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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Can we ban this person? Your Profile > Manage Ignore Prefs Anything else just encourages him.
  2. The casters they give you out of the box are power houses, but have some...peculiar mechanics that you have to overcome to make them work.
  3. I wouldn't say it's extremely underwhelming, but I get what you mean: very simple melodies in 3/4 time upon a background of conventionally "dramatic" strings isn't exactly innovative. Another problem for me is the inconsistent tone, maybe because of the recycling of music from the first game, music everyone who has played it instantly connects to the Dyrwood-Setting. Maybe it was also rushed somehow, who knows. The Shanties are nice though. Interesting. I don't know that it instantly connected me to the Dyrwood. It did instantly connect me to the first game, which I thought was a smart counterbalance to all the things they were doing to be different from it.
  4. I realize that you're being sassy, but in all seriousness, fighter isn't a bad pick for one reason: pure defense Valerie and pure offense Fighter PC, loaded up with teamwork abilities, is a really kick-ass combo.
  5. MS, or anyone else, has not yet acquired Obsidian as of this post as far as I know. It may happen in the future though. It's currently at the stage where a rumor has become a rumor that the original rumor is definitely happening. Redline process can take weeks (best case scenario) or months (fairly typical), depending on legal teams (Microsoft obviously has dedicated resources, whereas Obsidian probably outsources). So yeah, the rumor could just be a rumor, but if it’s not a rumor it may be quite some time before we hear anything more.
  6. I played a bit recently and random encounters did take place. While random encounters never stopped working for me
  7. Last of Us was made by Naughty Dog, a studio owned by Sony Horizon: Zero Dawn was made by Guerrilla Games, a studio owned by Sony Yeah, maybe it is a good thing
  8. Interesting interview. They need to fire their producer though. We really didn’t need the soundtrack running over the top of it for the entire hour
  9. This isn't quite true. Weapon proficiencies are also tied in to a few class abilities, especially on the fighter. That being said, the complaint definitely seems ridiculous to me. Level Eder up, gain new proficiencies. Complaining that Eder doesn't have the proficiencies you want at *level one*? Come on now. Every character (except a Devoted fighter) is going to wind up with more proficiencies than they will ever need.
  10. Speaking of painted miniatures, I have an unopened (and unbent) set in need of a home. First PM willing to pay shipping and handling gets them.
  11. They are entries easily found in the globals gamedatabundle by searching for either bb or new game. Set the costs to 0 and save individually. BMac's tutorial in the modding forum should be able to cover any gaps.
  12. I guess I’m ok with this. The outcome for sparing the dragon should be significant, and this feels pretty significant. It is a shame that we lose out on the lore dump though. I wonder if something couldn’t be done with the scripted interaction to shift when help arrives (i.e. Watcher shows up, chats for a bit, fisticuffs ensue, but just then the dragon swoops of the sky and carries the Guardian off)
  13. Some people *ahem* view them as reasonable offset for having to pick back up with a level 1 character. I lost my keep, but my started boat has pretty good sails. I lost all my perks, but these attribute bonuses more than make up for that. Et cetera.
  14. If what Obsidian decides is what’s reasonable, why did you create a thread just so that you can call it “insane”? Obviously 15 sounded reasonable to you. Clearly you felt that was a good place for the line to be. And since you asked, I think modding it down to the point where players no longer had to trade off between blessings would be the point where someone goes to far. It would have been just as easy to set that value to 0.
  15. Yeah, but that feels like cheating. I want to play the game, as the developers intented it. If they don't put it down, i won't use any mods. And World Map: I just don't do everything, because i play always solo and reach very fast max level. Other island like the fampyr cave are easy discovered, when you name the island, then you know you were there =) And i do those only for copper and loot, no xp gain anymore for me xd So...you think it should be 15 and if Obsidian changes it to 15 you’re good, but using a mod that makes it 15 is cheating?
  16. Does this fix it? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103626-potential-fix-for-black-screen-issue/?fromsearch=1
  17. sure, but you're claiming that this entire game only exists to set up a different game, so I figure this is a discussion where some assumptions are allowedNo, no, no...Deadfire has plot of its own. It just also happens to set up the next installment as well. For another example of this, just see any trilogy ever made.
  18. A lot of assumptions there. Co-operation isn’t required; it’s only one option. An option that the Watcher will be able to advocate for in Part 3 (assuming that the player doesn’t role play another option).
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