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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Usually mid-morning PST. I’ve seen 9am (eg 18 minutes from now) mentioned a few times, but since I’m at work at it will be waiting for me when I get home, I can’t confirm
  2. Is this the same thread where people were bitching that they already felt that they were too much under the thumbs of the gods?
  3. Someone you knew back when you were an Inquisitor for Thaos and tracking down IovaraHuh, didn't think of that possibility. Though that'd mean you either meet their soul stuck in Rymrgand's realm for centuries, awaken their reincarnated soul from someone trapped there, or they survived alive in Rymrgand's realm for several centuries, which'd mean Kith stop aging in there. I don't see the devs returning to the well wrapped-up Thaos/Iovara plot as PoE1's finale was all about finally putting your soul's past to rest, so I wonder how they'd implement that. Funny you see that as “well wrapped up” when I was expecting to see more of it in Deadfire. You know nothing about your previous life outside of Thaos and Iovara (and relatively little about that). Waidwen was dead long before the events of P1 (both Eder and Durance help establish this) and it’s been 5 years since *then* so clearly time isn’t a big factor there. Also, I’ll be very disappointed of this king isn’t a monarch from Ukaizo The reason I see it as well wrapped up is because the whole point of the ending is freeing yourself from the burdens of said life. We could learn more about it, true, but it shouldn't be as part of/connected to the Thaos/Iovara plot. I somehow momentarily forgot about Waidwen being blown up, and have thus dishonored myself, my family and all that I love. Which indeed makes it pretty clear time isn't a factor, though I wonder why and in what manner those three'll be stuck in Rymrgand's realm. Is it just their souls, or are they actually in there bodily? How/Why did Waidwen (and the others) end up in Rymrgand's realm after their death, or is it just a way of the gods to get rid of troublemakers permanently? I also wonder what Waidwen'll be like without Eothas influencing him. Waturi being an ancient Monarch'd fit perfectly, whether it's a monarch from Ukaizo/the ancient Huana, or a leader of early Rauatai. Well, you did what you had to to resolve your Awakening. I’m still holding out hope for the part where we find out that you rebelled against Thaos, helped create Eothas, and became one of his Favored.
  4. *shrug* I don’t imagine people would have been thrown off by putting the quests in the middle of the game rather than the end. Keep in mind that since only so much content can be made (therefore something has to be cut if you want to put something else in) this would have meant less game somewhere else. Either fewer factions, less engaging factions, or exploration would have taken a beating.
  5. But I wanted to start a new Playthrough with Triple Crown + Solo + Berath's Challenge + Magran's Challenge today. Do you get at least anything ingame for completing these new challenges (like points for Berath's Blessings)? Is there something saying that you can’t? All we know is that there won’t be an achievement for doing so (whatever “Obsidian recognition” thing they have planned hasn’t been announced)
  6. Someone you knew back when you were an Inquisitor for Thaos and tracking down Iovara Huh, didn't think of that possibility. Though that'd mean you either meet their soul stuck in Rymrgand's realm for centuries, awaken their reincarnated soul from someone trapped there, or they survived alive in Rymrgand's realm for several centuries, which'd mean Kith stop aging in there. I don't see the devs returning to the well wrapped-up Thaos/Iovara plot as PoE1's finale was all about finally putting your soul's past to rest, so I wonder how they'd implement that. Funny you see that as “well wrapped up” when I was expecting to see more of it in Deadfire. You know nothing about your previous life outside of Thaos and Iovara (and relatively little about that). Waidwen was dead long before the events of P1 (both Eder and Durance help establish this) and it’s been 5 years since *then* so clearly time isn’t a big factor there. Also, I’ll be very disappointed of this king isn’t a monarch from Ukaizo
  7. Someone you knew back when you were an Inquisitor for Thaos and tracking down Iovara
  8. Wouldn’t this more or less be the same thing they did in P1? Do you honestly think they wouldn’t have gotten roasted for this?
  9. My issue seems to have something to do with boats and water. The Serafen intro, deck-to-deck combat, etc. Hard reboot each time.
  10. If the Watcher ends up deciding their fate in 3, then the player has to establish some sort of relationship with them in 2. Otherwise players will bitch about “arbitrary” choices. Which doesn't mean that has to be done poorly, i.e. round table discussions, like some kind of celestial boardroom; Christ. Right. They totally should've had us speed dating them instead. Maybe you would've been into that. As for me, I appreciate that they didn't waste any more of my time then they had to.
  11. jlee, It's been 3 weeks since I started this thread. Multiple people have started threads of their own reporting this same issue. Many of those thread have gone on without a response. A few of them have messages from you asking for crash logs that we've tried to tell you aren't being generated. I'm done begging for support. This isn't a single edge case; this a major issue for many of your players. This needs to have a bug opened so that someone can look into it. One more save with 0 downloads for the list: https://www.dropbox.com/s/elnblizcmvfbeec/Niall%20%28e81ed790-3abe-4240-a3aa-802bc8f2f0fa%29%20%28LAX-ABC%29%20autosave_2.savegame?dl=0
  12. If the Watcher ends up deciding their fate in 3, then the player has to establish some sort of relationship with them in 2. Otherwise players will bitch about “arbitrary” choices.
  13. Yep, this bug has been around since launch. Fix is to nuke pre-built chants and recreate. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98916-chanter-not-actually-chanting-their-phrases/?fromsearch=1
  14. The three hidden achievements are related to the DLC. I had all but 4. Now there are 5 more.
  15. FTFY Hmph. Mask of the Betrayer Storm of Zehir Dead Money Honest Hearts Old World Blues Lonesome Road Treasures of the Sun White March: Part 1* White March: Part 2* Beast of Winter* *contains ice and snow You remembered Treasures of the Sun! And forgot the Tyranny DLCs.
  16. The point seemed to be “Obsidian sure does make a lot of frosty DLC”. Which is obviously true...so long as you ignore 2/3 of their expansions
  17. FTFY Hmph. Mask of the Betrayer Storm of Zehir Dead Money Honest Hearts Old World Blues Lonesome Road Treasures of the Sun White March: Part 1* White March: Part 2* Beast of Winter* *contains ice and snow
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