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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Text is formatted fine on web version (Firefox). Avatars are now left-justified though.
  2. Seems pretty consistent with what we're told the state of affairs is. Byzantium is a highly polished turd, circling the drain of a tarnished toilet called Halcyon.
  3. There's a second and a third? I've only ever found the one
  4. This appears to be a game they wanted to make, so I'll give it a chance. Reminds me a bit of Dungeon Siege 3, which was fun.
  5. I stayed pretty consistently close to broke the entire game. Even with a beefy Science score, tinkering still gets expensive.
  6. So I actually skipped a lot of content in my first playthrough because I was roleplaying. I ended up tacking some of it back on at the end because I knew I was approaching the final few quests, but I was already at the 60 hour mark by that point. YRMV
  7. I hadn't done the math yet, but that was part of my reservation as well.
  8. FWIW, that was pretty much my takeaway as well. Nothing was said to confirm this after the Hope though, so I assumed that I probably misunderstood. Looking for confirmation on my second playthrough.
  9. Just finished my first playthough: 81 hours and 55 minutes. Left some SubLight content on the table, but I think I hit just about everything else.
  10. Yeah, it doesn't give a hard stat, but trust me when I say it's OP. I was killing "Mega" creatures in seconds and human are almost insta-kill (Science = 100, tinkered to level 35)
  11. FWIW, I'm running around with a fully upgraded shrink ray and it's basically a cheat weapon. Maybe that will change against end-game enemies, but as it stands right now, I was wrong.
  12. I don't think there's anything wrong with having gimmick weapons for people who want to have fun with the game. I think it's immediately unclear to a lot of players that they are intended to be gimmick weapons though.
  13. Worth remembering that any upgradable armor can be fitted with the Hunter Kit which boosts ranged weapons skills by 5
  14. This. I'm 40+ hours in and have seen maybe half of Monarch
  15. To be fair, Science improves more than just science weapon damage. It provides a scaling bonus to plasma and shock damage and a flat bonus to n-ray and corrode damage at 60. My assumption is that your relative proficiency with a particular weapon type is also going to effect your damage, etc with the science weapon in question.
  16. Define "early". Science weapons show up in the second "area". They are pricey to keep leveled, can't be modded, and are almost universally gimmicky. I'm sure they are fun to use, but I think I'd rather just shoot things. https://theouterworlds.wiki.fextralife.com/Science+Weapons
  17. Seems to be one of those "you get it when you get it" things. Pre-load just sorta happened for me yesterday.
  18. So far as I can tell, perks don't have skill or stat requirements. Taking some time to learn how skills work may be worth it though, as I don't think I've ever seen a skill system that operates this way (and there is a very slight learning curve to overcome). My $0.02
  19. The vampire cult that was using prostitutes and the homeless to spread a deadly plague in the second largest US city? The woman who developed MPD as a result of sexual abuse at the hands of her father?
  20. They gave Gravity (2013) seven Oscars, so Ad Astra will get at least that many
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