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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. Have you tried loading an another save file? I can't remember if you had to even go to Kyle's place after you get the letter..
  2. Did you actually return the translated letter to the girls?
  3. Just do it as fast as you can until you get through it. If you stop or do it too slowly you will fail.
  4. If you look at Steam stats the game has had about 20 to 34k players playing the game all the damn time since the game was released.
  5. Uh no. It's also a way to finish up any sidequests you didn't finish before going to Clyde's castle or a way to go and get some missed achievements. Or would you rather have the game tell you that this is it, there's no turning back after you enter so better go finish up anything you might have missed...
  6. You either break it by hitting it, if that's not possible then look for a way to explode it by farting. Is there a fire nearby?
  7. Gamers are cheap bastards always looking for excuses to pirate stuff. Granted 15 hour long game isn't normally something that I would gladly pay the full price for, but in rare cases the actual experience while playing the game is just miles ahead of your average games. As an example Alan Wake cost me about 50 euros, it took me about 10 hours to finish it. The game has no replay value at all for me. Okay, I kinda knew what I was getting when I'm buying a Remedy game. I had fun playing the game and I threw in my support for a Finnish gaming company, but still I felt like I overpaid a bit, but that's mostly because the other 2 games I bought around the same time had so much more stuff to do and were in general better games as well (Alpha Protocol and Red Dead Redemption). South Park is an another "shortish" game (well at least for an crpg), but overall the experience had me laughing more out loud than pretty much all of my other games combined. At least to me it's impossible to put some "value" over such rare feat that a game has me laughing in tears. Am I sad that the game was "only" 15 hours. Yes, because i enjoyed it that much that I would have wanted it to last longer. But do I feel like I was robbed off 40 euros? Hell no, I could go and watch 10 random comedy movies and I would not laugh as much and have this much fun and I would be a lot poorer. Generally my rule is: Buy the games you truly wish to support day 1. Rest of the games you can get later on from Steam sales. It's not like they will stop making generic shooters if I don't buy them day 1.
  8. Noes. He was with them for quite a long time
  9. When he damn pleases. I think there was a law that you can only do 2 consecutive terms in a row or maybe it was 3 which is why he had his 2nd in command as president for one term at least then returned back to power.
  10. Seems to me like Kotaku just pissed off Ubisoft. The NDA/embargo is there for a reason (I think with Ubisoft they pretty much always have it end on release day) and going around it like that won't make them any friends. But from what I've heard this guy is full of ****.
  11. Aye, I remember that rumour well. Also Alpha Protocol was supposed to last only 10 hours. Took me about 20 hours on the 1st play through and took about 8 hours alone on Brayko on my 2nd time around.
  12. i would rather have 15-20 hours of action packed silliness in unique settings than 50 hours of filler combat with the same two maps being recycled from the beginning to the end (yes, I'm looking at you Dragon Age 2)
  13. Now I only need to figure out how to cheat Steam to think I'm in North America so I get to play it early as well! Do they ban you for that?
  14. Dammit people, you made me google Gilroy since I had no idea what you were talking about.
  15. Well that's really disappointing. I guess this censorship will cover EU Steam versions as well... And here I was thinking that I'm an adult who won't get traumatized by cartoon anal probing scenes. Thanks EMEA/Ubisoft.
  16. After all the "No DLC" talks by Matt&Trey I doubt it's a DLC. Sequel perhaps if the game sells good enough? That was 1 talk and it's.... Matt and Trey. Sequel I doubt. Whatever it is its already a thing. Congratulations Brian btw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forgot that in the OP True. It's only Matt&Trey that said it, but I imagine their opinion weighs a lot when it comes to anything South Park related especially now that they decided to be more hands on with the project. If it's a DLC with Matt & Trey involved I think it would not be a traditional sized DLC, but something that adds quite a lot into the game since they had huge chunks of material they had to cut. Sequel at this point it very doubtful, on that I agree unless the pre-orders are massive. Oh and congrats on the job Brian
  17. Swedes... ruining Olympics since Nagano 98.
  18. After all the "No DLC" talks by Matt&Trey I doubt it's a DLC. Sequel perhaps if the game sells good enough?
  19. Is this a trap? nope! Thread just got weird. I just got a free gift copy off NeoGAF. Oh, my love/hate for that site. i can just disappear again into the shadows like i did after the kickstarter then, if im just making things weird That would be so cruel after all we've been through together
  20. Is this a trap? nope! Well, hello there
  21. I'll be the guy chatting with the green shirt girl!
  22. I personally don't remember it being a thing.
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