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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Kingdom Come Deliverance was also pretty good, but they were also going for hyper-realism there. I'll grit my teeth and bear whatever we get, but really hoping I don't have to suffer through the same three chopping animations for 120 hours ala TES
  2. His job at Obsidian is to advise on everything. He just happened to be a lot more involved in Pillars 1 and Deadfire and has publicly acknowledged that he was over-extended and bordering on burnout as a result. There are rumors that he's tinkering on a small project, but there's nothing in his role that requires him to be actively working on any one game at any time.
  3. ngl, I'm a little surprised that @Ethics Gradient hasn't translated the engraving on that blade yet. Some of the characters look similar to Aedryn (the "h" and "n" are pretty clear), but the rest look new.
  4. Bummer to see that it will be strictly first-person, but super excited to hear that there are still stories to tell in Eora
  5. Indeed. I think the last several time this question has come up, he's said that he's primarily focused on Design Director duties (i.e. reviewing work and making recommendations)
  6. So glad that you're not confusing facts and opinions on this one.
  7. Definitely throwing my support behind the first two on this list. Not sure the PoE class system will work if the game isn't party-based, so I'm open to whatever comes on that count.
  8. I wonder if any of Josh TT mechanics will become the basis for a classless character system.
  9. Could be wrong, but that crown looked unbroken to me. Could be pre-flame broiled Woedica. Yep, I'm definitely wrong Is that Aedryan Galawain at 0:29? Like that they snuck in a patch of adra next to his hip for the fans.
  10. Classless systems can be fun, but I would hate to see them completely supplant class-based games. Variety is a good thing
  11. The part where all the people who were pissed off that they didn't get to kill a god in the sequel miss out on killing several in the conclusion.
  12. Glad that helped! Regardless of which vein their next game takes, I'm super excited to see whatever Obsidian makes with a AAA budget behind them.
  13. IP is a legal term meaning "Intellectual Property". Arguably both D&D and Baldur's Gate are both IPs, where the latter is operating under a licensing agreement with the former. Within the gaming community though, I think it's fair to say that Baldur's Gate is a separate IP from Neverwinter Nights, even though they are both based on the same ruleset (D&D, yet another IP). Bethesda operates with small number of IPs because they like to play safe and make lots of money. Bioware experimented with lots of IPs (some of which took off and some didn't), so I'm not sure what you're referencing here. CDPR operates with only one (soon to be two) IP(s) because they were a software distribution company that semi-accidentally became a powerhouse game studio largely due to the fact that they put all of their eggs in one basket and then gold-plated both the egg and the basket. There's an old adage that one should never throw away good money after bad. I suspect this is where Obsidian currently stand with Pillars (which is sad because I liked Deadfire and would really like to see the end of the trilogy). The reality is that that the trajectory of the franchise makes the business case for part three a tough sell. So the smart move is to try something new. Which is what it sounds like they may be doing.
  14. Name a studio that only makes games for one IP. From a less cynical perspective, one could argue that games are art and developers are artists. Artists are creatives and just as painter would whither making copies of the same landscape for the rest of their lives, developers want to play in lots of sandboxes, rather than one. From a more cynical perspective, multiple IPs means multiple projects (and multiple project teams). This allows you to make money selling the newest installment of, say, Fallout this year and more money selling the latest iteration of, say, the Elder Scrolls series next year. More IPs = more money (and less risk).
  15. Not christmas, but let's see if it still works anyway: I have Steam keys for STASIS and CAYNE (Deluxe Content) https://store.steampowered.com/app/380150/STASIS/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/533670/CAYNE__DELUXE_CONTENT PM me if interested
  16. In the US, people convicted of rape face some sort of penalty from the judicial system (this has not happened to MCA). People who sexually harass others (what MCA *has* been accused of) are likely to lose their jobs (which may have happened to MCA in at least one case). People who gain a reputation of sexual harassment (again, what MCA *has* been accused of) are likely to find employers willing to work with them (this *has* happened to MCA). As stated by others above, you are blowing things out of proportion while arguing that others are blowing things out of proportion.
  17. Somewhere between "cancel culture" and "victim blaming" lies a space where people can and should be held accountable for their actions. It sounds as though MCA is doing a number on himself without anyone else's assistance. It sounds as though the man needs help. It sounds as though these women are due an apology. It's only an either/or proposition if we insist on making it one.
  18. Collector's edition details drop = release date is soon?
  19. Understood. FWIW, if you play games for the art form/narrative it might be worth your time to white-knuckle your way past the handful of robot dinos. John won Writers Guild of America Award for Achievement in Videogame Writing in 2017 and I think it was well-deserved.
  20. Didn't watch. Did have my fingers crossed for a HZD sequel announcement and was not disappointed. Looks like Obsidian-alum John Gonzalez is still spilling ink for Guerilla Games, so I'm hyped. Just need a release date now
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