG expansion packs get: -- New classes, expansion pack material. -- New force powers/features, expansion pack material. -- New clothes/faces, expansion pack material. When TSL comes out I'm going to be one of the first people to get it cause its a SW game plus its a RPG. I love Star Wars and I love RPGs, and TSL is that so I'm going to get it. You take Halo and Halo 2 and compare how much H2 expands on Halo. You take GTA: VC and GTA: SA and compare how much SA expands on VC. You take KOTOR and TSL and compare how much TSL expands on KOTOR. Now you tell me which expands the most and which expands the least. Right now I just don't believe that TSL is going to be that game that KOTOR was. Go ahead and flame me but I'm only expanding my right as a consumer of a product and speaking my mind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ain't gonna flame you cos i cant even be bothered to read all that sh1t! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> haha he wont even be able to play it when it comes out, his fingers will be f*cked :D
  3. well i always play darkside and i go for defense simply to frustrate an opponent :ph34r:
  4. i think this may have been asked before but are weapons all you can upgrade? i mean what about gauntlets and stuff?
  5. Hm... hard to say. There's a lot of new upgrade components going into the game and we're adding a good number of different properties to them that weren't used in the first game. Also, lightsabers now have 6 upgrade slots in total. 3 crystals and then 3 other components of the saber itself. -Akari <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice one
  6. like karate 90% defense 10% offense, avoiding peoples attacks is the way to show them they are just a lil b*tch hiiiiiii yaa
  7. yes but in the LS she actually becomes your lover after the game, DS she becomes your apprentice
  8. that we will my friend that we will p.s is there any way to go into a coma till it comes out cos i really cant wait
  9. i voted no to, id have voted no twice no three times if i could, mate, old buddy old pal, best dev in the world allround good guy... p.s any chance of getting a little info on the release date pretty please
  10. Nah, you dropkick the box into a pool of lava within the first five minutes of the game. We considered giving you a choice as to whether you wanted to keep him around, but frankly we can't waste precious time designing a choice no one will ever use. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> football anyone? :D
  11. YA BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT A LEVEL 10 PERSON IN YOUR PARTY WHEN YOUR LEVEL 20? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> its the idea of it thats appealing, i mean come on every sith lord has an apprentice right
  12. good question, i think the add alot to replayability
  13. once upon a time when the prodigal knight wouldnt admit to anyone that he was darth sirius's apprentice, darth sirius had to b*tch slap the prodigal knight to remind him he was the master mwahahahaha the end
  14. hmm a poll with only one possible option, because i cant vote il say single bladed
  15. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What story? Aww, did i miss a story. Could you tell it again please? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> once upon a time there was an apprentice called prodigal knight, and his master was darth sirius. the end
  16. at the unknown world is what we were talking about, well thats what i was talking about anyway
  17. haha he would probably argue as to how sh*t HIS game was, giving himself stupid suggestions :D
  18. No, you can romance her as an evil person too. You still get your kiss, and the ever so nice "lover and apprentice" and "utterly yours" lines on top of the temple. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes but you couldnt go all the way as you could in the LS, and you certainly didnt go down the DS path if you did romance her
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