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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. Stiil staying in the gaming business though? Or are you trying something else for a change
  2. I was just about to ask that. Can't wait!
  3. 1) I'll wait for complete content. No compromise here, will NOT buy or back incomplete content. 2) How many others? There's plenty opposition to the incomplete episodic proposition even on these boards and this thread. This game got 4 mil for proposing a complete game....it would have got significantly less for proposing a slice and sales are always a big unknown but generally those opposed to backing incomplete content would not buy incomplete content either. Is Obsidian willing to give the big finger to all opposing incomplete content? You won't see any opposition to complete content that's for sure, not when a basic pledge of $20 will get you the entire game. 3) And again, you're assuming something that is a plain fallacy. Significantly less people will buy an episode than would buy an entire game and additional coverage will not get all of them back. Nearly all games have their big sales happen in the first few days and episodes won't help. If I hear that episode 3 of some thing I didn't know about is coming out I won't care because I won't be bothered to catch up with one and two.....this is a very common trend observable in all forms of media.....TV shows, books, etc. 4) But that's not the same thing....every backer gets a complete game, the expansion provides more of that for those that really enjoyed it but it's not a per-requisite to enjoying the full game we get on day one and will be funded by Obsidian themselves not using KS funds. If it doesn't happen the backers won't be left with an incomplete experience. 1. So you will wait while others like me will be playing the game. I'm sure your money will be appriciated later on as well. Different businessmodel means there's money coming out everytime a episode gets released and when a complete season is finished. Seems to be working just fine for Telltale with them working on multiple titles... 2. Yes, something like 10 people out of millions of gamers have said they would not buy episodic content. Or 10 people out of how many thousand users there are on this board... That hardly proves anything statistically. Feargus is a smart guy, he most likely has good solid information about episodic games that you and I don't have access to. That's his job after all.. Yes, this game got 4 millions. But this game was always designed to be a IE game that doesn't need to cut down to pieces to get the game out via Kickstarter, there's no reason to slice and dice Eternity and no one in their right mind would cut a game like this into episodes when you can create a huge game with just 4 millions. Open world game is a completely different beast though which is why Feargus is thinking about it. 3. Just like book series or tv series video games have followers as well, who will buy new content when it's out. Whether it's dlcs, expansions or episodic content. Steam etc. have made it possible to release that said episodic content since the game won't be out of the shelf after a month. It's still there, it will get featured every time on Steam when a new episode gets released (happens everytime with Telltale's games at least). The biggest Finnish gaming magazine has run reviews of each episode of Sam & Max for example. And yes some people will wait for the season to be finished before buying. That's perfectly normal, it doesn't mean they will skip the whole game completely because it was released in smaller pieces. 4. Not really. Let's look Dragon Age as an example. It got an expansion. They had returning charachters from the expansion in Dragon Age 2 etc. So if you skipped the expansion, clearly you missed the "complete" Dragon Age experience from the 1st game.
  4. When Feargus says Skyrim, he means an open world game with Obsidian's own spices in the mix. Just look at New Vegas, it certainly didn't have generic characters or generic dialogue. Just because Bethesda makes bad open world games doesn't mean Obsidian would follow in their footsteps even if Feargus used the title Skyrim to get some recognition instead of saying "open world game".
  5. 1. *sigh* I did not mean the actual game content being too long. The wait time to get that said content is too long. Or do you think Half-Life fans would be really happy to have waited for years since Half-Life 2 when they are already going crazy between the wait period between Episode 2 and Episode 3? At least the fans got something to play and I never felt like I only got a part of the game or unfinished game to play. Though I think no one at Valve thought it would take this damn long to finish Episode 3, but they are Valve they can work on their games for eternity if they want to. 2. So you don't buy it, but others will. Yes, Kickstarter is a way to measure intrest, but if you want to create something bigger than the games we are getting now, episodic content is the key/solution if they don't want bring in publishers. There's no way an rpg can create the amount of donations Star Citizen got. Just because the game is in episodes doesn't mean the game won't have an ending. The ending will be different from a movie ending that has no sequel coming, but instead it would have a tv series cliffhanger ending which a lot of people seem to like very much. Or they could have each chapter/episode work out as a stand alone story with a proper ending. It depends a lot on how they are going to approach it. And like you said, some people will wait for all of the episodes to come out, then so be it. There are enough people out there who are willing to pay for episodic content or there wouldn't be companies releasing their content in such a manner to begin with. 3. Yes five times the exposure. Yes, some magazines won't do a preview on each damn episode, but reviews on quality games are pretty much given especially on the internet for a game/episode of 10-15 hours worth of playtime. 4. The pricing was an example, not a set figure for crpgs currently coming out via Kickstarter. But since you brought it up, PoE will be around 50 dollars with the expansion seeing how it's being sold for about 20 dollars. I would imagine the game is complete only with all the DLCs/expansions, not with only the "vanilla" version. Demos usually take a lot of extra time to create especially if they would make an open world game like Skyrim and you want them to create one from thin air just to see how it would be received? You do realize that they don't have unlimited amount of cash and resources to throw around.
  6. So I guess you don't watch TV series either, read book series or watch movies that require a sequel to get the full story out... And why the **** would you think that episodic means someone has been mismanaging funds? 1) It's a way to get a bigger game out in parts that could take otherwise way way too long for the fans. Case example Half-Life Episodes (and yes, I know the 3rd part still hasn't come out). But imagine if the game fans were still waiting for Half-Life 3 since they didn't release the games as episodic content. And well since Valve is Valve, I doubt they were in dire need for cash either. 2) It's a way to test if there's a market/fans for a new game idea. Less of a risk, especially if funded by the developer. Producing 5x 10-15 hour episodic games vs. 1x 50-75 hour game. Kickstart episode 1 of the said game, and release next ones with whatever profit you are making with Kickstarted Episode 1. 3) From a marketing point a view it's also pretty damn good idea. You get five times the exposure in reviews, previews etc. if you do 5 episodes compared to the 1 game you would do. Sure, the costs for marketing campaing might go up, but still your product is featured more often with fresh content instead of just showing a new trailer of the same game you've been marketing for the last year. 4) For a new customer it's easier to buy something that costs 10-20 dollars than something that costs 50 dollars. I personally would have never paid 50 dollars for any TellTale's games since I had no idea if I would actually like their style of games. But since they release them one episode at a time, it's easier for me to throw ten bucks at the company and test out their games. And I imagine I'm not the only one, seeing how popular their games have turned out little by little.
  7. I think they said something like that they would want to use the money they make with Eternity to create more games in the Eternity world and that they would use Kickstart to create new games outside of Eternity world. Naturally though, that requires them to make enough profit with the game to fund a 2nd game or it might turn into a huge hit and they don't have to go back to Kickstarter after Eternity.
  8. Red Eagle is just doing enough to hold on to license forever and ever. Or so it seems. Can't remember if the same company holds the license for movies and tv series as well.... They've been in a limbo forever as well.
  9. And what is exactly makes you think Obsidian has millions just sitting on their bank account that they could use to produce a 2nd Kickstarter game on their own?
  10. They more or less already do. The situation between InXile and Obs isn't directly comparable since InXile had no other contract and the writers were mostly contract people who didn't work directly for InXile or even on-site. Obsidians original plan was also not to do this. When Torment worked though it became feasible and I imagine with nobody being able to predict Eternity's success making another kickstarter seems like the wise choice to minimize risks. While they have other contract work it doesn't mean there are open positions for all of their designers/programmers/artists on those teams.
  11. Even if they are planning a new Kickstarter it will take them some time to get it up and running, and no way they are doing it during holiday season. So most likely they will launch it sometime next year when some of their PoE team are either finishing up or have finished their work on the game. Since I bet they will want at least one full team working on Kickstarter projects all the time (not counting the team working on expansion).
  12. Made too much sense. Can't have that in Bethesda games.
  13. 1 out of 15. Think they missed some of the most anticipated RPG's for a lot of people though. Where's Dead State, South Park, Wasteland 2...
  14. Because CA isn't really known for their talent in FPS games. So, yeah... a studio that has made strategy games for a living is suddenly handed Aliens and I'm supposed to be excited after the last cluster**** of a Aliens game?
  15. They are doing contract work on one, not making one.
  16. Wasn't the Good Times pack by THQ, so any plans involving that must have been scrapped when the game changed hands. Ubisoft has so far sucked *** when it comes to actually coming out and talking about the game, especially the release. Obsidian obviously can't due to NDA.
  17. I would donate. Probably not as much as last time, since I'm still waiting for most of my Kickstarter games to actually deliver.
  18. About damn time. Any info on the PC release date? I'd rather not get it for my 360 since it won't run on the new XBOX....
  19. Sooo how about Eternity Chronicles: (Deadly) Shadows over the Dyrwood
  20. Hmh, where did Avellone hint about a reveal somewhat soonish? My hopes for the game is that it gets released and if it's licensed game it should be a new game instead of a sequel.
  21. Welcome back Anthony!
  22. Bah, I did not see it. Unfair!
  23. Borderlands 2 with my cousin and some War Thunder awesomeness from time to time.
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