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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. It’s not in the maze. It’s in one of the searchable overland locations on the island itself
  2. Did you add the tee on later as a separate order? I picked up the figurines last minute and they are shipping separately from the rest of my stuff.
  3. Eder in Pillars 1 was a well-rounded character who flirted with stereotypes without giving in to them. Eder is Pillars 2 is Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies.I don't *100%* agree but I really relate to /get what you're saying. Playing PoE 1 really emphasizes how off Eder feels in parts of Deadfire. It's really surreal. Especially because when they're not playing him up for laughs, I think the way he's written goes in the right direction. Like Eder wasn't ever crazy smart, but he was very aware of the problems with his culture and country and he had a good sense of things in that regard. Insightful maybe is the word I'm going for. He can still be insightful and protective and good ol boy in the game, but it's in pieces. It's just weird. Yeah, to be fair, I’m being slightly hyperbolic. I guess I’m just disappointed by how much they jettisoned the darker tone of the first game. And unfortunately this contrast is most apparent with the returning characters.
  4. Eder in Pillars 1 was a well-rounded character who flirted with stereotypes without giving in to them. Eder is Pillars 2 is Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies.
  5. Oh we changed the thread title? Pillars 3 predictions: 1. Rymrgand is the antagonist (and we get to kill the antagonist this time) 2. Alliances with the gods to achieve 1 3. We finally get to find out who dropped that tree in front of Cilant Ali’s (my guess is Eothas) 4. Origin of Eothas and the exact nature of his relationship with the Watcher uncovered 5. End of the Watcher of Caed Nua’s story arc
  6. The system is the same as Pillars 1. Deadfire uses a graphical representation rather than a numeric one. You still max out at 4, etc.
  7. Yes. The adra fragment she recovers is dependent upon which method you choose to help her release the souls.
  8. Deckhands fill up more of the bar when dealing with events such as loose cargo or ripped sails. Also, no deckhands = no turning or advancing.
  9. Townsendvol, Because different distributors have different systems and different processes.
  10. You can sink (rather than board) with the sloop too. It’s not an “either/or” proposition.
  11. This is a function of people confusing gratification with agency. The former is apparently what the medium exists to provide and must be heaped upon the player at every possible opportunity, regardless of all other considerations. It’s not enough that we get to kill every god in the next game, I need to a video game to make me feel powerful and important *right now* Your every post in this thread is pretty much revolving around how anyone who did not find the main plot as satisfying as you is either stupid or uncultured. This is a quite entitled opinion. To say that the main plot is incomprehensible is factually wrong. To say that the player didn't have agency or that there were no choices with consequences in the game is factually wrong. To say that those choices and consequences should have included stopping Eothas just because you think that's what the main plot should have been is an "entitled opinion".
  12. It has nothing to do with "egos". You have a very strange idea about people's psychology. Flashing lights, exploding stars and other pachinko-level experiences are not comparable to following a storyline about giant statue. That's a different problem and it lies within realm of immersion and if story is good to explore it's themes correctly or not. If the idea is not to confront the antagonist but to have a revelation from the story, then story didn't do the revelation part correctly. Josh himself arrived to this point at the end of his own post: "maybe I set up story to be told in a poor manner", and is completely correct. It has everything to do with gratification which has something to do with ego. Obsidian has acknowledged that they dropped the ball on explaining the pre-Engwithan Wheel vs the post-Engwithan Wheel, but that's one component of the story and is not at all necessary for understanding the theme. It also has nothing to do with people inventing expectations that they were going to fight Eothas at some point.
  13. People don't experience stories to have their "egos" "stroked". It's pretty obvious that some people play video games for precisely that reason. But I'm sure you and I would agree that these aren't the "experiencing stories" type.
  14. People don't experience stories to have their "egos" "stroked". It's actually way worse than that: some people TELL stories to stroke their ego. Yeah, plenty of people play games for instant gratification, as visible in 90% of all mobile games. In which case, they should stop playing OBS games before they ruin it for everyone. For those people, it's not about experiencing a story, it's about having a story constantly affirm and congratulate you for being such a great and important part of it. Which is bloody awful. Great post
  15. Caricatures or no is beside the point. So far, every person who has complained about “agency” or “choice” seems to be really upset that they didn’t get to stop Eothas. They ignore the fact that the plot of the game was never to stop Eothas and dismiss the argument that “not stopping Eothas” is probably necessary for what appears to be coming in part 3. Therefore, it’s pretty easy to deduce that the concern isn’t really about agency or choice, but rather how upset they are they their ego wasn’t sufficiently stroked by the game.
  16. This is a function of people confusing gratification with agency. The former is apparently what the medium exists to provide and must be heaped upon the player at every possible opportunity, regardless of all other considerations. It’s not enough that we get to kill every god in the next game, I need to a video game to make me feel powerful and important *right now*
  17. The latter. They mentioned something about posting video of your run for them to host on the backer showcase
  18. 1. Click on the imp head at the bottom of the UI 2. Reload a pre-Ukaizo save and then access the world map from a port. You’ll receive a letter that kicks off the dlc
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