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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Clearly none of that was the intended product of a team of storytellers, Wormerime. Some monkeys sat down in front of some typewriters and we got this instead of Shakespeare
  2. Second sentence contradicts the first. The “open ending” *is* the set up for part 3.
  3. Part 2s are hard. They aren't as sexy as part 1s where everything is new and they aren't as satisfying as part 3s where everything gets wrapped up. Even good ones feel underwhelming.
  4. I had it removed from my Steam library and gave my collector's edition away to a coworker. What a mess.
  5. Legendary Crew Human male, navigator/helmsman (Chatty and Loyal) for 600 Orlan female, deckhand/sailor (Drunk and Fearless) for 600 Moon godlike male, cannoneer/cook (Professional and Religious) for 600
  6. Is there anyone here with beta access who could tell us how much these Blessings cost? They are expensive. I think all of them are 12 or 15, except the Mythic Discovery which is 30. I currently have a mod up on the Nexus which drops that down to 15 (to bring it in alignment with the major starting money blessing).
  7. I'm sure it's only women who use that word in the wrong way. Because we all know that only men are the masters of linguistics, right. I'm still in shock that women now have voting rights when they still can't speak properly, jeez... What's next? Employment laws for child labor? Pfff!I can't change my experiences Boeroer! And honestly, who uses that term in the right way?! Literally, anyone who uses the word literally. FTFY
  8. I can’t tell whether you’re unfamiliar with the “literally unplayable” meme or if you have nothing but felt like posting anyway.
  9. Because they only found 99% of the voice files. So you still have 1% of the narrator. Literally unplayable.
  10. It does work. It doesn’t work perfectly. Also, I mentioned how to make a better one. If you want it that bad, go make it. The internet will love you.
  11. What does it matter why? People want an option to turn off the narrator but not voice overs. It's that simple. Wanting it is simple. Implementing it is not. You have options, but rather than actually utilize any of them, you prefer to complain.You sure do make it a pt to attack others when your argument gets debunked. There is no option to just turn off the narrator and not the VOs. Fact. So you are indeed 100% wrong. smh The mod, Verde. The mod.
  12. What does it matter why? People want an option to turn off the narrator but not voice overs. It's that simple. Wanting it is simple. Implementing it is not. You have options, but rather than actually utilize any of them, you prefer to complain.
  13. If the argument is, “I can read faster than the VA can speak, and the existence of VO screws up my reading” then *all* of the VO is a problem. If you just don’t like the narrator, that’s fine, but then just say that.
  14. You do realize that, if you’re going to be even the tiniest bit consistent, that’s a valid argument for every line of dialogue in the whole game? In which case they’ve already provided a solution via the aforementioned volume slider. Problem solved!
  15. This is how we end up with pre-made characters and limited dialog options EDIT: never mind. You’re just asking for accents, which I agree with.
  16. If the mod is causing problems then disabling the narrator is not as simple as it seems. I don't mind listening to the narrator, but if I did I wouldn't risk using that mod either. My understanding of the existing mod is that they replaced the existing sound files with null placeholders. Another approach would be to edit all the relevant conversation files to set each and every one of the VO values to false. So yeah, it is complicated.
  17. Right. You just create a button that says “Turn off narrator”. How hard can that be?
  18. You sir are a gem. But remember, post about the posts and not the posters, like person they gave Moderator status to says.
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