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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. No offense taken. Glad that we were able to figure out where the confusion was coming from.
  2. Ondra and the Eyeless were as much “on rails” as our interactions with Eothas. They might feel more significant but that’s because the objective we are trying to fulfill is different: save the Dyrwood from annihilation by the Eyeless. We are just as free to *not* do that as we are to stop Eothas. The significant difference here being that the objective in Deadfire isn’t to stop Eothas. Objective one is to try to retrieve our soul so that we’re no longer “Hollowborn Watcher” and objective two is to help the gods find out what Eothas is doing so that they will help us with objective one.
  3. The obvious problem here being the assumption that they were hard to follow. You meet Eothas a handful of times. If you listen to him, he comes right out tells you what he is doing and why. The game then makes you report back to the other gods with updates *each time* just so that you can discuss it again. So yes, making us do it a third time *would* have made the game inferior. It would have meant cutting something else, like quests, characters, companion relationships, or exposition for subplots. Like talking to a 180 foot tall god made out of adra, perhaps?
  4. You asked if someone could ask on Owlcat's forums, and he gave you the Pathfinder rules about carrying capacity. There is not anything obnoxious about that. Are there issues with the way Pathfinder handles capacity? Yes. Say you have a Wizard with 8 Strength, your capacity is going to be pretty low. However, if you happen to be carrying around 5k gold, you're going to be over if not close to that capacity. Woe be the pack rat in your group... Of course, they could go the PoE route and give you a stash that you can access, but it would be better if they gave you a caravan/wagon to hold it all. I asked about completion timers, not about encumbrance. ”Could someone ask on official owlcat forums about this? There's weight system that makes characters move slowly...” Either the second thing is completely ****ing random or it is the thing you want someone to ask about. The second thing is encumbrance. You’re welcome.
  5. It was only on the first three pages 8 times. I would have bumped it more often, but I really wasn’t trying to be obnoxious. I suppose the other option was to pat myself on the back for trying and resigned myself to living with a bug that was never going to get fixed. PS: don’t worry about that other thread I tried to keep on your radar; the random hard reboots appear to have gone away. Hopefully they don’t return on my next playthrough, otherwise I might have to ask myself how I feel about spending $1,200 on a game I can’t play.
  6. “Part 2’s” exist to move the story forward. They aren’t going to be as sexy as Part 1, where you get to meet everyone and find out what their superpowers are. Neither are they as satisfying as Part 3 where everything gets resolved and everyone gets to go home. “Epic journeys” are what we get when all the parts are put together.
  7. Yes, and it would've been useful to a lot of people's understanding if the information had been discussed more than a handful of times, and had been an essential part of the game's narrative fabric rather than being thrown at you occasionally. People learn through repetition, which is why presenting the same information many times but with different framing and slight expansion is a standard narrative technique. And this is why we can’t have nice things: people who insist on having everything spoon-fed to them.
  8. You’re welcome. More than a little bummed that this didn’t get bugged early enough to make it into 2.0. Guess I’ll have to cross my fingers for next month
  9. And nearly ALL of those things can be communicated to customers who are waiting and waiting and waiting. Plenty of crowdfunded projects experience delays on physical goods fulfillment. Of all of them I have experienced, those delays are actually explained.Whereas all Obsidian has done is send us pictures of the giant fort they are building with our stuff. Bastards. There are two forts actually. One for boys and one for girls. Neither is allowed in each others forts and this has caused mass confusion at the office. It shouldn’t be too hard; the girl fort has all the Cosmo plushies taped to the ramparts like gargoyles
  10. Some of this is, again, a writing issue. The accounting you gave is all very nice, but for many people that was not the takeaway. Gromnir's earlier point is applicable: huge exposition dumps are actually a pretty bad way of explaining these things. (There's also the fact that, moralizations aside, Eothas' plan as you describe it pretty much comes down to, "smash things without asking anyone's opinion, and let the little people sort it out." While the plan and motives there are pretty clear, the intended outcome is vague at best and infuriatingly disinterested in the specifics of mortal existence at worst. Maybe that's intentional: as Iovara said, Eothas is an ideal, and an ideal decoupled from reality is a grotesque thing.) “Huge exposition dumps” = a handful of conversations spread over the course of the game. The second part of your post is a non sequitur; the point was whether or not his actions were “vague”, not whether or not you agree with them
  11. At the end of the first game, we’ve met and interacted with two characters; one who believes that people basically suck and need gods to keep them in line. The other believes that people are basically alright and are capable of figuring out stuff on their own. One of these people has the backing of one or more gods. But what if there was a god that agreed with the other? That’s Eothas. He agrees that kith can figure it out on their own. He tried nudging the conversation in that direction subtlety and got killed trying. No more subtlety. He’s going to do something drastic to force the conversation now and if kith, with their eyes open and not manipulated by Thaos, decide that the ancient Engwithans were correct, then so be it. Be he’s at least going to give them that chance. I’m not sure I agree that this was “vague”.
  12. If you read Beast DLC review - not a lot of new info. 2.0 will be in beta soon (with out DLC). And you will be able to check balance there.Did they give a date on when the 2.0 beta is released ? They did not. My guess would be today or tomorrow.
  13. And nearly ALL of those things can be communicated to customers who are waiting and waiting and waiting. Plenty of crowdfunded projects experience delays on physical goods fulfillment. Of all of them I have experienced, those delays are actually explained. Whereas all Obsidian has done is send us pictures of the giant fort they are building with our stuff. Bastards.
  14. The physical items aren’t at obsidian, they are at the distribution houses. Have been for weeks now.
  15. I think the words you were looking for were “thank you”.
  16. Could someone ask on official owlcat forums about this? There's weight system that makes characters move slowly.... http://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm
  17. There was no possible way to ever be in danger of the Act 1 timer in Tyranny. There wasn’t enough content to reasonably need even half the time allotted. I literally had to do the “80 times for no reason” thing to get the achievement
  18. Arguably, The White March set a precedent for this. Those who didn’t play obviously won’t be used to arguing gods out of their original positions.
  19. Not to mention that the mech-dragon doesn'teven neccessarily show up. Bugs notwithstanding, I think people balk a little when they are expecting something conventional and get something different. What’s funny to me is that when Chris Avellone does it, he’s a rockstar but when anyone else does it, the grognards flip out.
  20. Will the hilt texture for inventory version of the Watcher’s Blade be fixed for 2.0? There’s been a thread open for 3 weeks and no indication from QA that a bug has been opened. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103313-bug-12-watchers-blade-visuals-bugged/?do=findComment&comment=2075826
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