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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale


    We haven't seen him manipulate either of them. What we have seen is Richard work with Locke against Ben. This doesn't imply any form of manipulation.
  2. Nothing sick about it. They're training their kid to not be afraid of cobras. Important if you live in a country full of them and especially if you want him to inherit the family snake charming business.
  3. Tale


    He couldn't kill his father personally, but morally it is absolutely no different than putting him in a position where he dies easily. He's the villain of the Saw films in the way he murdered his father. Sawyer was merely a tool to that end, like the nerve gas Ben used.
  4. tears tears Comments are almost as funny as the video. I kind of pity the poor snake, though. He keeps looking towards the cameraman. The look on his face just screams "SAVE ME FROM THIS BABY!"
  5. Hopefully by then they'll fix the retarded system Bioware developed and have it actually be reminiscent of Star Wars. I refuse to accept that once races start exploring the galaxy, inhabiting other planets, engaging in trade in vessels capable of faster than light travel that everyone ends up fighting with swords again. Edit: By retarded I don't mean to imply that it was easy for them to see a more desirable solution. It's an age old problem in sci-fi RPGs, but it's especially silly in a licensed universe that doesn't have the problem in the original material.
  6. Will the upcoming PC-RPG be an actual RPG or another bad action RPG like Dungeon Siege?
  7. Tale


    This is kind of particularly skeptical in regards to a character we saw and heard on a show that regularly has paranormal events happen. And I don't see how Locke and Ben are complete opposites. They're very much alike, too much alike. Both are heavily neglected children who eventually kill their own father.
  8. Tale


    I like Pope's theory except about Jacob being the smoke.
  9. Tale


    Even their own heads? That's how Pizza the Hutt died.
  10. Does this mean we should take him out back?
  11. I agree with this fellow. Here's to hoping it is fixed in a future (soon!) patch.
  12. Washington D.C. after another Republican presidential celebration party... fixed EDIT: i don't know much about both US partys, i just don't like Judge Hades making a political debate or a disaster or both of anything Republicans? They are way too conservative to have a wild party that would ransack the capital. Come on now. Republicans are the PC while the Democrats are the Mac. Are you saying that Republicans are well rounded between productivity and leisure while Democrats posture, make false claims, and ultimately do nothing of use? I had no idea you had such a poor opinion of Democrats.
  13. I keep seeing the term SPECIAL thrown around. I'm not all up and down on the ling-o, so I don't know the specifics of what SPECIAL is. I was under the impression that SPECIAL was the system the game used. Which included everything from the stats, skills, and turn based mechanics. What is SPECIAL? Also, if it transitioned to first person view, wouldn't the combat have to be more like Deus Ex or Bloodlines (if it used stats at all, that is) as well?
  14. I wouldn't get my hopes up for this game living up to the name Fallout 3 simply by virtue of how I perceive the modern game market. Fallout 3, to live up to the name, would require either a repetition of certain shared characteristics of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 or a reasonable evolution of those very same characteristics. This includes the setting, atmosphere, and mechanics. Setting is the post-apocalyptic world and I believe that is very much accomplish able. Atmosphere is things like the humor and the mood the game evokes beyond the setting. Mechanics is the stat system and the turn based combat. It is mechanics I think the problem will be present. I have doubts that the game market, as it exists today, would be sufficiently receptive to a turn based RPG as to make that game a success. I also doubt that there is a reasonable evolution of the mechanics possible that would be sufficiently recieved. And I also think Bethesda likely agrees. Of course, this is only my opinion of the market and an assumption about Bethesda. Ultimately it would only come down to whether Bethesda agrees or not. With just the setting and atmosphere, would Fallout 3 fit my criteria of a successor? No. Would it fit my criteria of a spin-off? Most definitely. Wouldn't even need the humor in that case. Is it likely to be an awesome game? Damned if I know, I can only hope that regardless of whether or not it has my three criteria of a successor that it is fun.
  15. Tale


    How do you accelerate AT the speed of light? Do you mean to?
  16. What degrees do they have and what do they do? My mom and my sister are clinical psychologists, although my sister specializes in children. My dad just has the degree, he never really did anything with it. What about you? In case you all are wondering, this is totally on topic. I'm about to get my BA. 2.9 GPA, so I'm just barely *bleeped* for grad school (and I didn't look into applying until after the cutoff date, anyway). I'm going to try to get some work experience before applying now. Don't know what I'm going to do, but I want to try something that has me working with ADHD kids, if at all possible. Of course, I don't know of any places that specialize in helping ADHD kids, so that's more of a "what I'd like to do" than what I'm likely to end up doing. Main reason I asked is because I have no clue what I can do with a BA.
  17. What degrees do they have and what do they do?
  18. 90% of a shrinks job is common sense and being willing to say things nobody else wants to, the other 10% is bull****. Common sense is a combination of hindsight bias, after the fact justification, and mass cliches. Don't confuse radio or television show doctors for psychologists.
  19. Tale


    How about pork brains with milk gravy?
  20. Tale


    I haven't had spam since I was a child. Though, on rare occasion I do enjoy vienna sausages. I haven't had those in 6 years. And that's the history of me and canned meat.
  21. They still need to fix touch attacks not applying sneak attacks!
  22. Wouldn't the name of the game be required for it to be considered announced?
  23. If we kidnap her, just let me keep her. I'm sure I could put her to work.
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