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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Splinter Cell: CONVICTION It's Splinter Cell V, get it! GENIUS!
  2. Why? Because I don't equate the concepts of "best" and "favorite"? *is confused* Yes ... So Deus Ex is a better game, but you would rather play Morrowind? *is confused* Everyone knows Morrowind is a better game.
  3. What in the name of Zombie Jesus? Next thing you know, Infinity Ward will be making something that's not a World War II shooter!
  4. Throw in some rouge levels and you've got a crossdresser.
  5. Tale

    TV: Heroes

    Technically, only Uncle Ben stayed dead. But, he's got an evil alternate universe twin running around now.
  6. Tale

    TV: Heroes

    Comic books regularly have people turn out to be alive (or come back) even if you see the body.
  7. Tale

    Hi there!

    nevertheless, when the hint came out, i shuddered. on one hand i thought "wow, hades really has some intelligence to be able to impersonate his alter-ego as well as he does" and on the other i thought "what a cruel joke" and on the third hand (HHGtG i suppose) i thought "momma!" taks I am not an alter ego. I am an alter superego. Maybe an alter id. BWAAAHAHAAAHAHAA! Freud sucks.
  8. Tale

    Hi there!

    You scare me.
  9. Tale

    TV: Heroes

    I f'kin hate you.
  10. It's a Diablo clone, is there really a difference?
  11. 1) They say they don't plan on putting it on consoles. You don't appear to think consoles could handle the game. These two ideas agree with each other. Why does agreement frighten you? Are you one of those guys that complains when the restaurant gets your order right? I SAID MEDIUM WELL, THIS ISN'T RARE AT ALL! STOP PERSECUTING ME! 2) I don't see what makes you think a console can't handle that. I've seen more units in an average game of C&C 3 than I've seen in the videos for SC2 so far.
  12. I've been watching a good number of movies lately. Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Pan's Labyrinth Dawn of the Dead The Departed Now Playing Thank You for Smoking Coming Soon The Good Shepherd I've enjoyed them all (so far). The Departed was so good I think I should buy it (I only rented it).
  13. Can you explain that more? What, you design the dungeon yourself, then you go traipsing in it? You map it. As in you draw the map so you don't get lost. That's what I gather.
  14. I lack any form of aggression and desire for competition. I'm too laid back for that. Now, team matches in RTS games I enjoy.
  15. Rare dialogue choices when playing a fixed personality does not constitute roleplaying. Actually defining the entire personality of the character you play does. You don't get to do that.
  16. It's an adventure game. Not an RPG/adventure.
  17. I just about cried when I finished that game. Not because the ending was particularly sad, but because the series ended.
  18. I'm pretty sure Pirates of the Carribean is not a real next-gen Riddick.
  19. Man, these online quizzes only get worse. A magical weapon rack appears next to you? If that happens, I'm not going to pick a weapon, I'm going to start looking up psychiatrists.
  20. I'll take that bet.
  21. Since it's only the second game, it makes sense. Warcraft took until WC 3, Command and Conquer took until their third Tiberium universe game (technically their 5th depending on what timeline theory you subscribe to). No point in introducing new factions while you still have room to refine the stories and armies of the first factions.
  22. Just you. Fakefactory makes Alyx look like Michael Jackson.
  23. Ahh, the Fakefactory pack. They've always looked like crap. Higher res, crap style.
  24. Gameplay footage http://tvpot.daum.net/theme/ThemeView.do?t...amp;lu=m_mono_1
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