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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Glad to say you do not own an Xbox, but you admit FREELY to owning a gamecube?
  2. Its above 20 on TSL's so that rules out the window, they could give you more power each level and leave it at 20 I suppose, but why make an easy game easier? So unless TSL's is infinitly harder than its predecessor, I don't see how much more levels than 20 are justified. I know there are tons of new force powers and feats, but do we really need all or even most of them on one play through? I certainly don't, it adds to the replay value if you don't get 'everything' the first time around.
  3. HE CAN BE REASONABLE!! But seriously I agree, they start messing about like that they risk alienating the casual star wars fans i.e. alot of the market for KotOR.
  4. Looks can be decieving! Just look at Palpatine in ep. 1 and 2, need I say more! I know they have said 'no' suprises this time, but the biggest suprise to me would be if there wasn't! Mark my words on that.
  5. Lets not jump the gun here! Its a good idea but I just want, no make that need this game out!! Maybe a consideration for KotOR 3.
  6. And I agree. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember when people didn't agree. It was war <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember too, but they don't seem to have seen this thread yet theres still time though
  7. Maybe they will use Hoth Unlikely though as its been used before....its the only snow planet I know of though
  8. So nobody else thinks the emperor looks like a goat then?
  9. But wasn't it said before that Ni wasn't his name? I'm sure it was, by a dev no less, I could be wrong but after a certain while of calling him Ni there was a cut off point where it was universally accepted he wasn't called Ni.....Unless it was a fein.....or I'm unbelievably slow tonight and I'm missing your point completelly I am tired and half drunk so don't hold it against me if its the latter.
  10. But with a lightsaber, how would you stop the beam at a certain length? I mean there would have to be something there to stop it right? You could focus it to a certain point sure, but wouldn't the light just carry on regardless after it met at that certain point unless there was something there to stop it?
  11. I assume you mean Nihilist? Wasn't that put to rest a while ago? Or am I completely missing your point?
  12. As far as anyone elses......which seems to be a long way on this site <_<
  13. If I remember correctly, I didn't accuse you of saying that, did I now? That is MY opinion! You didn't enter into it. So as for putting words in your mouth, no.
  14. So very very true, but I think its going to be alot better from what I've heard about the character interaction aspect of TSL's. Xbox too I'm afraid.
  15. If you are looking for non-linear gameplay, try Deus Ex : Invisible War. It is an RPG, FPS mix but the fighting system is FPS... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or then there is Morrowind.....big yes.....linear yes, Every damn tomb looked the same, every damn ruin looked the same, every damn cave looked the same, excellent to start with, then becomes boring. Variety is the spice of life! KotOR kept the variety going....sort of.
  16. If so why would Darth, seem like an abrieviation of 'Dark lord of the sith'? I stand by my guns, I still think this is what it was meant as in the movies, and someone writing a comic, made up this whole senario with Bane to suit his own ends! I mean why would he be called an abrieviation, and then 'Bane'? Bane of the jedi? Much like Vader = invader, Sidious = insidious, excuse me but it seems to me like this EU you talk about contradicts itself just as much (if not more) than KotOR ever did.
  17. Vader was the boyo in the first trilogy, James Earl Jones' voice acting was second to none! Is it me or in the first trilogy, the emeror's contact lenses looked a little sh|t? He sorta reminded me of a goat
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