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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Nothing stopping you, but it's pretty much unnecessary. Even with just a little bit of tinkering then are pretty hardcore
  2. The big two that I've noticed so far: Getting stuck in the past Making peace the past in order to move on Any others you've noticed?
  3. Are you alt-tabbing out of the game at all? That will sometimes cause audio issues in games. Restarting the game should resolve it.
  4. Dots are upgrade slots (used are filled, unused are empty). Diamonds indicates that it's a pristine item. A tutorial screen will appear the first time you find a pristine item and you have to press and hold a key down to clear it. A similar mechanic exists for all the aspects of the game that the developers felt were important enough to call a "time out" for. As for info, I'd recommend starting with the menu labelled "Codex". Each time you unlock a new aspect of the game mechanics, it will become highlighted until you go in and clear it, though you can read it in it's entirety from the beginning of the game.
  5. I guess I'm not understanding why it's an either/or. In my last playthrough, I looted the base version of the weapon that I wanted, modded it, and used tinker to keep it at parity until I looted the +15 version of the same weapon later. I modded that one, sold the old one, and tinkered the "new" weapon to level 35. Repeat for my secondary weapon and all my companion weapons, with the exception that I only tinkered those to level 30. To be fair, I was almost literally throwing bits away to take it from level 30 to level 35, but I didn't have anything else to use them on....which is kinda the point.
  6. I get the "theoretically makes you think twice about installing rare mods" part.I'm not sure I understand the "it does incentivize swapping weapons more often" part. The system exists specifically for people who *don't* want to swap their weapons more often; i.e. "I'm tinkering with this because I like this weapon and I want to keep it relevant". As for the mods part, you really just have to hope that you'll find two of them and/or be prepared to drop some serious bits to buy them when you see two of them in shops. As for cost, on my last playthrough, I ended the game literally broke...but I had also tinkered my primary weapon to 35, my secondary weapon to 30, all of my companions primary weapons to 30, and everyone's (except my PC's) starting clothing/armor to 17-25. It's a money sink. It sinks money. It doesn't have to be all of your money (like it was for my build), but again, in an RPG the player should expect to find trade offs.
  7. I think this is probably valid, assuming that one doesn't care too much about rare and/or expensive weapon mods. I think tinkering probably appeals to players who acquire the weapon that they want, get is modded to fit their play style, and have no interest in swapping it out until the +15 version of the same is available.
  8. Second playthrough was 1 minutes shy of 58 hours. Skipped SubLight and science weapons entirely this time. Made a few decisions differently and got a different ending. Kudos to T&L for creating such a replayable game.
  9. One of the loading screens mentions that factions will revert to non-hostile after a "few days". I'm assuming that's regarding faction reputation, but may help in your situation as well.
  10. Captain's Quarter's Auntie Cleo's sign on ceiling after Roseway Groundbreaker sign on the floor [thought it was triggered by helping Junelei, but either appears to be a) bugged b) triggered by hitting 100% with the Groundbreaker faction or c) triggered by completing the bounty on the crazy dude in Back-Bays] Terra 2 potted plant next to entrance if power is diverted to Bio lab Mantiqueen head on wall after Monarch Copy of Dissident magazine after helping Graham Graham's Iconoclast badge after "helping" Zora Liquor cart after visiting communication relay Stellar Bay lamps and Iconoclasts banners if you broker peace between the two groups Mushroom-looking stuff on top of the bed (not sure what the trigger is) Gilded decorative hanging above your bed (some trigger on Byzantium) SAM's Quarters Broken snowglobe (Chairman's office in Byzantium) Hoop (don't remember where you pick this up) "Kick me" sign (Edgewater cannery) Decorative lights (Circus-related outlaw camp on Scylla) SUDS steeper (side quest) Bag of moldy sweetheart cakes (I think these are bugged; they were just in his room in my 2nd playthrough, but I think they are unlocked looking for desserts for Parvati) Parvati's Quarters "Petey" (Back-Bays, Groundbreaker) Pistol Schematic poster (Roseway) Pic of Junelei and her (side quest) (She has a lot of items in her room that appear to just unlock when she joins, i.e. the plant, toolbox, pic of her dad, etc) Vicar Max's Quarters OSI cube (don't remember) OSI vial (church in Edgewater) OSI beads (Constable station in Groundbreaker) Book (Chairman's house, Byzantium) Pocketwatch (don't remember) Incense burner (side quest) Nyoka's Quarters Snake skin (don't remember) 3 anatomy posters (Phineas' secret lab) Wooly Cow rug (don't remember) Raptidon musk (if you keep some, Roseway) CHARON pic (side quest. Also bugged, unlocked for me as soon as I started her quest, not at the end of it) CHARON medallions (if you convince her to keep them) Ellie's Quarters Old Sabre (shelf in community center, Edgewater) Terra 1 poster (Lost Hope, Groundbreaker) Medical Journals (don't remember) Framed check (side quest) Bottle of hooch (don't remember) Felix's Quarters Terror on Monarch poster (bio lab, Edgewater) Toss ball 1 (don't remember) Toss ball 2 (don't remember) Harlow's emblem (side quest) "Danger!" sign (don't remember) Dissident magazine (don't remember) There are also a handful of items that I "recovered" and see prompts for but can never locate on the ship (the D&D knock-off book for example). Some of the items just say "book" when I find them and probably end up in the Vicar's room, but good luck remember which are which.
  11. The only thing that separates you from closing up shop is the Kickstarter money you just brought in and you decide to make a game that takes on the "science vs religion" debate? Not risky you say? Brass ****ing balls, my friend.
  12. Prior to the patch, PC players using a controller did not see the numbers. After the patch, it appears that all players on all platforms see the numbers.
  13. Playing the PC version. Dialog responses all have number options next to them now, even though I'm playing with a controller. Didn't have this forced upon me, pre-patch
  14. Tinkering cost are only too high if you're trying to max out every weapon you touch. If you stick with one or two weapons, swap out for tier 2 weapons when they become available, and invest in Science, then tinkering is actually quite manageable. Everything else is a trade off (which players should expect to encounter in a RPG).
  15. If you sprint from Point A to Point B, and skip all the exploration and side content, then the game is pretty short. My first playthrough was over 80 hours.
  16. Died on the first two attempts. Then let my companions chip away at RAM while I took out the adds. By the time I was done, my companions were down but RAM was nearly dead, so all I had to do was finish it off.
  17. For those new to Obsidian patches, they are usually pushed by EOB their time (PST aka GMT+8)
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