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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Picked up a 6th gen iPad pro for cyber-monday. Game installed and picked up my account like a champ. Only problem is that the "Continue" option is greyed out. Any time that I want to play, I have to select Start>RotRL>my game. Anyone else encounter this or have a fix? iOS v 12.1
  2. You yourself are arguing that it should (apparently yours most of all). Are you not getting that I'm saying it doesn't? Hehe. Paying our mortgages? They're giving money to us now? lol
  3. Yeah, but support them when they deliver something to you that you feel is worth it either from information leading up or reviews and feedback after release. Otherwise, why not mail them a cheque every month They still owe me for the money I kicked in to PoE, got ripped off that bad Which completely ignores the second sentence. You feel comfortable letting other people decide what is worth your time and that's ok, I suppose. I don't.
  4. I’m happy to support developers that I like, whether that’s with pre-orders, collectors editions, or crowd funding campaigns. As for reviews, I have this crazy preference for forming my own opinions, so...
  5. Sawyer is the design lead for the whole company. So, even if he's not doing any hands-on work, he'll get a chance to provide some oversight and feedback. Per his tumblr, this is accurate.
  6. Because I pre-order all of their games. Don’t be a troll.
  7. That is a good point. When looked at cumulatively, POE 1 + Deadfire doesn't do poorly at all. As a case in point, I wasn't really a fan of POE, but I DO like Deadfire (it was my number 3. After POE, wasn't sure if I was going to buy Deadfire. Conversely, after Deadfire, I will LIKELY buy the next in the Eora saga, if they continue with it. I keep hearing this. Are Naughty Dog and Guerilla teaming up on games because they are both owned by Sony? Hence... the question... Answering a question with a question is not an answer. That is you trying to say that based off a single anecdote, that universally it shows that it is NOT possible. I'm asking, do studios ever actually do joint ventures, when they are parts of a larger corporation? My bet is YES... because if you don't have 1 studio that is big enough in isolation to do a large project, but you have 2 studios, that if they COMBINED their resources, COULD do that project... then you would. As an example in a completely different but related industry... Apple phones feature SAMSUNG chips. Manufacturing is very different from making creative entertainment, but it shows that even huge rivals can work together to accomplish the same goal- sales. I am not even asking if it is probable. I am asking if anyone knows of any examples in which 2 different video game studios worked together on a single game. Answering the question with a question is the answer. Parent companies don't force daughter companies to co-produce (and I'm not just thinking video game companies here). Anyone who took a second to think about this would acknowledge this fact. Hence why I can't wrap my head around the question that *lots of people* (not just you) are asking. FWIW, it's been my experience that congomerates not only *don't* result in weird mash-ups, but actually create *rivalries*. Except, it isn't. Let me give you an example. I ask, "Can 2 men have sex?". You answer, "Have you ever seen 2 men having sex? I live in Butte, Montana, and I have never seen it." If you lived in San Francisco or West Hollywood, you would probably answer, "Hahaha! Is it POSSIBLE? What rock do you live under?!?" Sure, YOU haven't seen it, in YOUR experiences, but that does NOT mean it isn't possible. Using a single anecdote is not evidence which represents the whole. I think it is UNLIKELY, but I FEEL like I have read about various studios working together on a single project in the past. I might be mistaken. I could see why 2 studios would not WANT to work together... but I could also imagine the following scenario. Microsoft owns an awesome IP. Microsoft owns lots of stuff, so this is LIKELY. Microsoft wants a HUGE game based on this IP. Microsoft goes to BOTH Obsidian and inXile with it and says, "I want this to be your next project. You haven't declared any follow on projects yet. I will pay you both lots of money to develop this IP for me. I will split the earnings 50/50 between you. Obsidian takes lead on story-writing. inXile takes lead on level design. You divvy up the rest of the tasks as you see fit. Deal?" This sounds reasonable to me, and if I was either studio, it might even be appealing. If both love the IP, and they aren't going to make 2 different games with 2 different studios, why not make 1 game with 2 studios? And I am fine with them continuing to operate completely independently, but size DOES matter. Having 2x as many writers, 2x as many animators, 2x as many artists... opens up potential projects that would otherwise be impossible. Comparisons? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD_Projekt 800 employees https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioWare 800 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethesda_Game_Studios 400 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsidian_Entertainment 170 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InXile_Entertainment 70 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larian_Studios 130 When you compare those different RPG oriented studios, it becomes obvious what the benefits of size are. Even with the combined resources of Obsidian and inXile, they do not "equal" Bethesda or CD Projekt Red. That is FINE, unless you want to release a game which will directly compete with the games of those studios. These are arguments based on numbers, facts and logic, not just blanket statements of opinion. If, factually, 2 studios NEVER work together on 1 project... fine. That is what I want to know. Has it happened? Or has it not happened? If it HAS happened, when? What was the result? lol You’re missing the point, bro. The fact that this doesn’t happen makes the question of whether or not it will happen here fairly ridiculous. But you do you.
  8. I keep hearing this. Are Naughty Dog and Guerilla teaming up on games because they are both owned by Sony? Hence... the question... Answering a question with a question is not an answer. That is you trying to say that based off a single anecdote, that universally it shows that it is NOT possible. I'm asking, do studios ever actually do joint ventures, when they are parts of a larger corporation? My bet is YES... because if you don't have 1 studio that is big enough in isolation to do a large project, but you have 2 studios, that if they COMBINED their resources, COULD do that project... then you would. As an example in a completely different but related industry... Apple phones feature SAMSUNG chips. Manufacturing is very different from making creative entertainment, but it shows that even huge rivals can work together to accomplish the same goal- sales. I am not even asking if it is probable. I am asking if anyone knows of any examples in which 2 different video game studios worked together on a single game. Answering the question with a question is the answer. Parent companies don't force daughter companies to co-produce (and I'm not just thinking video game companies here). Anyone who took a second to think about this would acknowledge this fact. Hence why I can't wrap my head around the question that *lots of people* (not just you) are asking. FWIW, it's been my experience that congomerates not only *don't* result in weird mash-ups, but actually create *rivalries*.
  9. I keep hearing this. Are Naughty Dog and Guerilla teaming up on games because they are both owned by Sony?
  10. Ah. That's fair. I'm denied the pleasure of Sonic's post so I only had part of the context. "Selling out" is typically used in a very specific way, but I can see your argument now.
  11. Principles are great and all, but principles don't fund payroll or cover the employer-provided portion of dem health care benefits. If we *really* want to paint Obsidian with that "sell-out" brush, that should have happened back when Armored Warfare was announced.
  12. I keep reminding myself that two of my favorite games in the last 5 years came from studios that were owned by a platform manufacturer. If the idea is that Microsoft is acquiring studios because it wants to compete against these titles, then this can't be anything other than a good thing (assuming competence on the part of Microsoft)
  13. Possibly true. The fact that they acquired both Obsidian and inXile means that it might not be. Small investment, quick turn around, dedicated market.
  14. If you wait long enough, RPGCodex will come to you.
  15. The dark tone of the first was one of the best parts, because it was something you were up against. Pillars 1 Eder is also one of the best voices to bounce perspectives off of in an RPG. Two of the best parts of the first diluted... I actually have to defend Deadfire’s Eder here, because I really liked his dialogues with Eothas and conversations about gods in general. You could really feel this anger of a regular person who realised the truth behind Eora’s powers. Very French Revolution, Occupy etc. vibe to it and I think it’s important perspective to imagine how most folk will react once they see that the emperor is naked. Everything, from his very first dialogue about Berath’s mission, via his personal quest and to ending slides is very coherent, very believable and well done. It shows how a simple farmer/soldier can reevaluate his beliefs and it made me kinda proud to help lead him this way (you know, Scholar/Sage/Rational disposition). I don’t know how is he on the „believer” path but I couldn’t yet bring myself to play as a godly person; for now it’s just various iterations of atheists for me. rumor is that Eder was split between Josh and Eric. If true, I’m guessing the parts where there is an animal involved were written by Josh and those are the parts I dislike the most.
  16. I’ve finished it a few times, but am currently playing other things and have no feedback re: the last DLC. Best bit: multiclassing and subclassing. Graphics are incredible. Enchanting system needed a UI overhaul, but is in a really good place now. Worst bit: they abandoned the dark tone of Pillars 1. Eder is a ****ing idiot bumpkin now. Obsidian has abandoned the wisdom of “no romance unless it can be done well and it’s almost never done well” for “everyone is ****ing everyone else”.
  17. As someone who skips most of the side content, I really hope that Obsidian leaves this to the modders
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